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Posts posted by OrangeP47

  1. Well, at this time, I can't make a decision, but I'm going to be gone until about an hour before hammer. I'll make an executive decision then. I'm not quite sure exactly how much time I'll have before hammer because I'm going to be pretty busy tomorrow but I'll make an effort to be here.  I don't want to stir things with the ILTS/FRAYDO slot until he's settled in, but I hope someone can carry the torch there while I'm at work tomorrow.  Preferably Cat 5, because I can't properly evaluate him if he's just gonna be on my case the entire time. That's not good for gamestate.  I could muse a bit more, but I don't want to get ahead of ourselves talking about what we need to do as the next step or the step after that when we don't know what the result of these next 12 hours are going to be.  It's a shame I can't be here to be a bit more reactive if something interesting pops up in any convo in real time.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Shade939 said:

    I'd prefer to use the stronger word need instead of want.

    I'm betting Irish didn't throw a single scum role in the game given how difficult those are to balance. So this is likely one of only two days we get a chance to lynch scum.

    Have I ever told you how there's no such thing as free will and the fate of the universe is deterministic.

  3. 14 hours ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    Being visited by a bunch of people shouldn't be a concern unless you are scum and are worried about the potential results. Being visited by others is usually a good thing, when town-aligned (barring the obvious risk that the visitor is the NK, but then your concerns are over)

    My thinking is that scum thought that Jeod was Herlock Sholmes and had a cop role, or Orange is scum and was concerned about the amount of tunnelling that Jeod was doing on Orange.

    Honestly if you think I thought Jeod was gonna Uber town and killed him for that reason, it makes sense why you'd tunnel me, because I did absolutely think Jeod was gonna Uber town. I'm just not scum, so I didn't kill him.  I was actually trying to deflect from engaging with Jeod to a degree BECAUSE I didn't want to draw attention to him, but Jeod being Mr Spotlight as he is just wouldn't leave it alone, but I mean, it takes two to tango, so I'm guilty as charged too when it comes to putting the spotlight on him as well, at least to a degree, because I just can't let things go.  But I'm not scum, I'm just an attention whore.

    Pre this post I was gonna just call you a tunnler, because it's what I was thinking last night but I was really too tired to get in an argument, but after reading the elaboration I can at least see a town-mindset as being present.

    If I had to call someone out ATM it'd probably be ILTS as residual from the "actually flip flopping on meta", but I think we all know how that conversation is going to go without actually needing to have it, so I'll let KY drive the bus if he wants it (plus, as I said, I'm really inactive during the weekdays, despite yesterday.  I basically was too tired to actually do what I wanted last night so I decided to shitpost, don't expect a repeat of that).

  4. Just now, OrangeP47 said:

    Like if I'm scum, why would Retal cover for me out of the goodness of heart? I mean really, every single scum accusation anyone has leveled at me (Retal included) REQUIRES the scum team to be Me+Retal.  The same is true of any scum accusation leveled at Retal, including those made by me (which I've pointed out the absurdity of.

    You cannot unlink us.

    There is no logical world where either Retal or myself is scum without the other, anyone making such an argument shouldn't be playing this game.  I'll go so far to say if Retal is the scum, I'll retire.

  5. Just now, OrangeP47 said:

    Couldn't Retal, you know, disprove that?

    Like if I'm scum, why would Retal cover for me out of the goodness of heart? I mean really, every single scum accusation anyone has leveled at me (Retal included) REQUIRES the scum team to be Me+Retal.  The same is true of any scum accusation leveled at Retal, including those made by me (which I've pointed out the absurdity of.

    You cannot unlink us.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Shade939 said:

    So yeah, considering that role abilities probably aren't being revealed upon death, that does require players to actually communicate about them ahead of time if they want to get any use out of them in order to help track down Scum.

    Being vague about an ability, really isn't going to help us out if you die before you can reveal more information about it.

    I've literally already said what I do but apparently nobody even saw it or cared (It was immediately after Retal Evil Eyesed me)

  7. 1 minute ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

    I'm wondering why you said it would be "Fortunate" for me that you might be able to confirm yourself, if you don't know what my alignment is?

    I don't really want to get into details on why I suspect you, but I think you have a behavior you fall in to when scum and I think you've been doing it.

    I only have one behavior regardless of if I'm town or scum.

    But as for that wording TBH I was just being a sarcastic ass because it's about all I can muster right now and it's kinda my thing and Jeod died so I can't sass him. (Don't @ me Shade)

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