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Posts posted by OWA

  1. Guys, stay friendly.


    The problem with the stuff so many people pointed out with your release was that it kinda stuck out like a sore thumb. You say you guys are working on it, good thing. We'll see what the patch will make better.


    Also where does AR go in the direction of just being APB with new units? So far there are not that many similarites and lots of differences to me...

    Oh, how more wrong could you be. :D

  2. Welcome to the blog. I'm fairly tired so I'll stop typing now.


    <h3>V3 Launcher</h3>

    The V3 Rocket Launcher is a long range, indirect combat unit employed by the Soviets. It is an improved version of the V2 Rocket Launcher, which was used to great effect during the previous war, and similarly, was a siege vehicle that fired extremely powerful projectiles.


    The V3 Rocket Launchers are able to demolish buildings in only a few hits, but due to the arcing nature of the shot, are ineffective against infantry and vehicles (the round takes so long between firing and impact that most units can move out of the way). Because of the way the rockets fired, it is most effective to fire them as a group, together, rather than one by one.


    It has little ability to protect itself at close range and, with no real armor, can be destroyed very quickly. Due to improvements in digital targeting technology it is possible for the rockets to be shot down while in flight making it possible for IFVs, Patriot Missiles and Guardian GI's to protect a targeted building from it. Interestingly, missiles employed a ballistic trajectory instead of a conventional launch-level-dive attack, which in effect lengthens the delivery time allowing AA defences to mow down the missles before reaching the target, however V3s are usually deployed in numbers, so missing the target is rare.


    Spice's model, unwrapped by Ric and Chevy then textured by TheBeerinator! Prepare to feel some oversized missile love!





    <h3>Re-tooled Robot Tank</h3>

    The main perk of the robot tank is that it can't be mind controlled. It is mainly designed to function as a tank hunter, being equipped with a powerful cannon as its primary armament. However, it has little armor. Another feature of the tank is that it runs on an advanced hover drive system, allowing it to move quickly, and also navigate over water. Because the tank is stripped down to the essentials, and does not have its own heuristic based computer to guide it, the tank itself is fairly inexpensive.


    Robot Tanks have no anti-air defense. Furthermore, their armor is fairly thin. Accordingly, Robot tanks can not give much in the way of a stand up fight against most enemy forces. Furthermore, robot tanks are merely the extensions of the robot control center. The tanks themselves do not posses any intelligence. As such, if a robot control center is destroyed or shut down for any reason, the robot tanks also shut down. If the center later comes back online, then the tanks will power up again. Any tanks that happen to be over water when the center is disabled will, of course, sink and cannot be activated again.


    I re-tooled this beast a while back for my portfolio. Here's what I have right now. I may completely remake the top half of it.




    <h3>Dune Patrol</h3>

    There is sand in my shoes now as I have been walking around in dtrngd's 'Dune Patrol' map. I said this a few weeks back but this map will feature dynamic sandstorms, so the map will be a little differant each time you play.



    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    I did a bit crap in my exams. I'm having re-takes though, so no worries there. My main concern is coursework now.


    Pete is working on some textures for various things. Also, he's going to have a bash at the forum skin soon. (YAY!)


    The Bluehell Group will be releasing a special radioplay for easter using a section of script from Final Fantasy 7. If you want to help, contact me. Otherwise I'm quite happy playing all the characters myself ^_^


    Ric is just finishing off the MP5 ready to be shown off as a complete item. Watch for that next week!


    Lord_Kane, my friend and podcast co-host will be starring in another edition of the Lord_Kane show soon, with me in there for the hell of it. Expect much bag of dicks, my favorite breakfast item.


    <h3>OWA's Community Support LOLitar</h3>



    C&C Reborn may not be everyone's cup of tea (it certainly isn't mine at the moment), so I have taken it upon myself to deliver the deserving public a more true to Tiberian Sun representation of the ill-fated indie game. So we now have features like proper canon to the C&C universe, balance without the long wait, the possibility of vehicles, compatibility with all current C&C Reborn maps and some other cool stuff including lots of re-tooling! I'm looking for someone to make me a decent sized map for running vehicles on, so come and contact me on #rebornmod on the n00bstories IRC network if you are interested!


    List of teams that need help with various things:

    Battle For Dune

    Scud Storm/Star Wars Mod

    Rise Of Apocalypse


    <h3>Blast From The Tiberian Sun Past</h3>

    This week we take a look at Return of the Dawn for Tiberian Sun.


