So this is an old project of mine I started sometime around July 2012. It was sopposed to be a trading card game similar to modern ones. Detailed game mechanics never really got finalized and you can see from the included screenshots how some design details changed over time. The latest combat card version was the gray one, so all of the others are outdated. The first two images show the earlier versions, while the third image contains a preview of the newer combat card design.
I had around 60 cards planned out in surprising detail, but I never got past the half way mark - only around 20 cards were fully made. I still have all of my project files so I might end up completing this sometime in the future, who knows? Though if I did start it up again I would definitely rebuild some things from the ground up since I've gotten better at this sort of thing over the past two years. Also, please note that I never had any intention of selling these, this was all done just for fun. So here, enjoy some of my old creations!