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Posts posted by Coolrock

  1. 7 hours ago, FRAYDO said:

    That looks absolutely peaceful, tending to a garden like that. If I wasn't living in these apartments, I would so be on that. My housing situation may change soon, and should that be I should definitely get on some gardening. It seems it would be quite calming for the mind.

    It’s calming when the sun doesn’t burn it up! I do enjoy it though. It’s nice to see when you leave and come home from a long day of work. Nothing says, “Welcome Home” more than something you did with your own two hands :)

  2. 2 hours ago, Pushwall said:


    I appreciate the history lesson! Should help anyone else who's curious to know.


    1 hour ago, Raap said:

    Yes, waffles taste great, I agree.

    As for the MiG, I hope it gets paired with the new lock-on mechanic, it will make it feel VERY "this isn't W3D anymore?!".

    I hope so also, as it moves pretty fast right now. Still too early be worried about for the time being!

  3. 12 hours ago, FRAYDO said:

    It's the most satisfying feeling witnessing things like this. Pushing the W3D engine's boundaries and making the impossible possible. The team here really does amazing work.

    The game has come a long way. I can't imagine how the reactions would've been years ago from people who said it couldn't be done.

    7 hours ago, Bayonetta said:

    So? Goal is? you fire missiles and have to return to the airfield to reload?

    Still shocked what you guys managed to pull off with the engine. Maybe i'm out of the loop, but what causes this to be possible? Is it the scripts 2.0 or something, or am i too old?

    Exactly like it was in Red Alert. It's main purpose would be a hard counter to the Allied Cruiser once that's in-game (?).

    As far as how it's possible, @Pushwallwould probably be the person to explain that.

    7 hours ago, delta said:

    Wait so does the MiG exist in the game code right now? Can the admins spawn them for us to play around with the next time we have one of those "just screwin' around" sessions? :dance:

    A few nights ago, Silverlight had actually spawned a few for players to try out. You'll have to bug him next time you see him in a not-so-serious match :v

    1 hour ago, des1206 said:

    Wonderful guys, just wondreful. I really thank the dev team for bringing my childhood favorite game to life here.

    The kind words go a long way. It means a lot to the team, I promise :)

  4. 13 minutes ago, Raap said:

    I imagine when you asked Sir Phoenix for a MiG model, his first reaction most likely was an assumption that the unreal engine switch actually happened.

    Back in 1977, airplanes in W3D became the front-line meme (in a time before memes were memes) for "nice things we will never get, because reasons".

    He was actually very surprised when I asked for it. He was still around when we decided not to switch engines. Things just got lost over time. 

    Funny enough, if you check his deviantart page, he talks about the MiG, Yak, and Badger Bomber being all beacon based since it’s “not possible” to have them be flown on the W3D engine. Boy, did we prove everyone wrong! :v

  5. 26 minutes ago, des1206 said:

    Oops I can't believe I forgot Ra2! But those units are not tanky (very easy to kill), and their long "phase out" time self-balances.

    While a bit tanky here compared to how they were in Red Alert, they also don’t level buildings quickly. On top of that, you can’t have huge amounts of them since this isn’t an RTS. Keep in mind that due to the huge price tag, losing one is crippling to the Allies. It’s not something you want to blindly rush in with, which 80% of the time is exactly what they’re used for right now. 

  6. 6 hours ago, Ice said:

    I don't get what some people's problem is with infantry-only and nonstandard-gameplay maps. Personally I find only ever playing one game-mode to be very repetitive and draining, and it's nice to mix it up with other gameplay styles where you're not just constantly trying to destroy the enemy base again and again.

    I think the problem is more infantry only maps have been added, or made more complex then they needed to be.

    I see people complaining about maps like FoI and Fissure, but those maps never got players to 'empty the server' back in the day. They were fun and quick games with only 1-2 paths to take. It was also a great way to help players get better at infantry fights. Classic Fissure was 80% about taking the middle of the map, while a few lucky players might sneak to the side path and wipe half a team not paying attention to the radar. Classic FoI was about the same, but the fog and not knowing what you'll find made the map great. The ghost soldier were added later on, and while pretty neat at the time, were slightly annoying (I actually remember testing the map before release, and they could actually deal damage :v).

    The Ant map is pretty cool also, but I'd honestly like to see them on a map with bases. Possibly as a harassment that attacks both bases randomly. The current infantry only map just doesn't rub me right. I don't really enjoy maps where you can get spawn camped, and has so much cover that most times it's impossible to actually hit people. Just my opinion, of course.

    Geez, we really do enjoy hijacking topics and talking about anything that comes to mind :sweatdrop:

  7. 2 minutes ago, des1206 said:

    Guys, are we getting off topic with the APC discussion?

    No one is worried about a powerful, decently armored, teleport almost anywhere tank messing up gameplay? In the hands of a good player, the CT will almost never die since they can just retreat if they time things well. There was a reason no C&C game since Ra1 has included a long range teleport unit for balance concerns. If you ask me, the key problem lie with retreating and we need to prevent the CT from teleporting out of a battle anytime its health is low. 