    Return of the Dawn is a large mod that brings all the familiar units and structures from the original C&C into Tiberian Sun. It also recaptures the gameplay whilst updating the graphics to that of the 2.5d awesomeness of TibSun. Also, it brings you TD's balance, of which made it one of the most popular multiplayer games of its time.


    This is version 2.x of the mod. Version 1.0 was released ages ago, at the end of 2002. It 'only' featured new vehicle voxels and the TD gameplay, but - although I called it so - it was not really a total conversion, rather a partial conversion.


    Download this mod here!



    Ronseal; It does EXACTLY what it says on the tin.

  3. There was a myth that Aircraftkiller spread around that Reborn 2003 could reformat your windows 98 machine. I'm unsure whether this has been repeated since.

    That wasn't me, I think Steppo started that one

    Ah fair enough. Sorry about that there Aircraftkiller, seems I got the wrong guy :D


    (Blog Edited)

  4. "Welcome to this week's blog", an inevitable phrase that I utter each and every week. But who cares eh, this is just the bit before the actual awesomeness comes along. So yeah this blog is brought to you by the soundtrack of Yuri's Revenge, dominating minds since 2001.


    <h3>Rhino Tank</h3>

    "We will bury them!" was a common phrase that the Rhino tank could be heard shouting all over the RA2 battlefield. If you got enough of these soviet war machines you could easily overwhelm any enemy's base relatively quickly. There has been a gun barrel modification since these renders so that the Rhino will have a massive cartoony recoil to suit our style.


    cfehunter has done a brilliant job with the texture here. He seems to be getting better and better by the day. Nice one dude!







    <h3>New Mp5</h3>

    Ric has been working on a new MP5 model, as the old model was under-detailed and awkward to work with. This weapon has a burst firing mode and is the Allied Navy SEAL's primary weapon.


    Below is the new model. Expect SEAL's to be pwning face left right and centre with this beast.




    <h3>Soviet Technician</h3>

    I showed the Allied Technician a couple of weeks back so here, before you now, is th his counterpart, the Soviet Technician. You may be wondering what the hell the bottles are for on his back. The answer is that he isn't a flame trooper, but he carries round a welder which he needs gas to power. This welder will repair buildings as well as being a fairly good close combat weapon. But to give him a chance at a longer range we plan on giving him a soviet standard issue pistol.


    Check him out below. I'm still pondering on whether to give him a full blown welding mask or just some tinted go go goggles.




    <h3>Ivan's Unwrapped!</h3>

    "Ivan's not home", but surely he is, he just doesn't want to come out and show himself after he attempted to decorate his house and ended up making the paint pots explode all over himself. When will that mad bomber learn eh?




    Unwrap is from dtrngd :D


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    3 weeks til coursework deadlines! I'd better get off my arse and do something. I'll post up my drama exam piece if I can get a copy of it. Then you can be absorbed by the drama/laugh at how silly I looked. :) Also, 3800th post!


    cfehunter helped me with some coding for my coursework. Cheers man!


    danpaul88 earns too much from bursaries. So everyone, go to him for a home owner loan at X% typical APR even if you are retired, have CCJ's and want to consolidate your existing debts into one monthly repayment.


    oxi posted a very convincing arguement over at the C&C Reborn forums. Take a look as the battle continues!


    Chronojam is off to Hungary to dev some systems. Wish him the best!


    Tankmaster will have something neat to show you next week.


    <h3>OWA's Community Support Sector Train</h3>

    Watch out for those scanners and please don't tamper with your fake i.d too much.



    [FW]Wolf informs me that Battle For Dune is in need of riggers for their content. Go and check out this Dune game for the Renegade engine at http://www.battlefordune.co.uk


    Star Wars Mod is in need of people to handle modelling and mapping. If you like the sound of a Star Wars conversion for C&C Renegade head over to http://scudstorm.team-nx.com/


    <h3>Blast from the C&C Past</h3>

    This week, let's take a look at the Eagle Red:Asian Alliance mod for Red Alert 2!


    I really enjoy this mod, in fact it's one of my favourite mods of all time. The mod basically take out Yuri's faction and adds in the Asians (kinda ironic how this is how RA3 is set to develop; this mod coming years before the announcement of RA3 came through).


    The Allies get some cool new units like an air to air fighter plane and an shockwave artillery-style unit. The Soviets beef up with Tesla boats, sentinel rad missile turrets and V4 rocket launchers whilst the asians bring railgun technology to the fray, as well as gattling guns, plasma cannons and flame weapons.


