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Hi, I'm sure you must know that your w3d renegade server is not showing up in the launcher. Is it something that I'm doing wrong or is your server down indeed? Thanks and best regards,. Solar PS Whatever the sitrep I sure do miss it.
I was warned for base to base firing and I would like clarification on the rule. I was using an artillery vehicle to fire on the enemy base with some success and although I was at the same distance as my base I was not firing from my base. So I was warned about it and when I challenged Greyson with the fact that I was not in my base he told me that I was not allowed to fire across "the lake on this map". Now this is nothing personal against Greyson (who I have the utmost respect for) but I am challenging him on this situation because the letter of the rule states no base to base shooting and the fact is I wasn't engaged in base to base and I don't feel that its appropriate to make up the rules on the fly because a difficult situation is uncomfortable to the other team (of course it is). I was the same distance from the enemy's base however I was not inside of my base (and if you think firing on a base from very long distances, when you can't even see the other base, is some trick to make things easy then I challenge you to try it). Another 'fact'; is that the enemy could have easily attacked me since I wasn't being defended by my base defenses and I was exposed though not in the open. I mean just because I am the same distance from the enemy base as my base shouldn't be seen as base to base firing and the rule needs to be clarified. Because a successful tactic makes super experienced players whine and moan shouldn't be cause for threatening to ban a person. I have the opinion that making rules to make the game more 'comfy' and easier for experienced players to win is kind of, well, lame. I didn't press him on the issue (as in arguing about it) but my team was already at a disadvantage because we were up against a team with some pretty cut throat and experienced players. So because I wasn't inside of my base its even more questionable for players of that experience level to feel the need to bend the rule to fit something that wasn't so, if you know what I am trying to language. How many disadvantages do players like that need to enforce on the other team just so its that much easier for them to get their thrills on romping over a less experienced team? There certainly are no rules that say that an experienced person can't do one of their quick decapitation strikes early in the game against the opposing team using a method that they have learned through years of playing and experience (which is a more uncomfortable situation inn my opinion). It just seems like some of the rules are lopsided to make the super experienced players not suffer any sort of discomfort while they annihilate the other team (an observation). The situation in that light certainly leaves a less than wonderful impression upon me and I don't agree with making rules up as you go in game. I mean whatever you all say is what I will do, I'm not implying that if you say don't do it that I will not obey but you know even base to base firing, in many situations is not an easy thing to successfully do and by the letter of the rule I was not base to base firing in this situation (and I can understand the panic that the other team may feel in this situation but it isn't unlike the panic that super experienced players cause when they suddenly destroy a major building very early in the game, taking advantage of vulnerabilities that only many years of playing can teach etc.)... I hope that this isn't seen as making too many waves or being a pesky player but could I please have clarification on this rule? Can I fire on the enemy base when I am not in my base even though it is over a very long distance (that is what artillery are designed to do after all)? Thanks in advance and best regards... Solar.
Hello, Right, I always ran Renegade by using the shortcut that was created by the game and then chose the Interim Apex by its listing in the GAMESPY menu. Apparently I've been getting by playing with the TT Scripts installed but they were automagically updated on March 1st? to the next version of scripts which was scripts-4.8.2. This update was apparently what broke my ability to join the Interim Apex server. The solution for anyone who may be interested was to uninstall everything related to Renegade, including w3d launcher (I used REVO UNINSTALLER PRO which clears any registry info, files and really everything if installed via the logging feature) and then reinstalled the game. Then I installed the W3D launcher and everything works better than before. The only question that I have is that when I went into a different server (not IA) it automatically updated the game with TT scripts-4.8.2. However, unlike the issue described above, I have no problems joining and playing in Interim Apex's server. Since I have no working knowledge of how the W3d launcher functions, the only guess that I can come up with is that the W3d launcher keeps separate copies of the game (please forgive my ignorance regarding this matter, I'm only guessing here). So, on a humorously sarcastic note, if there is one thing that gets on my nerve it is when people post a software problem in a forum somewhere but never update it when they find the solution. You know, you can spot many of them because the cry, moan, bump their posting and may even beg for someone to provide a solution but suddenly stop asking for help and then the post gets closed with no solution because its become old or something. There may often be several replies containing possible hints or solutions in the thread or not but you, as a person who might need help with a similar problem, will never know what the ultimate solve was because the original desperato never had enough of a thought to return to their post to let everyone know that they found the solution and what it was (or not but who really ever gives up on a software problem, especially when its Command and Conquer related?)... (Forgive the intentional ranting here). So here I am, returning to W3dhub and in order to not have to live a life knowing for certain that I became a hypocrite by not following up on my 'request for help', I am providing this information as to what ultimately solved my issue. I hope that this will help someone, although it really isn't some huge reveal or anything. Yep, I reinstalled everything.... And its all fine, good and ok now. The only question that I have is regarding the scripts-4.8.2 issue. And in spite of the scripts automatically installing, everything is still running very well and actually better than it was before, much better. Thank you to Einstein for the effort and insight provided, it was very much appreciated. Actually even if someone's reply doesn't contain the ultimate solution it may contain information vital to figuring things out. Besides all of the hints and suggestions its just encouraging when someone takes the time out of their day to reply to your request. Karma will most likely know, when you post your request for help, if you skipped out on helping someone when you could. Thanks again for any help provided and as always my best regards. For the TLDR crowd: THE SOLUTION WAS TO UNINSTALL AND REINSTALL AND TRYING TO AVOID HAVING THE TT SCRIPTS SELF INSTALL WAS ULTIMATELY A FUTILE EFFORT (BUT RENEGADE IS STILL WORKING VERY WELL.
