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Issue Comments posted by Gummiel

  1. 4 hours ago, dblaney1 said:

    Can you upload your saved game file you are using to test this. I can't replicate the issue. I started the mission from scratch as well as created a quick save before the sams and loaded that and both times it worked fine. 

    You can find the save games in c:\user\<username>\Documents\Renegade\Client\save

    sadly I can't, since it was not exactly a progress hindering issue I am long past the point, so don't have the a normal save from then. I will try in a bit and load the save the game made at the start of the mission and see if it still happens with that one. Also should be noted that I played on Commando (highest) difficulty


    EDIT: Yes using that start of mission save, the objective did complete successfully, playing on commando difficulty again, so, not sure why I didn't think of keeping a save around from that time for this, I should have known that would have been a good idea sorry :(

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