[Server] ;Config is the configuration file the server looks for in the data folder, default is svrcfg_cnc.ini Config = APB_Public.ini LoginServer = USA Server ;server configuration ;Default game port is 4848 ;Default gamespy port is 4848 - note that Port and GamespyPort must be the same ports ;Default gamespy query port is 25300 ;The ports can be anything you want as long as you configure access in firewalls and routers consult your firewall or router manual how to do this. ;block the gamespyqueryport that is set here on your firewall and use the one set in gamespy.xml in the brenbot/plugins folder else the server won't show up properly on the launcher Port = 7845 GameSpyGamePort = 7845 GameSpyQueryPort = 2000 ;Here your server upstream bandwidth is determined. Enter your upstream bandwidth here if you know what speed it is. ;NetUpdateRate determines how often per second a client is updated with new data. Setting this too high (maximum 30) ;may result in lag if you server's upstream bandwidth is not high enough. Unless you have a good connection it is recommended ;to keep this value between 15 and 30. 30 will work best on 100mbit servers. BandwidthUp = 104857600 NetUpdateRate = 30 ;If you want to enable (remote) administration on your server or run (BRen)bots you will need to AllowRemoteAdmin. ;The default (for configuration in conjunction with BRenBot 4.0 Edition) is that you take the server's port number ;and add +1 to it. 4848+1=4849 would be our RemoteAdminPort. ;You do not require to open this port in the firewall as BRenBot accesses the port locally. ;SO please don't have this port open just like the port in SSGM.ini else people WILL be able to connect to the server threw that port and use admin commands(especially with the ssgm one). AllowRemoteAdmin = true RemoteAdminPassword = password RemoteAdminIP = RemoteAdminPort = 10028 ;A few special and anticheat settings were added in 4.0 ;NoGameplayPending allows you to enable gameplay while there is only 1 player in the server. Useful for Coop servers. ;AntiCheatEnabled is turned on by default and blocks various cheats on the server. Note that some anticheat functions ;require the client to be running 4.0. ;You can also block the secret extras which are available in unladdered games. ;A simple PT check is also enabled by default. It checks how far away a player was at the time of a purchase and block ;the purchase if it exceeded the treshold of 5 meters default. NoGameplayPending=true AntiCheatEnabled=true BlockSecretPurchases=false IsPTCheckEnabled=true PTDistanceThreshold=5