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Posts posted by AgrippaDaRippa

  1. 12 minutes ago, Pushwall said:




    Open one of the following maps in LAN mode:

    • RA_CamosCanyon
    • RA_GuardDuty
    • RA_Metro
    • RA_RiverRaid
    • RA_RockTrap
    • RA_Wasteland

    Then press F8 to open the console and type botcount 20 or some other number - don't go too much higher than 40, too many bots can choke the game performance. And don't enable bots on maps other than the ones I suggested, those maps have incomplete pathfinding, no rally points and no list of preferred bot units, so bots will not work properly on them.

    I also recommend the following settings:

    • If you're on CamosCanyon, GuardDuty or RiverRaid, set starting credits to something lower than 500 (main server uses 350), so that bots can't immediately flood the War Factory construction zone with vehicles, because if they have the ability to do so right at the start of a match then it often leads to some awful traffic jams.
    • Disable friendly fire as bots do not know how to stay out of each others' line of fire.



    Thank you Pushwall,

    I will play around with this when I get home. Hopefully if we get enough interest going we can get a decently populated US/NA server going some time. I miss this game and I need to have this itch scratched.

  2. Hey guys,

    I am hoping that I may be pointed in the right direction on this one. I seem to either be lost, blind or dumb (unsure what one). I am coming back to APB after a very long break from the game and was hoping to get some practice in single player before a US/NA server is set up. 

    Does APB have any AI maps, or am I remembering a feature that never existed in the first place? If it does have AI maps, how do I access them?

    Thanks for the help everyone, I am excited to come back to this game.

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