I browsed waybackmachine for a bit and managed to find the topic numbers of some old mafia games from BHP. If anyone has a better way of searching for archives etc, hopefully this will help. Sure wish they'd kept the old mafia games around.
BHP Forum Games Master Thread
Here are the ones I found to be partially working:
VERTi60's "APB RPG 1" - Snapshot from November 24, 2011
iLikeToSnipe's "Mafia: Catalyst's Chronosphere - Snapshot from November 24, 2011
Jeod's "Team Mafia 2" - Snapshot from November 24, 2011
Here's a forum link to other non-functional forum games. Maybe someone can figure it out and recover a few of these?
Addendum: the linked threads have NOT been fully tested and some pages are not found.
You can use wildcards to search for specific pages of a game. For example, for Muffia, my search was the following:
This returned four results: https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.bluehellproductions.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=24536&st=*