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Posts posted by OWA

  1. Talking about the Chrono Miner only being able to carry half the load of a war miner, will there be maps with the Ore Purifier that will allow equal loads? Or will it work like APB's silos ?

    We'll have to discuss it first, since that hasn'nt been talk about at all.


    nice blog but yeah in RA2 the harrier couldn't land on the SD, but repaired (though very slow) on the ACHQ, or is it gonna be free slow reps on the ACHQ then and then fast rep on SD but cost money?, also can a IFV+engi then rep a harrier that have landed on either the ACHQ or SD maybe both maybe only one of them?

    Yeah, you'll be able to repair Harriers using a Repair IFV. The Service Depot idea is still rather rough, so we don't know whether we'll use it or not.

  2. Nice blog, but I have a few issues with it


    1- SEAL model- I thought you were going to change the ugly helmet. SEALs didn't seem to wear helmets in RA2.

    2- A Conscript killing a SEAL resulted in being promoted to Elite in YR; I could of sworn seeing danpaul drop 2 SEALs with his Conscript

    3- God damnit I forgot #3. Like the walls btw, dont care for the cel-shading


    EDIT- May I bump the RA2:AR Open Debate thread. I have some questions.

    1- We had a hat version, but then the guy who did it went AWOL and we never saw the hat texture come our way.

    2- See below.

    3- Thanks.


    About the debate thread, sure you may bump it. cfehunter is going to re-vamp the FAQ soon though.


    AR promotion requirements are not the same as RA2. Porting stuff like that straight from an RTS does not balance well in an FPS. Also the amount of veterancy points you get for killing them depends on how much health they had to begin with...

    So in other words, it's a better system for the FPS perspective than the original would have been.

  3. Welcome to this week's blog. After this week, you can expect a little more dedication from me, as I will have finished college for good! But enough of this! Let's blog!


    <h3>Mod Overview #2: Vehicles</h3>

    Here we go, I've discussed the infantry units in depth, so here we go! The vehicle overview.


    Now, vehicles will be constructed in the war factory and will drive out of the big doors, just like in RA2, but also intersting is the way that aircraft are build in the war factory. they will fly out of the top of the factory as the top doors open out. The Nighthawk transport (and later the Kirov Airship and Siege Chopper) will use this to make a grand entrance to the game world.


    Now let me tell you a few things about vehicles!


    <h4>Allied Vehicles</h4>

    Chrono Miner

    Cost: 1400

    Primary Weapon: N/A

    Description: The Chrono Miner uses the time-warp technology, brought through by the development of the chronosphere, to bring back ore as quickly and efficiently as possible. However, the equipment used to warp the Chrono Miner back to the refinery is quite bulky, therefore the unit can only hold half the ore that the soviet War Miner can. Chrono Miners cannot be promoted.

    Operation: To warp the Chrono Miner back to the refinery at anytime, click either of the mouse buttons.


    Grizzly Battle Tank

    Cost: 700

    Primary Weapon: 105mm Cannon

    Description: Capable at both offense and defense the Grizzly is the standard, all-purpose Allied tank. It has fairly decent armour and is very fast on it's treads, allowing it to be a great vehicle to use for hit-and-run tactics.


    IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle)

    Cost: 600

    Primary Weapon: Transforming Turret

    Description: The IFV is the most versatile vehicle on the battlefield (except for the Battle Fortress), it is also one of the fastest. The IFV has the neat ability to change it's turret based on which infantry class is put inside of it, allowing for a unit that has the potential to adapt to any situation on the battlefield.

    Operation: You buy an IFV and enter it with, for example, a GI. The turret stays as the default, rocket turret until you push "Q" initiating the transformation sequence. In this period, your IFV is still mobile, but it cannot return fire. The transformation sequence takes around 10 seconds to complete. Then you have your unique infantry turret, more about this below. To defualt back to the rocket turret, you push "Q" again and your IFV goes through the transformation sequence once again (around 10 seconds). We hope that this system will make the IFV as versatile as possible without making the unit too absurdly adaptable in the heat of battle.


