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Everything posted by Unstoppable

  1. The bug in player_info was fixed and will be available with the next TT patch. Thank you for your report.
  2. New commands are implemented to provide more information (not all of requested ones, but some of them) about players in a single command response and they will be published with the next TT patch.
  3. A fix for this will be available with the next TT patch. Thank you for your report.
  4. Thank you for your report. The problem has been identified and solved. A fix will be available with the next TT update.
  5. https://www.renegadeforums.com/index.php?t=msg&th=41315&start=0& Being unable to connect both to Tiberian Technologies and W3D Hub services highly indicate an issue on your end. Given you can visit both Tiberian Technologies and W3D Hub's websites, it might be an anti-virus blocking network activity.
  6. All of these crashes tell me that there is a decal rendering issue. If the crashes happen only in that map, you could notify the map owner about the issue and temporarily disable decals by changing "DecalLimit" HUD.ini property to 0 until it is fixed.
  7. HD maps mentioned in the post are related to Rencorner, not RenHD. They're downloaded via TTFS. @ TeamWolf @ Einstein
  8. Feature Overview The new updated weather system operates differently in two primary ways; by introducing more customization capabilities on a per-map basis, and by introducing the capability of rendering surface level weather VFX. The primary means of assigning a weather type to a level (rain, snow, ash) remains unchanged, via Mammoth. New Per-Map Options Your map-specific INI files (the same file containing skybox information and a couple of other things), now also contain new parameters for weather related settings, as well as a few additional skybox settings. All the new settings, including their default values, are seen here in this example: [SkyTextures] MoonTexture1=FullMoon.dds MoonTexture2=PartMoon.dds EarthTexture1=FullEarth.dds EarthTexture2=PartEarth.dds SunTexture=Sun.dds SunHaloTexture=SunHalo.dds MoonHaloTexture=MoonHalo.dds CloudTexture=CloudLayer.dds StarTexture=Star.dds LightningTexture=LightningBolt.tga LightningSource=LightningSource.dds [WeatherTextures] WeatherTexture=weatherparticles.dds ; Sounds look for presets by name, not audio files. [ThunderSounds] ThunderSound1=Thunder01 ThunderSound2=Thunder02 ThunderSound3=Thunder03 ThunderSound4=Thunder04 ThunderSound5=Thunder05 ThunderSound6=Thunder06 WarBlitzSound=SFX.Ambient_Explosion_01 [WeatherSounds] WindSound=Wind01 RainSound=Rainfall01 [WeatherEffects] ; When a weather particle hits the ground, it will generate a random ; number between 0 and 1000 and if that number is less than ; WeatherEffectChance, it will trigger the "weather effect". ; See surfaceeffects.ini for weather hitter type data. ; Value from 0 to 1000. WeatherEffectChance=750 ; Area size around the camera to render weather in. RainSize=20.0 SnowSize=40.0 AshSize=40.0 New Surface Effects In order to generate the new client-side localized weather VFX, you need to update your surfaceeffects.ini with additional hitter type entries for each weather type (rain, snow, ash). Once you have listed your weather hitter types, you can then assign VFX to them like you would any other hitter type. Below is an example for the Rain hitter type: ; Weather Effects ; RAIN [Light Metal_Rain] Emitter0=e_rainspla Emitter1=e_rainsplb [Heavy Metal_Rain] Emitter0=e_rainspla Emitter1=e_rainsplb You can do the same for the other weather hitter types. Bonus tip: If your project has an unused weather type (most likely Ash), you can remove the ash texture from weatherparticles.dds and then use that weather to, for example, create wind effects in a sandy map.
  9. What are the CPUs of the computers that you got the crash on?
  10. Are -n1 suffixed versions of these crashdumps are available? Other than that, all of these crash dumps are related with memory issues from what I can tell. You could try the following and see if it helps: Check for faulty RAMs using mdsched.exe on Windows Disable any optimizations or game overlays and boosters Update your BIOS (be careful, this could brick the system if not done right!) Remove one RAM stick at a time and try playing the game that way
  11. This happens when the map depends on assets from the original game and mostly happens in Co-Op servers which host campaign maps. Running "mixcheck.exe" in the game folder might solve the issue by downloading the missing maps.