Yes, TRIED EVERY WAY I CAN THINK OF. WITH CLIENT, UPGRADED CLIENT, REINSTALLED CLIENT AND REINSTALLED UPDATE scrpts 38.2. W3d client, and ren client. IT just stopped working, then night before was find and the net day nothing. yriedupdateing w3d cleint, ininstalled, reinstalled, updated... Its a shame because Interim apex is my favorite, go figure... Thanks for the help.
Hello. Today when I tried to join Renegade [W3d] Interim Apex I received the following error message: Connection to server has been refused: This server requires the standalone interim apex client. You can download it through the W3d Hub launcher on W3s.Hub.com. If you are using the IA client make sure you are up to date. This has never happened before and yesterday I was able to join with no issue. So I did try to join by using the 'W3d Launcher but the results were the sane. I updated the launcher and no change. I uninstalled the launcher and reinstalled it but that was also no help. I have no problems joining any of the other channels in Renegade. Does anyone have any ideas as to what the problem could be? Thanks in advance...
HELLO MODERATORS, PLEASE DELETE THIS POSTING. i AM STILL UPSET ABOUT IT BUT AFTER I HAVE 'COOLED DOWN' IT DOESNT SEEM TO BE AS IMPORTANT AS IT WAS WHEN I WROTE IT, i WOULD DELETE IT MYSELF BUT COULD FIND NO OPTION TO DO SO. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE LET ME KNOW. THIS MESSAGE IS NO LONGER IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO POST, THANK YOU IN ADVANCE AND BEST REGARDS. I was playing a Renegade multiplayer game on [W3D.hub] Interim Apex (Tuesday March 5, 2024 at about 23:15 hours). I had bought a Gap Generator (not sure if that's the proper name for it or not) and had parked it so that I could get a repair vehicle set up but during that time a player named Abuaker (not sure about the spelling) took the vehicle without asking and then within a couple minutes he had lost it to the other team (at the moment that he took it I tried "LOCK" and "kick" but it didn't work for whatever procedural error was on my part). So after it was taken by the other team I put a message to the team: "I need 1800 credits to replace my gap gen" (it was only us 3 players) and Awxyde replied "No you don't". And as I was discussing the situation with him (or attempting to do so) he swapped me to the other team (which certainly makes no sense at all to me, since there were only 3 players in the game by now; of course I just quit because I was too bent out of shape to even want to play). I've spoken to Awxyde who said that taking other peoples vehicles without permission isn't against the rules (and I believe that it certainly should be). Nevertheless just taking someone else's vehicle isn't in the spirit of respectful team playing and its just sociopathic, despicable. I also have the thought that it is against the rules because it is the very epitome of "TEAM HAMPERING" (stealing vehicles from people on your team and instantly losing them to your opponents seems to be the very definition of team hampering). Whether the Administrators of this server believe that taking team member's vehicles is just fine, good and ok, I don't. It certainly should be against the rules but nevertheless it is a terrible way to play this game. I also believe that a moderator should at least discourage the act of taking a team members vehicle without permission and certainly shouldn't be an enabler of it. I'm really disturbed about the situation. Its not the 1800 credits, its the point of taking someone else's vehicle without permission and without giving a hoot about the person who bought it. Its absolute disrespect, right in your face. And the secondary issue of a moderator posting impulsive and unprofessional reactions towards what I would define as a wronged player while in game. And what in the world is the message being sent by switching me to the other team when it certainly had nothing to do with a balance issue? Usually I just brush these things off with the realization that its a game and of course things are going to be annoying because its a game, its the nature of game playing. But I'm going to post this in the hopes of actually having the issue addressed or am I going to have to put up with some sort of petty, juvenile retribution or other abuse of moderator authority because I've said something about it. I'm putting this post out here in order to try to eliminate something that is extremely frustrating to game players and not to start some sort of coordinated retaliation towards myself for speaking out. I mean if that's what happens then so be it but I hope that you folks are above all of that. In conclusion I will say that I am frustrated by this situation and that much is clear. But I also would like to take this opportunity to say that as moderators it would give people a better impression if moderators would handle situations like this professionally. Moderators should respect their position and not act like ill behaved school children at recess; moderators should hold themselves to a higher level of conduct. I mean in this situation a moderator clearly took the side of someone who was in the wrong. It doesn't take some sort of degree in morals and ethics to see that taking someone's vehicle in game and for whatever reason losing it to the other team is messed up. And for a moderator to leave the impression that the moderators are just "the good 'ol boys network' is very intimidating and off putting to people and they don't want to play on a server like that. You can handle this as you see fit but I just would like to say that to 'make a difference' you have to make a difference. I certainly am interested in seeing how this is addressed and I believe that it is important and relevant. People just want things to be reasonable and not have to be subjected to childishness and wrong doing at every turn, while trying to have a good time playing a game. Do you know what I mean? PS I hope that "Awxyde' isn't assigned to reply to this. I really am not interested in hearing how he justifies all of this messed upness to himself or hear a boat load of excuses. I was doing nothing wrong and was wronged and that's all there is to it. Its the kind of thing that drives people away from this server and I can absolutely attest to that. I am also not interested in having someone apologize, etc. I want the situation to be corrected so that people don't have to deal with this sort of complete unsportsmanlike behavior.