    IFV Combos


    IFV + Technician = Nothing

    IFV + Engineer = Repair IFV (Tanks and possibly buildings)


    IFV + GI = Machine Gun IFV

    IFV + Guardian GI = Stronger Rocket IFV

    IFV + Rocketeer = Rocketeer Gun IFV

    IFV + SEAL = Machine Gun IFV (super effective vs infantry)


    IFV + Conscript = Machine Gun IFV

    IFV + Flak Trooper = Flak Cannon IFV

    IFV + Tesla Trooper = Tesla IFV (reminicient of RA1's Tesla Tank)

    IFV + Crazy Ivan = Demo IFV


    Nighthawk Transport

    Cost: 1000

    Primary Weapon: M197 Gatling Gun

    Description: The Nighthawk is a massive, twin-rotor helicopter that is used for transporting infantry around the battlefield quickly. This puts the Allies at an advantage when moving between islands and such. Since the Nighthawk is so big, it is highly vulnerable to enemy AA fire. The Nighthawk can carry 5 infantry and a single driver (not final yet, the number needs to be tested). The minigun is effective against infantry and lightly armoured targets, pity that the Soviets aren't that fond of light armour eh :)



    Cost: 1200

    Primary Weapon: Maverick Missiles

    Description: This swift VTOL attack jet is effective at hit-and-run attacks against enemy installations, striking with four maverick missiles. when this unit is bought, it rises up from the depths of the air force command headquarters, making a grand entrance.

    Operation: The Harrier isn't designed to land anywhere but the ACFHQ. How we will limit this is still unknown, what we do know is that the Harrier will only be able to deploy it's landing gear when over the ACFHQ's landing pad, where it also refills it's missile payload. We may also let it land onto the Allied Service Depot for repairs.


    <h4>Soviet Vehicles</h4>

    War Miner

    Cost: 1400

    Primary Weapon: Turreted Machine Gun, 120mm Cannon

    Description: Unlike he Chrono Miner, the war miner has a turreted machine gun which can be used to mow down infantry. Once a War Miner has been fully promoted, it gains a weapon that is similar to that of the Rhino Tank.


    Rhino Heavy Tank

    Cost: 900

    Primary Weapon: 120mm Cannon

    Description: The Rhino Tank is the Soviet's main battle tank. It is fairly slow, but pretty durable, with good firepower. It is the Soviet tank of choice when opting for a nicely balanced tank with which to attack and defend against enemy armour.


    Flak Track

    Cost: 500

    Primary Weapon: Flak Cannon

    Description: The Flak Track is a fast APC-type unit that is effective against enemy infantry and aircraft. The primary firing mode shoots out a big ball of flak, in an arc, that is used to take on ground units, which has a fair amount of splash damage. The secondary firing mode is a fast, clustered, straight flak shot that is effective at taking down aircraft and rocketeers. Think of the unit as a powerful flak trooper on tracks. A group of Flak Tracks is the Allied Air Force's worst nightmare. The Flak Track can carry 5 infantry and a single driver (not final yet, the number needs to be tested).


    V3 Rocket Launcher

    Cost: 800

    Primary Weapon: V3 Rocket

    Description: The V3 Rocket Launcher can launch V3 missiles at a long range. These rockets are slow, but devastating against enemy structures. The V3 is fairly slow, so make sure to support it when raiding the enemy base. The V3 fire's it's rocket in an arc. watch out though, since the rocket can be shot down by enemy AA fire.

    Operation: To fix the aiming problem that Renegade has, we have come up with a solution. To aim the rocket on the vertical axis, you need to use keys (probaly + and -) to set the V3 launching rack to the desired height. This will allow your camera to become free to look around and check your trajectory, making aiming easier.


    Terror Drone

    Cost: 500

    Primary Weapon: Drone Jump

    Description: The Terror Drone is a cybernetic, spider-like, Soviet unit that scurries across the battlefield at great speeds. To attack, it launches itself at enemy tanks, jumping inside of them and internally dismantling them. Terror Drones cannot function without a Radar Tower. Allies can purge their vehicles of Terror Drones by repairing their vehicles on the Service Depot or with Repair IFVs.

    Operation: The Terror Drone is bought using a terminal in the Soviet Radar Tower. The operator stands at the terminal and controls the terror drone via remote control. The operator can be killed whilst controlling the Terror Drone. If this happens, the Terror Drone will go offline until control is resumed. If the base goes into low power, the Terror Drone is unaffected due to it's onboard batteries and the backup generator for the terminals (and Spy Plane controls) at the Radar Tower.


    <h3>Sounds just like people getting shot!</h3>

    danpaul88 has just whipped up some new scripts that allow us to make twiddlers for individual unit sounds, such as dying, being shot and more! Check out these videos he recorded of each's faction's current sounds!




    Hey! Listen!: Click the Soviet icon for the Soviet faction video and the Allied icon for the Allied faction video. (Thanks for the icons k1llz0ne ^_^)


    Note: grunt_grunt.wav (the uuunnngh sound) will be taken out. It'll be so much better without it.


