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Posts posted by HeadClot

  1. Not much game play out on this apart from technical videos about Directx12 and Vulkan.


    You can find more about the game here.




    Currently you can get access to the games friends and family alpha for 100 dollars but you also get all the DLC and Expansion packs as well.


    That said this is their smallest map that they are showing off and there will be mod tools :D

    Confirmed things about Ashes of the Singularity -


    1. There will be a Map Editor. Confirmed by Brad Wardel of Star dock.

    2. There will be no unit limits. Confirmed by Brad Wardel of Star Dock


    Will update as soon as I hear more :)

  2. http://www.extremetech.com/gaming/196303-nintendos-next-console-will-likely-use-x86-amd-chip-just-like-the-xbox-one-and-ps4

    After securing both the Xbox One and PS4, it would appear that an AMD SoC will also be powering Nintendo’s next console. Nintendo has been hinting at new hardware for a while now, probably to appease any disgruntled gamers and shareholders over the Wii U’s lackluster impact in the eighth-generation console war — now, Shigeru Miyamoto has confirmed that Nintendo is working on a possible new gaming system, and AMD has confirmed that it’s got another major design win. Are they one and the same thing? Probably.
    At a recent conference, AMD’s CFO Devinder Kumar said that the company had two major new design wins. When pushed on the details, he elaborated a little further, “I will say that one is x86 and the other is ARM, and at least one will be beyond gaming, right … They [the customers] are going to announce it and then … you will find out that it is AMD’s APU that is being used in those products.” When he talks about ARM, it’s hard to say if he’s talking about AMD’s 8-core Cortex-A57 server Opteron chip (which is rather boring), or a Project Skybridge SoC with a custom-designed ARM CPU. Hopefully it’s the latter, though that new ARM CPU isn’t due until 2016.

    Over the last six months, Nintendo has made a few hints that it was working on some new hardware. Back in May, the company said it was, rather intriguingly, working on a cheaper console for emerging markets. Now, in an interview with Associated Press, Shigeru Miyamoto said, “While we’re busy working on software for the Wii U, we have production lines that are working on ideas for what the next system might be.” In the same interview he said he wants to see Mario lead the way on the next console, likening the bearded plumber to Mickey Mouse.

    If Nintendo does indeed go with a conventional x86 CPU/GPU, it will mark the first time, a) Nintendo hasn’t used some kind of crazy, non-conventional hardware, and b) that all of the console makers are using the same architecture. This might seem like a fairly dramatic move, but don’t forget that the last three generations of Nintendo console (the GameCube and later) have used an ATI or AMD GPU, paired with a Power architecture CPU custom designed by IBM. With x86 holding such a dominant position in the gaming market, and IBM mostly getting out of making chips, it wouldn’t be surprising to see Nintendo join the x86 bandwagon.

    Of course, there is one other interesting possibility: Given ARM’s dominance in the mobile world, and the fact that almost all of Nintendo’s portables use ARM CPUs… maybe Nintendo’s new console really will go for AMD’s upcoming custom ARM CPU, paired with a beefy GPU.



    At the press conference announcing DeNA and Nintendo's partnership, Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata put to rest speculation that Nintendo's future is completely mobile. He stated that the company is working on its next piece of gaming hardware codenamed NX.

    "Nintendo has decided to deploy its video game business on smart devices, but it is not because we have lost our passion or vision for the business of dedicated video game systems", he said.

    "On the contrary, because now we have decided on how we will make use of smart devices, we have come to hold an even stronger passion and vision for the dedicated video game system business than before."

    "As proof that Nintendo maintains strong enthusiasm for the dedicated game system business", Iwata adds, "let me confirm that Nintendo is currently developing a dedicated game platform with a brand new concept under the development codename 'NX'."

    More information on the new game platform will be announced next year. The prime candidate for a replacement is the Wii U (pictured above), Nintendo's home console that has not been doing as well as the company had anticipated.

    Furthermore, both companies outlined their plans to develop a multi-device membership service similar to Xbox Live and PlayStation Network.

    "Nintendo and DeNA expect to develop a new core system compatible with a variety of devices including PCs, smartphones and tablets as well as Nintendo's dedicated video game systems, and are to jointly develop a membership service utilising this system, with a launch targeted for the fall of 2015. The companies expect to further enhance their customer relationships through the membership service," reads the press release.

  3. Sketchfab claims it can do BBcode embedding, I suspect we need some sort of module for that though... forum people?


    I uploaded some Images. They do not capture the detail as good as sketch fab does :)

    Protip: When presenting your models for review, wires help substantially. Also, if you're a Max user, there's no reason not to render without this: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=69829


    I'll hold off seriously critiquing until I see wires - but from what I see so far, the engine housings could stand be smoothed out with at least another 10 sides.


    Thank you very much for the feedback so far. Will post wires soon :)

  4. https://skfb.ly/D96u



    Click link above to see model.in 3D




    Click link above to see model in 2D


    So I decided to make a troop Transport aircraft it is still a Heavy work in progress but it is getting there.


    Let me know what you think. I have opted for sketchfab opposed to 2D images due to I think that it can give a better overall presentation of the model.


    What is done -


    Body of the vehicle


    What is not done -



    Forward 50 cal Gun with Optics

    Side Doors

    Side Guns

    Internal Passenger Seats


    Hey Bfranx -


    Why have you not switched over to Unreal 4 yet?


    Just curious :)

    We're trying to decide between UE4 and Source 2, that's why we haven't fully committed to one or the other.



    Shot you a PM on the matter. That said there is lots of really cool stuff coming down the pipe for Unreal 4.


    If you want a game engine that goes above and beyond your expectations go with unreal 4.


    My 2 cents :)

  6. In regards to Source 2 - Look into The DOTA 2 Alpha Mod tools set available on steam in the tools section.


    Hammer has been completely remade and I am guessing the same will be done with faceposer. Valve this time around are doing everything themselves which is really awesome. Not to mention that they will be using VULKAN aka OpenGL next and the best bits of AMD's Mantle.


    As for Unreal 4 - It is flat out awesome. I am not any form of tech artist but Unreal 4 lets me stroke my ego and lets me think so.


    Here is what I mean -


    Everything is visual down to the Shader Editors, Blueprint Visual Scripting, Behavior Trees, Animation Editors, Cinematic Editors, etc. It really empowers artists to do their best stuff which is to just make awesome art without having to rely on a programmer.


    That said - If you are an Programmer you will be right at home with UE4 due to its C++ base which is highly extendable. Best of all Epic Games is not content. I don't say this much and I have used allot of game engines from allot of companies - I LOVE Unreal Engine and I want to marry it if I could do that. Just due to the amount of time that it saves me.


    They also have a lighting / shading system that you made have heard about called PBR (Physically Based Rendering). So what does this mean?


    It means that you spend more time working on making awesome art opposed to worrying about how it looks.


    Here is the long version of what I am trying to say.


    Anyway I gave my 2 cents - I would love to see Apocalypse Rising, Reborn, and War of Assassins come to Unreal 4.


    I would be willing to lead such a charge.


    EDIT: It is also worth mentioning that Unreal Engine 4 can do some crazy large worlds.


    So The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim is about 4 miles or 6 kilometers on its side rounded up to the nearest whole number. So if we multiply that by 10 we would get 40 miles or 64 Kilometers for the size of this massive level.

    Which is massive for a game engine not to mention that with DirectX 12 and Vulkan we will be able to do more with large worlds like this. Things like more advanced Artificial intelligence, etc.



    The demo that I am referencing.



    Twitch.TV broadcast where they state how large the world is and What they did to make it. Skip to 45 minutes in that is when the talk begins.

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