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About ExEric3

  • Birthday May 13

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    IT, Gaming, Scripting

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  1. Still broken at Anniversary server. Mainly after crevasse map when loads new map some players have grayed out vehicles. After rejoin it was fixed.
  2. Description Some players have same HWIDs. Its actually issue since serials arent forced by TT installer so usually servers get empty serial hash and some HWIDs are same from multiple players. So its kinda harder to ban evaders. Reproduction Steps Unstoppable said its virtualisation issue Linux/wine users
  3. Description Against that player_info console command I would request new pinfo console command with more details. To not broke actual functionality and backward compatibility with BRenBot would be nice have it under pinfo2 console command. As for extended info I would like to have in pinfo2 these details: player_id, name, score, team_id, ping, ip, port, kbps, rank, kills, deaths, kd, credits, hwid, version, revision, gameobj, character, headshots, neckshots, bodyshots, shotsfired, muted = dragonade related, muted_sounds = dragonade related Reproduction Steps Its request only
  4. Description Issue is latest player slots isnt printed in a console when is called player_info console command. Then it broke BRenBot and his functions and player cannot be managed by bot. As sollution is to use pinfo console command but there is nobody who is maintaining BRenBot official repository and since BRenBot is distributed with TT as official bot it should be fixed to everyone. WolfReg which runs some communities in private beta test is handling data over pinfo console command – so is not avaiable to everyone. Reproduction Steps Run FDS with plimit 4 join in 4 players type player_info in a console
  5. Description Some people complained at new loaded maps they have vehicle limit reached – so they cant order vehicles because PT icon is grayed out. Unstoppable gave some temp sollution and I think he fixed it. My temp sollution is call again vlimit command after some short map time - when all finished loading map already. Reproduction Steps To reproduce this is needed 30+ players and some map without vehicle factories, then skip that map to some which have vehicle factories. Similiar issues reported Jerad in LAN mode where is vehicle limit 1.
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