    <h3>As Night Falls...</h3>

    dtrngd has been playing around in level edit and has found a lovely lighting setting that emulates RA2 quite nicely. As most of you probably remember, at night, the lighting on RA2 went rather blue. So, instead of the bland Renegade Night setting, we have this nice, cold, eerie blue night, which will feature in all most of (if not all of) AR's night based maps. Comparisons with Renegade are shown below!



    Renegade Night


    Apocalypse Rising Night


    <h3>Walled In</h3>

    I've recently been adapting the model for the Soviet Walls, that I recieved from TheKGBspy. Besides a few scaling issues, this is the final model for the Soviet Walls that you will see ingame. renders in normal clay and cel shading (which I have an announcement to make about in a future blog)!




    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    My last exam is on Friday! Yay! To celebrate, we are all going into town to see Pendulum! (Don't know how they managed to get them to play, but hey 'sall good).


    cfehunter has been working on his coursework and has nearly finished for the academic year!


    dtrngd has spent his time slaying Chevy787 and then being slayed back. Oh yeah, he has also been mapping too!


    Chevy787 has gone to the beach for 3 days (to escape from dtrngd and his sword :) ), so he'll be back soon. Pray that he does not get captured by pirates. I heard they like to stalk beaches.


    TheBeerinator graduated a while back, but I forgot to mention it. Congratulations man! :D


    Tankmaster has been building our release installer. It's plain awesome and I think you guys will love it.


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    Since I love the Metal Gear Solid games, it is time to put your controller on the floor. No tricks, this is true power.


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>


    <h3>The End</h3>

    Time to return to the spirits of the forest.


    I bid you farewell for now.

  4. Well as you guys know, last week I asked if you had any pressing questions that you wanted to ask. You guys replied with a healthy amount of questions that I have answered, but not in a textual format.


    <h3>Answers to questions</h3>

    So yeah, I got together with Lord_Kane and Eggman891 (who did the recording) and made a sort of podcast featuring all of your questions :D


    So yes, every question is answered in this podcast, with questions asked by Lord_Kane and answered by me.


    All I can really say is that I hope you enjoy and are satisfied with this feature ^_^



    <h3>Shootable Projectiles</h3>

    This has been a topic of much debate in the past, so I am pleased to announce that the first stage in the development of this new feature has been achieved.


    V3 missiles can now be shot down mid-flight. If you don't believe me, take a look at the screenshots below.


    Kudos to BogdanV for this awesome new devlopment! (You can kind of guess what kind of warhead preset we used by looking at the name of the missile as depicted in the images.)





    <h3>Desert Camo on Dune Patrol</h3>

    Here are a few images of the desert flavoured Rhino Tank and V3 Launcher (V3 camo not final) on Dune Patrol, as well as a shot of the pillbox ingame (this is still rough in it's design, so feel free to comment. The sandbags are being changed). I took a few nice screenies with the new spectator character to wet your appetites for destruction.






    Snow flavour next week!


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    My exams are over on the 20th! We shall rejoice (in the coming oblivion) then!


    danpaul88 has been pretty busy recently, so changes to the testing client have slowed down for now, the summer will hopefully yield a lot of work from us all :)


    dtrngd has been working on a new, original map called Freezing Straits.


    Soviet_Deso offered to work on some new, 3d faction logos for us. Cheers man!


    Saberhawk's cartoon-based shader is back on the cards. Expect graphics that look a little like TF2's appearing soon.


    DannyCon passed the harrier model onto me. Apparently he has been incredibly busy lately.


    <h3>OWA's Random Section</h3>

    Natural Hallucinogen anyone?


    Protip: Don't try this if you suffer from epilepsy or similar.


    <center><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></center>


    See the walls melting? That's trippy maaan :)



    I think we should drawn them now.


    Good day.

  5. I have a big exam tommorrow so I won't have time to write you guys a full blog this week. So instead I'll take a leaf from Chronojam's book and open it up to a full Q&A session.


    <h3>Ask away!</h3>

    Ask any question you like related on any aspect of AR and I'll be happy to answer it.


    (Testers, don't answer the questions that have been asked in this topic or you'll get an e-slap).


    I'll answer the questions in the next blog!


    <h3>Toilet/Bog/W.C/Portaloo etc.</h3>

    Poggel modelled up a portaloo to use on our maps (desert version to follow). This will be garrisonable using some nifty tricks!


    Check it out!


    Click on the images for cooler images.


    <h3>Cut Short</h3>

    This month is end boss month.


    Don't forget to ask questions!

  6. brilliant work here guys. just one thought being a webmaster myself. Wont separating APB and AR slow down traffic for both sites? Most of the staff are working on both projects. A seperate front page for AR would work but having a second set of forums is not a good idea. Good luck with whatever choices you make but just keep traffic and community in mind!

    so far I understood it will be same forums just a seperate homepage

    Yeah, same forum, differant homepages.