    The balancing on this mod is top notch as well as the attention to detail the creators have put into the mod (aside from a few of the asian cameo icons). I fully recommend this mod!


    Download it here!


    <h3>As a British person, I crave dissapointment.</h3>

    But I don't think this blog satisfied the craving.


    C&C Reborn just about did though....

  5. Great blog :D But with Reborn out in the air, and seeing how they have done their Jumpjet infantry makes me wonder, is it possible to make an animation for when you are flying or at least another pose for the infantry? Because it looks quite weird to just hover around doing the jump animation in slowmotion :/

    It's totally possible, the Reborn team just got lazy.

  6. Nice blog again guys :D


    Love the gun ideas but the soviets primary weapon should be stronger than the GI's primary weapon.

    In RA2 if conscripts and GI's attacked each toher and GI's weren't deployed, conscripts would win.


    Also I think in RA2 the GI's primary weapon and the GGI's primary weapon was the same weapon

    Your first point is true, so we are doing that.


    We are using differant models for the GI and GGI's smallarms for a bit of variation.

  7. wow love the blog again ...but i have a suggestion on the allied reg. GI on his primary ... i sugest M4 carbine

    its fire rate is sim. to the ppsh and in range also ...looks better and the allies need a rifle as the Soviets have one ...also has way less power then the deployed gun so that would make since, also ...its modern gun so it would follow the timeline in RA2....and last point is pretty BAD ASS too ...here a pic. and info on it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M4_carbine




    I don't like APB's unlimited weapon thing. leave it to 400 rounds not including the ammo in the gun.

    It's a pain when you have an enemy building on red health and you run out of ammo. AR will have beiiger maps than, say, Renegade or Reborn so the unlimited ammo will be a lot handier to have. I always find myself running out of ammo on Renegade and, to be honest, it's a big pain in the ass. Also, not every AR infantry unit carries a pistol because it is untrue to RA2 as is running out of ammo.


    id just like to say something please do not put the m249 saw in there i belive they use m60s if u dont no what they are look em up coz i swear ive seen em carry em in the cutscenes and i like the idea of the smg being a mp7 only put the m249 in if ur 100% sure there m249s ill get onto it

    We'll either go with the m249 SAW or more realistically, the fictional weapon that the GI is seen to be carrying here.



  8. Welcome to blog 70! I've had a very good, but tiring week, so not many chances to do work on AR, but let's see what we have eh.


    <h3>Weapon List Per Character</h3>

    To start this ball rolling, here is a list of what weapons you can expect to see in RC1 for which character. All of these are pretty much debatable aside from the obvious ones like the Tesla Trooper's Zapper.


    Weapon List for RC1 Per Character:

    • Soviet Conscript -> PPSh-41
    • Soviet Technician -> Gas Welder, Stenchkin APS or Makarov PMM, Pliers (for disarming bombs?)
    • Soviet Engineer -> Suitcase, Stenchkin APS or Makarov PMM, Pliers (for disarming bombs?)
    • Soviet Tesla Trooper -> Zapper
    • Soviet Flak Trooper -> Portable Flak Cannon
    • Soviet Crazy Ivan -> Time Bomb, Dynamite stick, Combat Knife or Combat Machete
    • Allied GI -> Some sort of light machine pistol, like this and when deployed, this.
    • Allied Technician -> Cordless Impact Drill, Beretta 9mm, Pliers (for disarming bombs?)
    • Allied Engineer -> Suitcase, Beretta 9mm, Pliers (for disarming bombs?)
    • Allied GGI -> Spectre SMG and, when deployed, AT4
    • Allied SEAL -> MP5, C4
    • Allied Rocketeer -> A gun that is built into his jetpack.

    Few other things

    No - Every AR character won't carry a pistol.

    No - Every AR character won't carry C4.

    Yes - AR's characters will have infinite ammo for all but a few weapons (limted C4 etc.).

    Yes - The above decisions are final.



    So I came home today and speed modelled this guy. Rocketeers are Allied flying infantrymen that use a powerful jet pack to fly around. Rocketeers are useful for attacking ground and air units. In large enough numbers, Rocketeers can decimate infantry, buildings, and light vehicles in moments. They can also shoot down V3 rockets while they are in flight. They are very fast and can be used in hit-and-run raids on Soviet bases relatively flawlessly.