  12. Scripts 4.8 Update 3 is now available. I would like to thank Unstoppable, Jerad2142, dblaney1 and cyberarm for their contributions to 4.8 Update 3 (If I missed anyone else who contributed to 4.8 Update 3, sorry). Changes made since 4.8 Update 2: New scripts and changes to existing scripts by Jerad2142. New scripts by Unstoppable. Added server.ini keyword DisplayUnteamedPlayersAsGDIPlayerCount that displays unteamed players as GDI in player counts and GameSpy listing (if enabled). Added new engine call Forward_Server and FORWARD_SERVER console command to disconnect a given client and forward them to connect to another one. Added new engine call Add_Shadow_Message that adds a message into chat history without displaying the message in the chat. Added tt.ini keyword SkipWOL that skips Multiplay Internet dialog and shows GameSpy listing directly. GameSpy listing now resolves all master servers instead of trying one by one, collects the reported game server addresses from all master servers and merges them to build the final server list. Added favorite servers support in GameSpy listing. GameSpy listing now sorts the servers by favorite, then by player count in descending order, then by ping in ascending order and then by server title in ascending order after every refresh. Selecting a message in chat history (Default: U key) and hitting Ctrl+C will now copy that message into clipboard. Use a different method to smoothen the fonts when the Render Scale option is set to a value other than 100%. Added an alternative rendering method for weapon charts if the aspect ratio of the render resolution is greater than 2.5. Fix an FPS counter/team header overlapping issue when a custom font file is in use. Fix Minimize On Lost Focus remaining enabled (visually) when Render When Unfocused is checked and Window Mode is Fullscreen in wwconfig. Introduced an enum type for purchase responses. (For scripts developers) If you are running 4.8 Update 2 (or any earlier version) you will be automatically updated to 4.8 Update 3. People wanting a full installer (to install from scratch or to do a full reinstall), a server download or a tools download can find them on the Tiberian Technologies website (www.tiberiantechnologies.org) in the downloads section. Appropriate source code for 4.8 Update 3 as well as the source files for the map fixes in 4.7 (which are the latest fixes we have) can also be found on the site. People who need Dragonade will have to follow https://github.com/TheUnstoppable/Dragonade for updates.
  13. The installer executable has been updated to solve some compatibility issues with Steam version of the game. Those who have the game in Steam has to install the TT patch again using the new installer available in the web site www.tiberiantechnologies.org. Specifically, the installer removes the compatibility settings in the registry that Steam version adds and removes the installScript.vdf file that helps Steam restore those registry values back, to fix the launcher and Windowed mode.
  14. Scripts 4.8 Update 2 is now available. I would like to thank Unstoppable, Jerad2142, Dghelneshi and cfehunter for their contributions to 4.8 Update 2 (If I missed anyone else who contributed to 4.8 Update 2, sorry). Changes made since 4.8 Update 1: Changes to existing scripts by Jerad2142. Added "Minimize On Lost Focus" in WWConfig that minimizes the game when window loses focus. (Only works when window mode is not Fullscreen) Added "Stretch to Fit Screen" in WWConfig option that stretches the window to fit the screen. (Only works when window mode is Windowed Borderless) Replaced Double HUD with Render Scale in WWConfig, that allows 100%, 125%, 150%, 175% and 200% scaling. (You may need to run WWConfig for this change to take effect) Resolution bar in WWConfig now displays the aspect ratio and the frame rate alongside the resolution text. The launcher will now wait for the game to exit for Steam to count the play time properly. Fixed an issue where players would not be able to move or interact with the game using the Steam version of Renegade. Fixed a bug that was causing a crash while entering Communications Center on second mission. (This may fix more crashes throughout the Campaign.) Text Clipping option from Text elements of HUD surfaces are removed. HUD surfaces will now bind to the render area that is scaled to Render Scale, instead of the raw screen resolution. Fixed memory leaks in Scriptable Dialogs and HUD Surfaces. Fixed issues with Windows DPI scaling messing up the window centering math. If you are running 4.8 Update 1 (or any earlier version) you will be automatically updated to 4.8 Update 2. People wanting a full installer (to install from scratch or to do a full reinstall), a server download or a tools download can find them on the Tiberian Technologies website (www.tiberiantechnologies.org) in the downloads section. Appropriate source code for 4.8 Update 2 as well as the source files for the map fixes in 4.7 (which are the latest fixes we have) can also be found on the site. People who need Dragonade will have to follow https://github.com/TheUnstoppable/Dragonade for updates.