  7. This is the mod to end all mods. I can hardly handle how insanely epic this is gonna be!

    buuuuuuut one question...you say engineers will be able to capture buildings, yes? is this only tech structures, or enemy structures as well? and if you can capture enemy structures, will there be some sort of tactical advantage to it?


    ...i guess that was technically 3 questions...



    Tech structures only. capturing enemy structures isn't that feasible, as you can't sell them or build more big structures (in the case of the conyard).


    Ooops, I forgot! Why not renaming Tesla Trooper's weapon Tesla Gauntlet instead of "glove"?

    That's the word I was looking for! Thankyou!


    question - if the Soviets steal a battle fortress will there units work in it or will the allies weapons stay intact?

    Sorry about that WallYWooD, I must have missed your post :D


    Load it with soviet infantry and watch the motherland wreak havoc!

  8. But I have sworn I've said some of this in the past- its your mod/standalone/game/whatever, and your choice to be true to RA2, or have Rocketeers raining explosives upon bomb lobbing Conscripts.

    I'll get a video for the next blog or something that shows the rocketeer's firing mode, then you can judge for yourself.

  9. Dang, Ive been waiting for this and finally! :)


    I'd say no to the powder bombs, although its a great way of taking out those pesky deployed GIs :D

    Does the Rocketeer change pose when switching from walking mode to flightmode and vice versa?

    Will AR feature Boris, Giant Squid and Dolphin?

    1. Yeah, he should hopefully change pose. This is all to be developed.

    2. Yes, Yes and Yes!

  10. And as for the whole Rocketeer deal, it worries me, to see you guys considering concepts and maybes over what is really in the game. It reminds me of another similar standalone...



    All of that mumbo-jumbo boils down to this- The Rocketeer had a bullet weapon in RA2 and not a grenade launcher of any sort.

    I don't believe that he had a bullet weapon, judging from the name of the weapon in RA2, 20mm. If the rocketeer were to have a bullet weapon, he'd have a gun much like this (takes four men to fire), with a bullet much like this. The theory behind our compromise is that the Rocketeer didn't fire in a burst or full auto mode in RA2 and there was a pretty big muzzleflash when the weapon was fired, to suggest more of a shell or mini RPG type of weapon. It'd be pretty silly to call something that fires like that a "bullet" weapon, hence our logic. Names aside though, it looks and plays how it was in RA2 in releation to the ingame graphics and the concept art. We did our best to think logically on this one.


    And if possible, you should make it impossible to allow mode changes for advanced infantry classes in IFVs. GIs and Technicians should be the only ones able to switch modes (don't depress me anymore by saying that the Techie will provide an IFV mode). I'd find it quite...inconvenient to have that elite SEAL IFV switch over to its insane, building slaughtering, Kirov-downing 4-missile pod after gunning down 3/4ths of my team.

    There is a 10 second delay between changing turrets. In this peroid, the IFV is left unarmed and open to fire.


    Yes to tesla arm punch. and I waver on the powder bombs.


    If you want this to be a mod, make it different from APB. We want new and inventive things so that people who play it aren't like "OMG ITS A SPED UP APB CLONE WITH DIFFERENT STUFF!!" So don't make it like *Reborn which has new infantry and some cool spy and building stuff that will be coming out in the next patch, or like *APB's MUST STICK TO CANNON, NO DEVIATIONS ALLOWED PERIOD!!, do something different with the units them selves.

    *this is not to start a shit fest.

    It already is a mod. Also, I don't see how this could possibly be an APB clone. The economy and damage models are radically differant in their own ways, and there are a lot of features that you won't see in any other w3d mod. For example, basic infantry deploying for a tactical advantage and other such things. We are letting ourselves have some fun with the canon of the universe by including the various additions to the, already fun, Red Alert 2 game concept. What would you suggest we do differantly? It is all very well saying "do something differant with the units themselves" but ask yourself this question: Wasn't RA2 original enough for you?


    No one asking questions? I guess I will!

    How easy is it to head shot deployed GI/GGIs? I just fear they might turn out to be underused when slightly experienced players can HS their deployed mode with ease.


    What if Guardian GIs get head-shotted by tanks when they are deployed?


    Will the rocketeer grenades be anti vehicle or infantry? Is the damage somewhat similar to the APB grenadier?


    Engineers capturing buildings? OMGWTFBBQ, explain!

    1. It's fairly tricky to hit a deployed GI if he ducks currently. This is made even trickier with the fact that there are no sniper units in AR apart from the British Sniper which has a 1/5 chance of featuring in a game.


