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Posts posted by cooldude7

  1. Hi IA Team,

    I got kicked tonight but KTFF (without warning) and am now in a 24-hour ban as a result. I don't want any sympathy and am not asking for any relief from this action. I want to explain the actions that led me here. First, please know that I am a super fan of Renegade and have been playing for 16 years. Much of this time has been on NewMaps servers which have always been my favorite. (Any remember the =UN= Clan? I was once a member of this...)

    In recent years, I've been a regular on MPF NewMaps which apparently is a cuss word around these parts. I understand somebody stole something from somebody. I honestly don't give a shit about any of that. I'm not on IA's side vs. MPF's side. Seems like everyone else has picked a side which is weird. The whole renegade community no matter your side has less than 100 regular players so this whole side shit is just making things worse, but c'est la vie.

    Tonight I was in the IA server playing a good game - about #2 or #3 on my team - and was bitching about how OP some tanks are versus others. I was in a Phase tank and killed in 1 shot by some GDI tank. Similar scenarios happened all the time and others were even complaining about how X tank was OP vs some other tank.

    Maybe this is what everyone here wants, I don't know. Create a breed of super players who know the exact combinations of tanks to fuck opposing tanks, but to me, so much is overpowered, it's hard to play and enjoy the game. I was privately told by a mod who I knew from MPF that hopefully, the new update should help create balance? I sure hope so, but I'm not gonna wait around.

    If you ask me (and no one did) please let me review pros/cons of IA server:


    • Cooler buildings
    • Newer tanks
    • More players most of the time


    • Terribly unbalanced gameplay compared to "normal" Renegade
    • No criticism of IA allowed. It is perfect and any talk to the contrary will result in a kick or worse
    • IA mods think so highly of themselves that default action is a 24h kick - no warnings or similar (again, see point 2)
    • Whole IA community is rabid and will attack at any indication of not enjoying incredibly unbalanced gameplay

    If you're still reading me, you're probably thinking two things. First, "what a fucking asshole this guy is, right? "(Again, how any criticism, even constructive criticism gets shut down here because IA is better than everything.)  Second, what does this guy want? That, there's an actual answer to, but no one wants to hear that either. IA is NOT PERFECT, and I'm sick of people acting like it is. I'm sick of people acting like IA has somehow "saved" Renegade. I'm sick of people who I know from MPF for years saying "oh, MPF stole 'our' maps". I'm sick of IA trying to segment the Renegade community.

    I'm not one of the most famous of Renegade, but I am one of the originals. And I'll speak my mind on what's happening on Renegade when I feel it's appropriate. I'm not here to troll, but I will call out unbalanced teams, I will call out shit mods, I will call out divisive actions.

    Do with me what you will. I want Renegade to thrive but I will not just drink the Kool-Aid like so many before me and cower before the almighty IA. I hope IA will continue to thrive, but I also hope you can learn how to listen to the community,

    Thanks for reading. See y'all in ~23 hours or so.


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