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    W3D Hub's Yearly Server Fund

    W3D Hub is a non-profit team and we run our game servers and web services using our own money. Please consider donating to W3D Hub's Server Fund in order to help us stay up and running! Your donations will be spent on hosting for our game servers, as well as any expenses relating to this forum and website.

    • 02/02/2021
    • 12/31/2021
    • 9 Donations

    1025.00 USD of 1000.00 USD

    W3D Hub Yearly Running Costs

    W3D Hub is a non-profit team and we pay for our launcher, game servers and web services ourselves. Please consider donating to W3D Hub in order to help us stay up and running!


    Your donations will be spent on continued upkeep of the W3D Hub Launcher, as well as hosting for our game servers, as and any expenses relating to this website.

    • 01/16/2022
    • 12/31/2022
    • 16 Donations

    840.00 USD of 1500.00 USD

    W3D Hub Yearly Running Costs

    W3D Hub is a non-profit team and we pay for our launcher, game servers and web services ourselves. Please consider donating to W3D Hub in order to help us stay up and running!


    Your donations will be spent on continued upkeep of the W3D Hub Launcher, as well as hosting for our game servers, as and any expenses relating to this website.

    • 01/15/2023
    • 08/31/2023
    • 7 Donations

    475.00 USD of 750.00 USD

    W3D Hub Yearly Running Costs

    W3D Hub is a non-profit team and we pay for our launcher, game servers and web services ourselves. Please consider donating to W3D Hub in order to help us stay up and running!

    Your donations will be spent on continued upkeep of the W3D Hub Launcher, as well as hosting for our game servers, as and any expenses relating to this website.

    • 03/31/2024
    • 12/31/2024
    • 2 Donations
    Donate Now
    120.00 USD of 750.00 USD
IP.Board Donations by DevFuse
  • Donation Stats

    Total Donors
    120.00 USD
    Total Donations
    750.00 USD
    Total Goals
    120.00 USD of 750.00 USD
    Latest Donation
    04/25/2024 · 20.00 USD
  • Donation Goals

    W3D Hub Yearly Running Costs

    W3D Hub is a non-profit team and we pay for our launcher, game servers and web services ourselves. Please consider donating to W3D Hub in order to help us stay up and running!

    Your donations will be spent on continued upkeep of the W3D Hub Launcher, as well as hosting for our game servers, as and any expenses relating to this website.

    120.00 USD of 750.00 USD Donate Now
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