    2. Then they will take a lot of damage


    3. More anti infantry, but he'll also be able to deal light damage to buildings and vehicles.


    4. You'll be able to capture tech structures like the oil derrick, secret lab, airport, outpost etc.



    Will the cell-shading be available to those without shader capabilities? I didn't think of that ealier.

    It's most probably going to be a shader effect I'm afraid. But have no fear! I'll make sure that it can be toggled on and off!

  11. Welcome to this week's blog. Today I'll reveal to you some juicy details about what's happening with AR and a little background info on all of the units slated for the first release.


    <h3>Mod Overview #1</h3>

    Well where shall we start eh? Let me just start by saying to all of the doubters that AR is really the polar opposite of APB in terms of gameplay currently.


    It handles more like an arcade shooter with emphasis on fun, fast gameplay. (not to say that APB isn't fun though). APB is a slower paced, more "realistic" shooter.


    Ex staffer, Saberhawk, approached me earlier asking if we were still interested in the concept of cel shading. I'd love to continue down this path since it would really make AR stand out from the rest of the mods on the w3d engine. I want to hear your input on this though, since you guys are going to be playing AR too!


    On top of all this, APB seems to be aiming for the "gritty, dirty" wartime appeal, where we all know AR aims for a slight cartoonish feel. Now, today I'm going to go through all of the infantry units that you will see in Apocalypse Rising RC1 and how they will function (to my knowledge). Feel free to ask questions and stuff, because I love answering them.


    Next week I'll have another overview feature on a differant aspect of the game so you guys can get the full picture on everything.


    To begin, yes bullets will damage buildings. This is not copying APB, this is staying true to the source material, a.k.a Red Alert 2. Obviously we will tone down the damage slightly, since we don't want single GI's felling buildings in under a minute. The same with vehicles, but light to medium vehicles should be wary of a mass of basic infantry coming for them. AR is going to be quite fast paced, since the vehicles (notably ore mining units) move proportionally faster than in any other w3d mod and damage is also amplified slightly. As a result of this, gameplay is much more arcadey in feel. Which adds up to fun, fun and lots of fun! (I sound like I'm trying to sell something here xD)


    But now let's take a look at some infantry.


    <h4>Allied Infantry</h4>

    Basic Infantry



    Cost: 0

    Primary Weapon: Machine Pistol/Light Uzi

    Secondary Weapon: Heavy Machine Gun, (Deployed in sandbags)

    Description: The Allied GI is the basic infantry of the allied faction. When mobile, the GI is only allowed to use his primary weapon. By pushing "Q" to deploy the GI, you gain the use of a heavy machine gun. When deployed, in the sandbags, you may manouver with limited movement. The primary weapon is weaker than the secondary weapon, but you get the added bonus of being able to move around a lot more with the primary.



    Cost: 0

    Primary Weapon: Cordless Impact Drill

    Secondary Weapons: Beretta Pistol, Pliers

    Description: When you need repairs, but can't afford an engineer, the technician is your only choice. These guys were seen in the RA2 cutscenes as well as ingame as civilian units. When structures are repaired by an engineer in RA2, a sound of a drill can be heard so we decided to give a drill to the technician. This is a standard Allied industrial impact drill which is used to repair buildings as a steady rate. We may also add a melee attack to the drill, to increase the fun of using it. The Technician is also armed with a Beretta sidearm for self defence and a pair of pliers to defuse enemy bomb threats. Phear the techy rush :)


    Advanced Infantry


    Guardian GI

    Cost: 400

    Primary Weapon: Spectre SMG

    Secondary Weapon: AT4 Rocket Launcher, (Deployed in metal shield)

    Description: The Guardian GI functions much like the basic GI, but he fits more of an anti-armour/air role. When mobile the GGI carries a Spectre SMG. In RA2 he was meant to have the same primary weapon as the GI, but the graphics said otherwise, so we will get an SMG as opposed to a machine pistol/uzi. When the GGI deploys, he whips out an AT4 Rocket Launcher which he can use to cause angst to Soviet armour and air forces. unlike the GI, the GGI is uncrushable when deployed, giving him a massive advantage over enemy vehicles. Soviets better watch out when a group of these guys show up to crash the party (especially when in a battle fortress, eventually :D ).



