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  3. What are the CPUs of the computers that you got the crash on?
  4. Tiberian Sun: Reborn has a new release out! If you are on our Discord, you already saw this! Download the new patch today! TSR Release General - Fixed a crash. - Ambient map sounds are now affected by the "ambient" sound slider in settings. - Volume sliders in the settings menu now use TSR SFX. - Added a light global doppler effect. - Disabled J/K battlefield info screens. - All infantry now heal faster when out of combat, and heal to full HP. HP regeneration slows down after reaching 50%. - Added kill messages for Nod frag grenades. - Replaced a couple low resolution building textures. - Fixed special effect setting for all modifiers. - Improved a number of vehicle transition (enter/exit) zones. - Added projectile collision to one of the Tiberium flora props. - Tiberium Shrubs no longer have crippling collision for vehicles. HUD - Harvester fullness indicator added to the HUD. - Player names now show up with their target boxes. - Tiberium dump success message has been split to three lines. Damage Multipliers - Repair guns much more effective in repairing vehicles. - Missile projectile's damage to light vehicles has been lowered slightly. - Bullets and Bullets(AP) projectiles increased damage slightly against aircraft. - Melee weapons now deal 0.001 damage against things it previously did nothing to. - Flame resistant infantry take direct fire damage at 0.5 less than standard infantry skin, including flamesplash. Added Plasma to treatment. Engineer - Added slight "explosion" to repair effect which will assist in disarming. Riot Trooper - Shield extended when equipped. - Now has FlameResistInf skin. Disc Thrower - Projectile Size increased to match actual projectile. X/Y 0.1 -> 0.15 Z 0.01 -> 0.03 Medic - Regen damage lockout reduced. 30 -> 10 Chameleon Spy - Knife weapon "reloads" while sprinting. Mammoth MK2 - Weapon traverse speed increased. - Weapon elevation/depression increased by 10. - Chin gun traverse angle increased to 270 degree FoF. - 50% heal function damage timeout decreased 30s -> 10s. - 100% heal function HP/s increased 1 -> 2. - Added alt fire dual shot. Cyborg Reaper - Healing multiplier in tiberium increased by 0.2. - Web velocity increased 30 -> 50. - Web gravity decreased 1.75 -> 1.25. Harpy - Radar invisible. - No longer lock-on-able, except for defenses. - HP reduced. 500 -> 450 - Max ammo increased 200 -> 300 Construction Yard - Fence is no longer super bright. - Fixed an issue that stutters the camera. GDI Helipad - Optimizations. TS_Anchorage - Fixed a hole in the terrain. TS_Dam - Added vehicle sized tunnel connection to front of bases. - Pulled coastal walls inward. - Added some nicer waterline and under water terrain. - Added ambient sounds. - Added more lights. - Adjusted out-of-bounds area above Nod base to lessen cliff camping. - Fixed up some of the terrain around the dam. TS_Drought - Fixed a couple stuck spots in the GDI base. TS_Field - Fixed some stuck spots in the rocks outside the GDI base. TS_Field_Flying - Removed Orca Transport from purchase list. TS_Isles - Re-enabled map blockers. TS_Snow - Added lights to the infantry tunnels by the bases. - Adjusted a stuck spot outside the GDI base. - Closed gaps between the crates in the tunnel. TS_TaintedLegacy - Wind speed has been cut to 10% what it was before (5m/s -> 0.5m/s). This reduces the loud map-wide wind noise. - Fixed a stuck spot. TS_Tiber - Added lights to some infantry tunnels. - Fixed some lighting issues in the lower team-colored caverns (where the civilian trucks are). [blurb][/blurb]
  5. Hey @ Unstoppable this has happened across PCs for me so I don't think it's RAM. Here's an -n1 crash log from just now on MPF: https://file.io/LXILOSnUssgF (too big to upload here)
  6. Earlier
  7. TTFS is the in-game downloads system.
  8. Start by making sure that the drive where you have Renegade installed is not close to being full (at least a couple GB free space). You may need to clear your TTFS cache, which is where those downloads go. Kinda like with our launcher, sometimes a download will corrupt and must be deleted so that fresh downloads can happen.
  9. Whenever I get the maps that are original to exodus co-op server, I get failed to download required packages. Any advice?
  10. Are -n1 suffixed versions of these crashdumps are available? Other than that, all of these crash dumps are related with memory issues from what I can tell. You could try the following and see if it helps: Check for faulty RAMs using mdsched.exe on Windows Disable any optimizations or game overlays and boosters Update your BIOS (be careful, this could brick the system if not done right!) Remove one RAM stick at a time and try playing the game that way
  11. Duuuuude! Long time no see! How are you these days? The package that cyberarm linked should take care of the problem but let us know if it doesn't. And stick around a while! More old APB versions (and other things) to play coming some day haha
  12. Description It's a regular issue for me that the game (Renegade) will freeze (for a number of seconds) and then crash. I'm attaching 3 ZIPs of such freeze and crashes yesterday. I was not doing anything special during the crashes other than generally playing multiplayer games. (it's possible that I terminated the exe in debug.zip before the full dump was taken, but the other 2 are probably good) Reproduction Steps Play the game in online multiplayer
  13. Try installing the vcruntime from here: https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe
  14. I just installed TSR and when I try to join the server, I get a message saying "The code execution cannot proceed because VCRUNTIME140_1.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem." I reinstalled TSR, didn't work. I googled the message, and found some posts telling me to download a Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable something something, which I did and it still doesn't work. Any ideas?
  15. This happens when the map depends on assets from the original game and mostly happens in Co-Op servers which host campaign maps. Running "mixcheck.exe" in the game folder might solve the issue by downloading the missing maps.
  16. [blurb]On July 14th at 7PM GMT[/blurb]
  17. [blurb]On June 29th at 7PM GMT[/blurb]
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