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  1. "After 22-24 players, there are so many units that the game balances itself out. But most games on IA are below 20 players which is why a problem is being found." i think the game peaks in playability/fun somewhere between 24 and 30 players. more than that and you get mathematically impossible to defend against rushes, fewer and you get beacon spam. "Blazing_Sands: I believe that this map is fairly balanced and is a fun time for either team. If people would like to comment on what they think of the map and also provide a solution then please do." i like blazing sands, but the game is usually decided in the first minute based on whoever establishes control of the tib machines which is usually gdi because gdi has the best infantry units at every price point. i don't think there's enough base-level income to make it feasible for whoever misses out on control to come back. not saying it's impossible, just that it takes the losing team playing perfectly and the winning team to basically afk for it to happen. also, it's bullshit the way the cliffs wrap all the way around Nod's base. "Nod Ballistic Sniper ($650)" this is probably the worst infantry unit in the entire game. it is literally just a worse version of gdi's ballistic sniper. why in gods name does it use a slow projectile while gdi's counterpart gets hitscan? nonsense. "Anti Air Specialist ($700)" damage is just way too inconsistent, and completely useless against heavily armored air units. if the damage was just normalized to be consistently good instead of doing either nothing or chunking i'd like it a lot more. "Black Hand ($700) (AK-107)" delete. "Nod Designated Marksman ($700) (SVD Dragunov)" delete. "GDI Ballistic Sniper ($650)" if you remove the spread from this unit's gun, you will invalidate the 500 snipers because anyone that can aim will now one-shot-body-shot most of the game's infantry roster while also having no tracer and doing significant damage to lightly armored vehicles. honestly, just leave this unit as is or delete it. it's pretty decent if you don't try using it at extreme ranges. "Logan ($650)" gdi does not need yet another zero-skill AOE infantry raper that can also kill buildings. he already has the M4 for anti-infantry. make the AA12 HE do damage to vehicles; it'd make him a proper all-rounder commando unit that isn't too good at any one thing, as he should be. "Patch ($700): Make Radar invisible." yes, or just delete him. invalidated by like twenty other gdi infantry units. "FLASH M202 ($700)" the only problem with this unit is that Nod has absolutely nothing that can even remotely compete with it. firesuit, best anti-infantry weapon in the entire game that also takes no skill to use whatsoever, can swim, has two C4s, just wtf is this shit? Nod has no unit with this combination of capabilities. give them one or nerf one of these aspects. "Marksman (DMR Sniper Rifle) ($700)" delete. "Havoc Power Suit ($1,750)" i think it's fine for $1,750. dies in one ramjet headshot (maybe not at very high vet levels? but it's close enough to not really matter), slow, can't drive vehicles and does nothing to any vehicles with more than light armor. the problem is that, once again, Nod has nothing like it. gdi has simply too many insanely good infantry units, especially anti-infantry units. "Stage II FV005 ($1,800)" this unit is unusable undeployed, buffing its undeployed reload time doesn't fix the fact that you might hit one in 10 shots even at close range because your shells can leave your barrel at a 90 degree angle. keep the reload speed, reduce the undeployed spread. super fun unit to use if you can get into a good position to deploy, insanely frustrating to use undeployed because of how wildly inaccurate it is. "Churchill ($400)" this unit is worse than TOW humvee IMO. way, WAY too much effective health for 400 credits. horrifically balanced unit. completely shuts Nod out of early game on maps like great_under. it should have its health nerfed by 20% if not more or cost doubled or more. needs radical balance adjustments. "TOW Humvee ($400)" part of why this game is so ridiculously imbalanced is because every changelog goes like this: damage nerfed by 82% reload speed nerfed by 54% cost increased 500% turret turn speed reduced by 95% we need more iterative balance patches instead of these massive and numerous changes. nerf one thing at a time, and nerf it slightly. if it's still too strong, nerf some other aspect of the unit or redo the previous nerf but more severe. i think all the tow humvee really needs is a reload speed nerf, maybe 20% as you suggested. it's a glass cannon, it dies unlike a lot of other high damage units, it's just too consistent in that damage because of its high ROF. "Merkava ($1500)" is this the one with the AI mortar and the weird-ass deploy missile fire mode thing? i like the idea of this tank, having a mobile AI mortar is really cool and unique design, the problem is that it seems almost random in its willingness to actually shoot at shit, and even if it does it usually misses entirely. make the mortar AI more aggressive and i think this thing could be a really good unit for 1500 credits. no idea what to do with the alternate deployed fire mode or if it needs changed, it just seems really janky. "Mammoth Recovery Tank ($1,500)" this is arguably the only truly gamebreaking unit in the game. i would welcome significantly more severe nerfs than you've proposed. increase its cost to 2800, reduce its speed, and/or nerf its health. horribly unfun unit to play against. and since you didn't mention it (yet?): Aegis Shield Generator FUCK this unit. it needs to work the same way the mobile gap generator works at the VERY LEAST. it MUST be nerfed by requiring it to be occupied in order for the shield to work, you should not be able to deploy an infinite duration, infinite health, mobile, unmanned giant fucking shield like it's nothing. OR, give the shield health or a cooldown, or tie the health of the shield to the health of the vehicle. just something to make it actually interactive and able to be played against rather than the complete and utter bullshit it currently is.
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