    Unfortunately, due to the need to keep weight low to maintain flight, Rocketeers have little armor. Soviet units like the Flak Track or the Flak Trooper can easily shoot down rocketeers.


    I haven't completed the rest of the head yet but you get the general idea. Jetpack by rm5248!




    <h3>Allied War Factory Video</h3>

    Here is a 360 degree pan of the Allied War Factory so you can see everything that has been done to it. Ric posed the camera for this video and I rendered it.




    <h3>Allied Pillbox</h3>

    The Pillbox is a basic defense employed by the Allies which is, essentially, a small bunker like structure from which a soldier fires a mounted machine gun. It is used to prevent Soviet infantry advances.


    Poggel updated the model witha new bunker and some neat sandbags (big thanks to Fobby and the Renegade 07 team for the sandbags).




    <h3>GameFusion Launcher</h3>

    Tankmaster has been developing a nice little tool that will help you to manage your games and mods. You can download updates, run mods and check the file paths of a wide range of games.


    As you can see, APB and Reborn have already been added in the exclusive indie games category. Also, I used this tool to skip the TFD launcher all together when I wanted to play Red Alert 1. It was fun. Expect AR to be added to the list upon it's release!




    Pretty cool huh?


    <h3>Team Messages</h3>

    Well, I had my university interview on saturday and I think it went really rather well. I showed the teacher the Apocalypse Rising trailer and then when I went to show her my model renders she said "I think I've already made up my mind, you seem to be a very capable student." She also couldn't believe the scale of these projects which was pretty cool. Also, I had my theatre studies practical exam earlier today, I'm hoping to get a good mark on that since the written exams are much tougher.


    I saw Pete yesterday as he was on his way to catch the train. I was waiting for the bus, so we had a talk about a few AR things :)


    The bus never did come in the end.... bastard


    Chevy's finished re-unwrapping some bits and pieces with Ric, so now we need textures.


    danpaul88's patcher reduces download sizes.

    Little bit of trivia for you: If I was to release an AR patch right now (patch 2 -> my working version) the patch file for always.dat would be just 4.5mb, instead of having to download the entire size of 84.4mb. This means the patch would be 79.9mb smaller than it would without the patcher.


    In other words: You download just 5.33% of the amount you would have to download normally.

    Cool eh?


    dtrngd has started on a new map. You'll just have to wait for that one :D


    <h3>OWA's Community Support Limo</h3>



    Yeah I jacked Bill Gate's ride.


    Mathk1ll is in need of staffers over at http://www.scudstorm.com

    If you want to help, contact him there.


    C&C Reborn was released after four years of waiting. This leads me into the next feature.


    <h3>Blast from the Renepast</h3>

    As hell freezes over Reborn is released. So lets take a look at the older version that was conceived.


    Reborn 2003 was produced by a group known as Deezer Studios. None of the original team remain apart from (if I'm not mistaken) Renardin and Kalle Bowo.


    The graphics were a shadow of the new version's and the gameplay was horribly imbalanced. The mechs had continous walking animations (something that has since been fixed) and the refinery had no collisions on it.


    However there were a few nice things to it. The Cyborg Commando's first person view came up with this pretty awesome looking HUD however, it restricted your view. The Mammoth MK2 was pretty damn epic (especially when racing 3 of them with [FW]Wolf and C&C_Pwnr69).


    There was a myth that Steppo spread around that Reborn 2003 could reformat your windows 98 machine. I'm unsure whether this has been repeated since.


    Grab the old Beta here!


    The new Reborn Beta will show it's true colours when vehicles are added.


    Grab the new Beta here!



    Congratulations, you win at reading!

  9. When I unzip .990 inot renegade™ folder it dont work. I unzip the scripts folder into C:\Program Files\EA Games\Command & Conquer The First Decade\Command & Conquer Renegade™\Renegade and then unzip the RedAlertMod.pkg file into C:\Program Files\EA Games\Command & Conquer The First Decade\Command & Conquer Renegade™\Renegade\Data

    After this i run the game as usula and it dont work.

    Help please!

    Don't use the custom scripts that come with 990, use the latest version of scripts.dll

  10. Then my original question remains...is it possible/planned to not have the health and armor refill the instant you get promoted? It will really suck, you almost got the apoc dead...oh no he just did enough damage to get promoted CRAP HE'S ELITE AND HAS FULL HEALTH WE'RE SCREWED.

    As I said on IRC, it's on the cards to be fixed.

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