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Posts posted by YosefAnan

  1. Subject: Proposal for "Yuri's Empire" Script and Game Revitalization

    Dear [Game Developers' Team/Specific Contact Person],

    I trust this message finds you well. My name is Youssef Al-Qudsi, known within the gaming community as Yosef Anan. I am a big fan of the Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge game,  I became famous on the CnCNet client gaming platform as Yosef Anan as a map designer and YouTuber and I have video Tutorials on how to make maps.

    I am writing to you today with an exciting proposition. I have developed a new scenario for the Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge game titled "Yuri's Empire." This scenario introduces a fresh perspective on campaigns and maps, aimed at rejuvenating the game's appeal and possibly aligning with any plans for a remake, similar to the success of the first part of the Red Alert series.

    The "Yuri's Empire" scenario is not only a great addition to the game but also for an animated movie or a live-action film. The storyline is rich in events, adventure, and science fiction, and features elements of time travel and space exploration, including visits to the moon and Mars. The narrative unfolds with Yuri possessing advanced technology after colonizing planets and extracting unique energy elements and minerals. He becomes an invincible force, and the protagonists, Tanya, Boris, Albert Einstein, and Dr. Brown, must utilize their intelligence to confront Yuri's bases and overcome the challenges posed by his superior technology.

    I am eager to discuss the possibility of selling the script for the film and exploring collaboration on new game missions. As someone deeply passionate about the Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge community, I believe that this initiative could not only breathe new life into the game but also engage a wider audience.

    I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to communicate with the relevant individuals or teams involved in the development and decision-making processes. Your insights and guidance on how to proceed would be invaluable.

    Thank you for considering my proposal. I look forward to the prospect of collaborating with you and contributing to the continued success of the Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge legacy.

    With all due respect,

    Youssef Al-Qudsi (Yosef Anan)

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