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  1. Newer update: i finally got windows 10 and a new pc, now it installs normally
  2. I do have an idea for an alternative way, though its very stupid but the idea is for somebody to just send me the interm apex game (the only one ive ever played and the only reason i had w3d hub) but its a big time waste since every update i'd need them to send it again
  3. deleted, sorry but i dont know if i should keep it or not but i remembered this was here
  4. i think ive figured it out myself, i was unsure if i did the TLS at the time i was writing that but i may have not and the log says it failed to connect to the SSL/TLS but if its not that tell me, imma go try the TLS 1.2 enabling right now to make sure i did iterrors.log
  5. sorry for an very late response but i misstyped service pack, its a service pack 1 windows 7 system specs: 8 GB of ram Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad Cpu Q8200 @ 2.33 GHz(i literally typed this from a the device manager because i forgot its name) ASUS EAH6670 Series graphics card i think thats all thats needed if anything else is please type me (yes i know i have a bad computer but it somehow still runs most modern games at good graphics)
  6. (i dont think im even posting this in the right area) But anyways Hello. ive been trying to come back to w3d hub for a while.. but it only says "Failed to connect to the backend" i saw this was reported many times so i tried everything that was said to fix it but nothing worked This included firewall game version TLS hosts regedit im running a Windows 7 Service Pack 2 64 bit PC anyways now im going to wait for answers if you answer thanks.
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