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Everything posted by The3X

  1. Doublepost. Threve would totally agree you overreacted. Make me a mod and never see me to use my power unless someone aks me to do so or someone is really feeding the enemy team. All I did would have been easily restriced by using "!lock" (which would have been bad for the team as well, but at least you wouldn't overreact that much) the command "!qkick The3X" which you wrote was way longer than "!lock". Which means, you wanted me to be kicked for some reason. You overreacted.
  2. I don't like the way you write this Kickmofo. thats just one point of view. Don't you see my point? You said I need to stop speaking about that or you mute me. It sounds like you don't wanna see your mistake to me. It wasn't any tank i got in. I was in range, close and hidden the team, which you couldn't. I took over your role. I wasn't stealing a mammoth and feeding or destroying it. Get real man! You overreacted in that term. For some reason you thought I gonna take away your tank, vkicked me, then instantly qkicked me just SECONDS after that without any comment. You want me to just follow what you tell me to do but in fact we are all players and need to cooperate which means discussions. You - or the other one - were/was in my reparing vehicle at that time too, but I didnt kick anyone bc that would be hilarious kicking someone from that when he just wants to help. Why didnt you let me in it while I was staying in base man? get a little trust. I would totally understand this, if I drove this tank to the enemy lines or to the deaths. But the situation is: I got in it, you vkicked me , then kicked me. then you muted me while you said you kicked me w/o reason. Just lock it mb? Reason I "cried" ? I wanted you to see your mistake. To learn from it. That's what a normal human does.
  3. I was defending the base. Kickmofo got out of his mobile stealh gen he was in all game (which was very nice and kind!), to repair our PP. I saw it and got in, to hide our vehicles which were approaching the enemy attacking vehicles, so we could defend our PP. Immidiatly kickmofo kicked me out of his vehicle and told me not to get in it. So I wrote why I got in and got in again, because several of our units were revealed and an easy target. (the point was to sneak to the attacking units and then kill them when they were close). However he instantly kicked me out of the game then (which weirdly made me lose my money) and our units approaching the enemies were stopped as they were unhidden. He then muted me while I was asking him to apologize for that very weird kick (I mean - why no "lock" then?). His vehicle took no dmg. I didnt feed it to the enemy. I didnt do anything to it. I just were occupying it, so it's effect was online. That's - in my opinion - is like kicking someone from their mobile repairing vehicle while their own building is about to get destroyed. I think he overused his rights there. All I want is just some apologize that he in fact did overreact in that situation while I all did was helping. And all he did was revealing our defense. I'm in kind of rage now and my english is also really bad, so I apologize for everything about the grammar or that weirdly chosen words. See how easy an apologize is? Use your powers for the right thing! Next time say. "Dont help our team! Get out! Only I use my vehicles ever." following by: "!lock"
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