When ever I try to host a LAN game or play skirmish, be it APB, TSR, or Interim Apex the loading bar just before joining the map makes it to the end, gives a little error chime and brings up a message saying "Renegade has encountered an internal error and is unable to continue normally." I've tried installing, uninstalling, repairing, compatibility, disable anti virus, disable UAC, disable firewall, installing updates, and running as admin. The original renegade from the Ultimate Collection does the same thing. I've tried many different combinations of graphics qualities, resolutions, windowed mode, etc. Same error every time. I even unplugged my second monitor just to see if that could be it. The weird part is I can join the online servers without issue. Running windows 10 on good hardware. I've opened up the crash dump file and attached a picture of what it says happened.