    Cost: 600

    Primary Weapon: High Velocity Rotary Mini-RPG Launcher

    Description: The Allied Rocketeer is a fast and nimble unit that uses a jetpack to move around the battlefield. He is armed with a small rocket propelled grenade launcher that fires small grenades at high velocities, as seen in concept art here and here. Now, the rocketeer will work by pushing "Q" to toggle the jetpack on and off. You may have seen this already in C&C Reborn's infantry beta. The AR rocketeer will utilise some differant scripting that physically turns the rocketeer into a VTOL aircraft unit. This way, the Rocketeer can have a differant speed in the air than he does when walking on the ground, along with much less laggy, but more realistic flight physics. Cool huh? The Rocketeer is good for providing fire support, from above, on any kind of target.


    Navy SEAL

    Cost: 1000

    Primary Weapon: MP5 SMG

    Secondary Weapon: Timed C4 Explosives

    Description: The Allied Navy SEAL is one of the most formiddable anti-infantry and anti-building units on the battlefield. The MP5 can be used to mow down enemy infantry at a decent rate without being overpowered. The SEAL is not equipped to take on vehicles so stay out of harms way. We are still playing around with concepts for the timed C4 (if possible, I'd like to have a timed remote C4 that only gets announced when the remote is activated and the bomb becomes live). SEAL's will be able to swim in later versions of the mod, but this feature will be kept back from the initial release.



    Cost: 500

    Primary Weapon: Utility Case

    Secondary Weapon: Beretta Pistol, Pliers.

    Description: The Engineer's utility case is a powerful weapon which can be used to turn the tide of battle. It can be used to repair a significant amount of building health (click to repair), capture a building (deploy like a beacon), repair a bridge (click to repair) and completely restore the health of a building weakpoint (click to repair). I hope that, unlike APB, you will not have to rebuy your engineer after using the case, but the "reload" time will last for a significant amount of time. This is all yet to be tested out, so it may change. He may even be armed with a separate weapon for capturing tech structures, but we'll see. The Engineer will also carry a Beretta sidearm for self defence and a pair of pliers to defuse enemy bomb threats.


    <h4>Soviet Infantry</h4>

    Basic Infantry



    Cost: 0

    Primary Weapon: PPSH-41

    Secondary Weapon: Powder Bomb?

    Description: The Soviet Conscript is the most common commie infantry unit seen around the battlefield. He utilises a PPSH-41 machine gun to dispose of his foes. This weapon fires fast and if fairly innacurate. The conscript has a longer range than the undeployed GI, but a shorter range than the deployed GI. This also applies for weapon damage. A little idea I want to throw out here is the use of a powder bomb for the Conscript, as seen on the live action costume, here (it's the round black bomb thing). I'm not sure what you guys think of this, so I'm throwing it out as a potential idea.



    Cost: 0

    Primary Weapon: Gas Powered Welder

    Secondary Weapons: Some form of Soviet Pistol, Pliers

    Description: When you need repairs, but can't afford an engineer, the technician is your only choice. These guys were seen in the RA2 cutscenes as well as ingame as civilian units. To emphasise the working class nature of the soviets, we have chosen to give the Soviet Technician a heavy, gas powered welder. This welder can be used to steadily repair friendly structures as well as the potential ability to burn enemies who get too close. The Technician is also armed with a sidearm for self defence and a pair of pliers to defuse enemy bomb threats.


    Advanced Infantry


    Flak Trooper

    Cost: 300

    Primary Weapon: Portable Flak Cannon

    Description: Effective against both ground and air units, the Flak Trooper boasts a flak cannon that can fire explosive rounds of standard flak to attack air and ground targets. The primary fire is an arced shot that has a lot of splash damage that is best suited against ground units. The secondary fire is a high velocity straight shot that is only effective against aircraft and rocketeers with their jetpacks enabled. Flak troopers fit a good anti-air role, since they are not very effective against vehicles and buildings.


    Tesla Trooper

    Cost: 500

    Primary Weapon: Tesla "Glove"

    Description: The Soviet Tesla Trooper is proof that Tesla technology has the potential to be used in all forms of ground-based combat. The Tesla Trooper fires a powerful electric charge from his right arm which is highly effective against infantry, vehicles and, to an extent, structures. The Tesla Trooper can also charge up Tesla Coils to give them better range and attack power, as well as enebling them to operate in low power situations. I am unsure on how this will work right now, but I'll be sure to knock a video up for you guys when we get it working. The Tesla Trooper cannot be crushed by vehicles (apart from the battle fortress). Another feature we are going to be debating for the Tesla Trooper is the electro knuckle sandwich attack. Basically it means that he is going to be able to punch the allies with that massive right arm of his. I'd like your input on this, since I think it'd be pretty fun to have xD


    Crazy Ivan

    Cost: 600

    Primary Weapon: Anti-unit dynamite

    Secondary Weapon: Timed Anti-Building Dynamite, Pistol, Knife?