    Discussion just happens anywhere. Don't worry too much about it.

    I don't think the Chrono Tank is "messing up gameplay", as I've yet to see them be used in a way I thought they'd be used. They're meant to be a hit and run vehicle currently. Almost any 2v1 situation should destroy a Chrono Tank. Every time they teleport back to base, they're using money to repair the tank. If they have a Mechanic on the other hand, that's a different story.

    As far as teleporting units in C&C games...

    latest?cb=20120125204138 latest?cb=20080606202757


  8. 14 minutes ago, Ice said:

    I agree. Personally I don't want the APC to have a 360 degree turret. Not only would this give it more overlap with the Ranger, but it would also put the unit further away from its RA counterpart (which could only fire forwards) as well as not making sense from a realism/practical standpoint (the way the gun is mounted, combined with how boxy the vehicle is, should make effectively aiming towards the rear physically impossible, and allowing it to shoot through its own rear end like it did in certain previous versions of APB just looks ridiculous).

    180 degrees is sufficient IMO, maybe even allowing up to 270, but it should NOT have a full 360 traverse.

    Thank you for explaining it :clap:

    I’d also like to add that if you start your turn before they pass over, you won’t have an issue. You have plenty of time to take them out already. They aren’t that much of a threat that you need to start tweaking other things. 

  9. 1 hour ago, OWA said:

    Battlefield V, Two Point Hospital and the final DLC for Hollow Knight!

    Maybe Red Dead 2 if the multiplayer is fun. I'm really into Sea of Thieves right now which is super emergent. I'd love something like that to scratch that cowboy itch.

    I really need to try Sea of Thieves still. I just hate the fast that I can lose so much, since I don't have much time to invest anymore into a game.

    I do hope the multiplayer for Red Dead is good. I got tired of GTA V online pretty fast after completing every heist with some friends.

  10. As of right now, whenever I see them, they almost always run away when they take about half their armor in damage. Nobody wants to lose a $2400 unit. I think it should get a slight damage boost to buildings.

    Most of the time they get destroyed too fast to even care about. Normally when you see one, two or more people are already engaging it. They warp away and that's it. That's just what you're going to get without coordinating with your team. I used it in one match so far where I was able to warp behind the WF with a Tanya. I haven't seen anyone really use it in that stance, which is probably good considering you didn't want it used that way.

    Warp range being up could be good, but I thought it was plenty as it is already. Some maps you can drive into range of the Soviet base within less than a minute, and pop right in. 

  11. I mainly enjoy it because it got the price lowered on the Phase Tank!

    In all seriousness, I haven't seen it used yet the way I would've expected. I've seen random people use it just to get into the enemy base, but not a swarm to take a building down. I haven't had a lot of time to play much, so maybe I've just missed it.

  12. 15 hours ago, neko soldier said:

    List of things that can kill the mood for Pokemon Let's Go: Pokemon Go capture system instead battling wild Pokemon, $60 instead of $40 because Switch, and having to capture the required Pokemon to challenge a gym.

    As for me, My Hero Academia and Spyro Reignited Trilogy, as well as Digimon Survive and Kill la Kill for next year.

    I can't say anything against it, because I just enjoy Pokemon too much. It's also an excuse to get my girlfriend to play with me!

    14 hours ago, FRAYDO said:



    I'm excited for this also! Spent way too many hours on it.

    4 hours ago, Inferno said:

    Am I a casual if I say "none"?


    4 hours ago, NodGuy said:

    Battlefield V is a game I’m excited for. I’ve been playing this series since Battlefield 1942 and I’m excited to see them go back to the World War Two setting. I just hope it’s not too much like Battlefield 1 (2016) because that game was boring as fuck. 

    I was excited for Black Ops 4 but after playing the beta I cancelled the pre-order. It was terrible, which is a shame because I enjoyed the previous Black Ops games. Maybe it’ll get better after launch, but I’m not counting on that. 

    I'm the same way. I enjoyed Call Of Duty games only because most of the time all my friends get it. This is the first one that we're all skipping. Just not a fan of where the game went.

  13. As of this point, I'm currently waiting for Starlink: Battle for Atlas, Pokemon: Let's Go!, Dragon Quest IX, and Battlefield V. Probably most excited for Pokemon: Let's Go!, since it brings back great memories, and I've spent a lot of time on Pokemon Go in the past. Starlink being next, since I'll be getting it for the Nintendo Switch, which also means getting a pretty sweet Arwing and Fox McCloud. Dragon Quest IX because I just love RPGs and enjoy stories way too much (and grinding for hours for no reason). Battlefield V because it's one of my favorite eras in history, and I know a lot of people getting it :v

  14. 1 hour ago, OWA said:

    I've been thinking of a drop down box in the profile settings that will allow you to choose a unit as your favourite and show it off to everyone. That way we can have units from all of the games without leaning a bias towards any game in particular. CNCNZ does something similar by letting you pick your favourite C&c game and displaying it on your profile, so something similar here would be pretty fun to have.

    I actually miss the Allie/Soviet logo next to peoples names.

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