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Showing most liked content on 12/01/2011 in all areas

  1. The thing I dislike about large text blarb posts in this thread in particular is that it makes it hard to know which posts to ignore due to them being about as relevant as slave labor in the East. ANYWHO You mentioned something about the MSG. How exactly are you planning on having it work? I actually rather liked its original style of having to be deployed before generating a stealth field. I don't like the concept of Nod being able to move a rush team under the cover of a moving stealth field. The field should be used to hold positions on the field rather than cover troop advancement. That's what the stealth tank is for. Also, that sorta goes for the MSA as well. That should also be imobile when in use. I feel that it would make the game more strategic/tactical if such powerful support vehicles where forced to stay still. Oh, and for the most part I like some of the martydom attributes to ranked up Nod vehicles. I didn't at first but the more I think about it the more it seems to suit them. Granted they wont always be near an enemy to damage when destroyed, they still have that "if I go down, I'm taking you with me" approach to them. Also stealth tanks and smaller light armor vehicles like the recon bike are more likely to come in close range to GDI units. That's why I think it makes sense for at least the Stealth tank to have that exploding ability. That's pretty much as terrorist/hit-and-run as it gets.
  2. Likely too much trouble to do, considering the sort of attitude I've found here- but choice is always a good thing to have in any game. Waaaaay back on the old forums I suggested a similar method where you could customize infantry by purchasing simple additions like a small medkit, extra ammo, and more expensive stuff in a similar way to how the Ion Cannon beacon was purchased in Renegade- your proposal is similar, just with vehicles instead (and likely not interchangeable among different units).
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