    Description: The Soviet demolitions expert, or Crazy Ivan as he is known, attacks by lobbing sticky dynamite at the enemy. Dynamite can be stuck to anything, including friendly units, cows (eventually) and anything else you can think of. The smaller charges will be infinite in quantity, and effective against all manner of units, but not as effective against structures. That's where the Timed Demo Packs come in. These charges, built from vast amounts of dynamite (and coloured with Ivan's own insignia) will be highly effective against all manner of structures, including bridges. Ivan is also armed with a sidearm for close engagements and also has the potential to wield a knife, as seen in this concept.



    Cost: 500

    Primary Weapon: Utility Case

    Secondary Weapon: Some form of Soviet Pistol, Pliers.

    Description: The Engineer's utility case is a powerful weapon which can be used to turn the tide of battle. It can be used to repair a significant amount of building health (click to repair), capture a building (deploy like a beacon), repair a bridge (click to repair) and completely restore the health of a building weakpoint (click to repair). I hope that, unlike APB, you will not have to rebuy your engineer after using the case, but the "reload" time will last for a significant amount of time. This is all yet to be tested out, so it may change. He may even be armed with a separate weapon for capturing tech structures, but we'll see. The Engineer is also armed with a sidearm for self defence and a pair of pliers to defuse enemy bomb threats.


    <h3>Flag Pole</h3>

    Poggel modelled us up a generic flag pole (as seen in RA2!) which we can place around our maps. This will be included in the mapper's object pack when we release the mapping tools for AR.


    Check it out below!





    Clay Render



    Render with Materials



    <h3>9th Conferance Overview</h3>

    Here is the overview to the 9th AR conferance, brought to you by the Hero from Hungary! Yes! It's dtrngd!


    The conference was a littlebit long, but successful.


    -We will have sounds when buying vehicles. Your whole team will hear it, but a few vehicles, for example the Kirov Airship and the Lybian Demolition Truck will get global announcement when bought.

    This helps teamwork a bit too, imagine two players buying Rhino tanks for example, then the rest of the team, when hearing the buy sounds, might join the attack.


    -IFV now can only carry 1 player inside, deploy delay timer is removed. Turning mode is to be decided for now.


    -Per infantry "boinks" are not possible. So we can't have every infantry have a separate "boink" sound. Per infantry dying sounds are possible though and will be put in.


    -From now on, TruYuri and TheBeerinator are responsible for muzzle flashes, and emitter stuff.


    -The website should be up during the summer holiday.


    <h3>Team Notices</h3>

    I'm free of college. I have around one exam a week though. Don't expect to see me around IRC and places this weekend. I'm off to a house party today to drink, have fun and drink some more. Viva la' Alcoholicion!


    cfehunter got APB working on Wine! If you have linux and are missing out on the fun, get him to link you to the tutorial (which I can't seem to find right now).


    TheBeerinator survived a tornado!


    Exams = No Fun


    <h3>OWA's Random Section</h3>

    Red Alert 3 is looking pretty cool at the moment. Especially looking at this thread, where drunkill has posted up a video to the first real walkthrough of the game as such. The graphics really like to glow bright when lots of things are happening, which rocks! Kudos to EA for bringing us RA2-style graphics, but in 3d!


    A shout also goes out to Aaron "Apoc" Kaufman, who does a lot of work to get guys like us, APB and Reborn mentioned on the official C&C site and to tell the world thatfanatics like us exist! :thumbsup:


    Check it out here.


    Also here's an awesome video I found on youtube for you Metal Gear Solid fans. Totally epic!


    <center><object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfInFGJRCbY&hl=en"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfInFGJRCbY&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfInFGJRCbY&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object></center>



    That's your lot.


    Next Wednesday will be more stuff (as usual)!

  12. I have to say Im amazed both of my entries placed (even if my name does some how changes to M1A1 at the end :p) though I feel bad I may have kept someone else from getting in there. Congrats to the winner though.


    I love the War Factory, that spiral staircase is really quite impressive. I'm sure textures will really make it shine.


    Anyways Cheers,


    Hehe, sorry about the name thing, I've fixed that now. Congrats on making the top 5 twice!


    epic icons there guys. i think i was too busy revising to enter again... yea that seems like a good excuse. cant wait to see the War Factory with textures! :)

    I think you did enter, but sadly I don't think you made the top 5 :D


    *cough* :p


    Seriously, it looks really weird, what's it FOR?

    It's totally wip, so I'm betting that it was a part of the building that got moved around into the wreong place or something.

  13. "Do you think he'll notice?"


    Congrats, Xarah.


    OWA, could you set up the runners-up as alternate icons for the .exe file?

    Sure, that could be good.


