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Posts posted by TehMajor

  1. On 6/28/2022 at 3:50 AM, Dadud said:

    I've been watching this project for over a decade and there's really not been any public progress. It's always a new model to replace an old one, and better textures. Just release the damn thing with placeholder models.

    As have I. I've been watching this mod since the beginning, it's almost been two decades and I've long given up hope of any release at all. I've watched these people go from this and APB to Reborn and then on to multiple projects as time has gone by. I know this is a community and volunteer based effort but it's clearly become vaporware. I come by now and then and have a peek around here, but I'm lucid enough and can read the writing on the wall. Another point I'll make is how EA totally killed command and conquer all the way back in 2010, I know a lot of people still play the original red alert 2 and those games. I know a lot of people got psyched for the remaster. But like myself I assume the active community and support has largely decentralised and evaporated. That's just my two cents and how I see it.

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