[Server] ;If you cannot figure it out then join the MPF Discord @ https://multiplayerforums.com/discord ; ;Config is the configuration file the server looks for in the data folder, default is svrcfg_cnc.ini Config = svrcfg_cnc.ini ;server type can be GameSpy, WOL or LAN ;Nickname, Password and Serial must be valid serials for use in XWIS/WOL mode ;LAN and GameSpy mode don't require a valid login or serial GameType = GameSpy Nickname= MPFGAMES Password = MPFGAMES Serial = 1337 ;server configuration ;Default game port is 4848 ;Default gamespy port is 4848 - note that Port and GamespyPort must be the same ports ;Default gamespy query port is 25300 ;The ports can be anything you want as long as you configure access in firewalls and routers consult your firewall or router manual how to do this. LoginServer = USA Server Port = 4849 GameSpyGamePort = 4849 GameSpyQueryPort = 15009 ;Here your server upstream bandwidth is determined. Enter your upstream bandwidth here if you know what speed it is. ;NetUpdateRate determines how often per second a client is updated with new data. Setting this too high (maximum 30) ;may result in lag if you server's upstream bandwidth is not high enough. Unless you have a good connection it is recommended ;to keep this value between 15 and 30. 30 will work best on 100mbit servers. BandwidthUp = 100000000 NetUpdateRate = 30 ;If you want to enable (remote) administration on your server or run (BRen)bots you will need to AllowRemoteAdmin. ;The default (for configuration in conjunction with BRenBot 4.0 Edition) is that you take the server's port number ;and add +1 to it. 4848+1=4849 would be our RemoteAdminPort. ;You do not require to open this port in the firewall as BRenBot accesses the port locally. AllowRemoteAdmin = true RemoteAdminPassword=boguspw7 RemoteAdminIP= RemoteAdminPort=1338 ;A few special and anticheat settings were added in 4.0 ;NoGameplayPending allows you to enable gameplay while there is only 1 player in the server. Useful for Coop servers. ;AntiCheatEnabled is turned on by default and blocks various cheats on the server. Note that some anticheat functions ;require the client to be running 4.0. ;You can also block the secret extras which are available in unladdered games. ;A simple PT check is also enabled by default. It checks how far away a player was at the time of a purchase and block ;the purchase if it exceeded the treshold of 5 meters default. NoGameplayPending=true AntiCheatEnabled=true BlockSecretPurchases=false ; Set IsPTCheckEnabled to false when your server has maps with custom purchase terminal objects IsPTCheckEnabled=true PTDistanceThreshold=5 ;Set this to false to not send kill messages for clients running scripts versions >= 2.9 (so you can send custom kill messages to those players) SendPlayerKillsToNewClients=true ;Set this to true to disable camera screen shakes. Only disables them for >= 4.0 players DisableCameraShake=false ;End of the server.ini configuration file. ;If you have trouble setting up your server you may find some help in the #tt channel on irc.n00bstories.com