    Sweet War Factory. Will there be Backdoors ?


    Icons are cool, too.

    There will be backdoors.


    if you have two weak points wouldn't tanyas and seals have a field day with the building?

    You assume too much. Both weak points need to be destroyed for the building to be destroyed, in theory.


    It's just a way of stopping Tanyas and SEALs from camping one location to ensure certain doom to a single building.

  14. So yeah, it's blog day but we don't have much to show for it since this time of the year is pretty crucial what with exams and stuff. Sorry guys, but your just gonna have to bear with us giving a little less for a little while. We'll be back on form during the summer though, don't worry :D


    <h3>Soviet War Factory Walkthrough</h3>

    dtrngd made a little video for you guys today with the help of Gummibear and Killz0ne! It's a nice little walkthrough of the soviet war factory that is currently ingame.Take a look below as dtrngd explores the interior of this magnificent structure for your viewing pleasure! Kudos to Ric and Zion_Fox for what we have so far with this building!



    The current building is obviously not finished. There are still a multitude of doors to be added, as well as a lot of nice objects to populate the place. Perhaps a big Romanov banner on the inside wall with a lot more symbolism. If it is possible, we plan to have vehicles raise up through the bottom area (with the railings) up to the top ramp before rolling out of the factory or, in the Kirov's case, floating out of the top. The war factory will compensate more for these larger vehicles, making it pretty epic in scale. We aim to have two weakpoints in the structure. What looks like an MCT in the top "viewing point" area, is the control computer for the consctruction mechanisms, there will then be a supplies cache which contains ammunition and fuel which will be the secondary weakpoint.


    All I can really say is that Apocalypse Rising is going to be worth the wait comrades.


    <h3>Competition Over!</h3>

    The votes are in and counted!


    It has been a really close call here, but we have a winner! Let's find out who it is!



    In 5th place we have M1941 with his first entry into the competition which scored a respectable 9 points.





    In 4th place we have K1llz0ne with one of his many entries. K1llz0ne definitely wins the prize for the most entries, with a staggering 16 entries! This particular entry earnt a solid 12 points.





    In 3rd place we have Elearen with this first entry. The one scored just a single point more than K1llz0ne's best icon to leapfrog into 3rd with 13 points. unlucky for some, luck for others maybe?





    In 2nd place we have M1941's second entry. This one was my personal favourite as I love the way it incorperates the splash screen from the installer. This one, suprisingly, scored one more point than Elearen's entry, ending up with a nice total of 14 points all together.





    But the entry that beat M1941 to the top stop by a mere 2 points, to finish up with a mighty 16 points, is Xarah's entry. Very nicely done there Xarah, expect to see your icon featured in AR when it is released!






    1st - Xarah

    2nd - M1941

    3rd - Elearen

    4th - K1llz0ne

    5th - M1941


    BigOz get's a special shout out from the staff since he did his entry entirely in what appears to be microsoft paint, which really deserves a mention.

    A shout also goes out to Trevelian who made his icons using the shp sprite graphics from Red Alert 2.


    Good use of resources there guys!


    A final shout goes out to rm5248 for entering the competition late and thus being disqualified for late entry. No hard feelings eh mate?


    Thankyou very much to everyone who participated! I hope you'll come back and enter next time we have a competition!


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    Exams are bad right, but it gets even worse when your PC crashes out on you too. Just like it did at the weekend. I had to copy my files over to my backup drive (<3 cfehunter) using task manager's run prompt and reformat my C:\ drive, so yeah my pc is a lot faster, but I haven't got much in the way of apps on it right now. I am so glad that I was able to back things up, as I lost nothing mod related! Good eh?


    cfehunter has been doing various things since he completed GTA IV, he'll be working on getting the allied walls finished up and then hopefully having a bash at the Grizzly Tank again.


    danpaul88 has some nice screenshots for you here, here and here!


    TheBeerinator graduates soon. Good luck to you man


    Chronojam graduated from WPI! Congratulations man!


    Steppo also graduated recently! Check out BHP's manliest man looking like he could beat even Steven Fry at a game of Qi.


    Soviet_Deso popped by to say hi!


    Lord_Kane has had some PC trouble which he should hopefully overcome soon. Best of luck there!


    TagDaze went on a protest against the church of scientology as the internet hate machine took to the streets in a mass wave of V for Vendetta masks. Power to the people I say!


    <h3>OWA's Random Corner</h3>

    To commemorate the newest Indiana Jones film, some guys rolled a Lego boulder, with a styrofoam centre, down a hill in San Francisco, after a guy dressed up as Indie. Pretty crazy.


    <center><object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="

    name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object></center>



    Ciao ^_^

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