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Posts posted by Dayofnuke

  1. DXVK, DirectX (to) Vulkan https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk , specific version used: https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/releases/download/v2.3/dxvk-2.3.tar.gz (but any version should work)

    easy way is to drop all those files into IAs game.exe directory (or only the DX9 files if you want to be more specific) ...and thats it game will run in Vulkan via a translation layer.

    as for Frame Generation, i just turned on AFMF (AMD Fluid Motion Frames) which works semi-unofficially with Vulkan (but not DX9)

    Vulkan does most of the heavy lifting, and the frame generation smooths over any fps dips or stutters. As i mentioned technically adds frame lag, but average of 9ms total, so not really a factor in real useage

    i was able to maintain ~60 real fps and ~120 fps with frame generation up to about 190 bots with vis disabled

    above 190 bots the W3D engine itself seems to start to give up

  2. 5 hours ago, dblaney1 said:

    Mind writing a tutorial of what you used to do this?

    being as i was unsure of opinions on such a thing my post was intentionally vague/obtuse, but the reality is its hardly difficult or a technical triumph of any sort.

    its a simple combination of dxvk + AFMF (which some have argued isn't real frame generation, but if its visually adding more frames its close enough for me)
    i suspect at -least- 50% of the heavy load (160 bots + vis disabled) fps uplift is Vulkan alone, thus frame generation is bit more of a meme idea lol

    since this is a hack-on-a-hack type of thing it isnt perfect, for example sharpening/AA/AF dont seem to work. as for frame times, for me real frame time is 4.0ms, FG adds about 5.0ms, thus approximate 9.0ms total frame time.

    as for my comment about RT, one could -in theory- translate dx9 into dx12 (have had some success with this part), and then once dx12 is ...technically... exposed, hack something such as RTX Remix on it. as i said it would be MUCH more work, and probably utterly destroy frame rates(?), if for no other reason than all the hacking and translating happening. i haven't really explored this idea much, but some very quick overview-ing made me think it was possible

    since game lives locked at max fps outside of unusual load situations this was all mostly for the memes :biggrin:

    whats W3D's max texture size? just had a thought about using my AI to upscale ..would that work? hmm

  3. While im here on the forums... ya.. this
    I had made several gigs of footage on my own, but when editing it i decided it was sub-par stuff so ditched it. i think i may still have the effects and 3D animation logo i made (for IA) saved somewhere though? id have to check my server

  4. I debated a lot where to post this, but since it technically applies to all(?) W3D engine games, figured here was best?

    I doubt there's any issue with this, but just to be safe ill not post the exact method, so if i get in any trouble ill be the only one to blame :biggrin:

    as the title implies, i got IA (and other games) running on Vulkan, and then via Vulkan applied frame generation.
    being as its a hack on a hack its not flawless, but works pretty well, also since game is locked to maximum FPS most of the time anyway, fairly pointless.

    but under load from 160 bots and with vis disabled, was able to get -about- 60 real fps, and 120 with generated frames i made a video:
    (i am apparently far to stupid to properly embed video:v? so heres the link instead)
    Link to IA Vulkan Frame Generation MP4 (compressed + downscaled to 1080p)  (Akaris is me, "Dayofnuke" is actually very old name)

    you can spot some of the generated frames as bots load in causing a fps dip, but otherwise fairly smooth after that, so this method maybe helpful for PvE sometimes :biggrin:
    using a very similar method, DX12 should probably be possible? and between Vulkan/DX12 applying Ray Tracing is also theoretically possible, but that would be ~much~ more work than FG

  5. 3 hours ago, TemporaryName said:

    what are names of those CPUs?

    Fair question I should have included more details, sorry.

    These aren't new rack servers with Epycs or something, they are AMD Opteron 6380 (X4, 2 + 2), RAM is 1600MHz ECC.

    I do also have the Ryzen 9 5950X in my main PC (with 64GB of RAM, non-ECC) if more processing power is needed. However it wouldn't be available 24/7, only for occasional jobs. I also need it for either gaming or various compute jobs (rendering/simulation usually, on rare occasion code compile)

  6. first time posting here (its me, that guy that hardly says anything in-game) came here to read about new build...but

    regarding this bit "I will be able to get new PC soon probably in February after lunar new year which i may host my own test server for the upcoming newer build and possible some bot match there if you want to."

    I'm obviously just walking into this blind and have no idea what the situation/requirements for you are...but i have a rack server currently doing just about nothing and gigabit up/down fiber connection, id be perfectly happy to donate as much as 28 CPU cores, 50GB of RAM, 256GB NVMe space and at least 600Mbps towards test server, in VPS form

    or 32 cores 32GB of RAM if you'd like a dedicated bare metal option, both with whatever OS you'd like and root access

    just thought id let it be known its available, i enjoy Interim Apex so id be happy to help out if i can

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