  15. Scripts 4.8 Update 1 is now available. I would like to thank Unstoppable, Jerad2142, dblaney1 and cyberarm for their contributions to 4.8 Update 1 (If I missed anyone else who contributed to 4.8 Update 1, sorry). Changes made since 4.8: New launcher & auto-updater. Servers using this release will no longer allow TT versions below 4.8 to join the game. New scripts and changes to existing scripts by Unstoppable. New scripts and changes to existing scripts by Jerad2142. Changes to existing scripts by moonsense715. Changes to existing scripts by danpaul88. Add HUD surfaces feature that allows servers to draw primitives, images and text on client's HUD. Added "Windowed Borderless" window configuration. Added "Render When Unfocused" option to continue rendering the game when window loses focus or minimized. Added new engine calls Print_Client_Console and Print_Client_Console_Player to send a message to client's console at top left corner of the screen. Added new engine calls Change_<Enemy/Friendly/Neutral>_HUD_Color and Change_<Enemy/Friendly/Neutral>_HUD_Color_Player to change the reticle & target color. Added new engine calls Enable_Global_Targeting and Enable_Global_Targeting_Player that disables targeting except for pokable objects, buildings and MCTs. Added new engine calls Get_Time_Of_Day and Set_Time_Of_Day to change the sky time. Added new engine call Is_Connection_Bad that tells if a client experiences connection issues. (AKA "Connection to server interrupted gameplay pending") Added 18 new engine calls to override various sky parameters and colors. Added hardware identifiers, accessed with HARDWAREID console command and Get_Client_Hardware_Identifier engine call. Added GameSpy heartbeat feedbacks that report any GameSpy failures reported by the master to the console. Added support for custom C4 disarm explosions. Added cinematic camera feature from 5.x. Added support to load always4.dat. Added SPY console command to toggle spy mode of a player, or their vehicle. Various additions and changes to the scriptable dialogs. Added Health Bar control. Added new styles for Label control. Added control focusing support for scriptable dialogs. Added Enter (to confirm entered text in Text Areas) and Esc (to request to close the dialog) key press events. Changing a control parameter without showing the dialog will no longer crash the clients. Fix so removing a control by ID will no longer cause a crash. Title label background is now properly updated when the text changes. GRANTWEAPON console command now grants full clip and inventory rounds. Various fixes to the GameSpy listing and broadcaster. GameSpy listing in the game will no longer display non-Renegade games, according to their reported game name. Various changes to make Console_Output hook and file logging work as intended in Wine. Bring back "Load X% complete" message. It is now possible to change Obelisk's weapon and warmup effect model using the 2 new parameters added to the Obelisk script as well as AGT's machine gun and rocket weapons. In multiple monitor configurations, Renegade window will now try to create itself in the desired screen, instead of primary one. Cleaned up and re-organized wwconfig's interface. Fix so games no longer end immediately after the level load is complete on rare occasions. FLY and SPECTATE console commands no longer expect a second parameter. Fixes to Reload_Level to increase reliability. Fixes to Server Operation dialog to display more precise countdown. Fix crash that would occur when client finishes downloading TTFS during a level change. Fix so joining an unpassworded server after joining a passworded server won't leak the passworded server's password to the unpassworded server. Fix smart bots (added by BOTCOUNT) not getting any credits. Fix a memory leak in URL protocol. Footstep effect will no longer play if soldier is not grounded or on ladder. Fix a crash while displaying tooltips. Fix a backwards compatibility issue with no gameplay pending. Fix a false positive in anti-cheat when team changing is disabled. Refinery dumps will no longer give twice the dump amount if smooth dump is disabled. Fix a rare issue when a non-GDI & non-Nod player is present. Fix a crash when ssgm.ini changes during runtime. If you are running 4.8 (or any earlier version) you will be automatically updated to 4.8 Update 1. People wanting a full installer (to install from scratch or to do a full reinstall), a server download or a tools download can find them on the Tiberian Technologies website (www.tiberiantechnologies.org) in the downloads section. Appropriate source code for 4.8 Update 1 as well as the source files for the map fixes in 4.7 (which are the latest fixes we have) can also be found on the site. People who need Dragonade will have to follow https://github.com/TheUnstoppable/Dragonade for updates.
  16. Alt-tab freezes are common among other DX9 games, including Renegade, on devices with NVIDIA GPU. It's an NVIDIA driver issue when there are no other graphics drivers present that an internal operation randomly takes a long time to complete. Waiting about a minute restores the game back, and there is nothing we can do for that.
  17. It looks like you may have Discord or Steam overlays trying to hook into the game. Please disable those to fix these crashes.
  18. All crashes that happen on the latest release are relevant.
  19. Hello, Can you attach your crash dump to this report? Here's how you can find them: Document: Frequently Asked Questions - Tiberian Technologies
  20. You should discuss that with the administrator(s) of the server you are joining to.
  21. Click on the big green "Client Installer" button under Latest Release section in https://www.tiberiantechnologies.org/Downloads. When download is complete, open the downloaded file. Installer should automatically detect the location of the game. If not, click "Browse..." and select the folder where your game is installed. Click "Next >" and it will install the patch.
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