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We at W3D Hub have taken notice to the talks and discussions happening around as a result of Red Alert: A Path Beyond moving here. That said, the team would like to address this properly. Read for more details. We at W3D Hub have taken notice to the talks and discussions happening around as a result of Red Alert: A Path Beyond moving here. That said, the team would like to address this properly. One_Winged_Angel wished to address the community via video which you can view below. It addresses a few of the concerns brought up and will hopefully help to inspire some confidence in what we are aiming to build in the future. Furthermore, we would like to present to you a letter from the entire team here at W3D Hub. Hello everyone. These past few days in the W3D community as a whole have been rather eventful, to say the least! Red Alert: A Path Beyond Delta was successfully released via the W3D Hub launcher and we’ve already had a number of spectacular games! This release has been pretty special for all of us here (especially those of us who have been playing the game for 7+ years now), because we firmly believe that the way the game plays and feels harkens back to the glory days of APB Beta. Thanks to all of the graphical improvements, gameplay enhancements, and balance tweaks, it can be reasonably said that Delta truly surpasses Beta. With that in mind, we will now attempt to build upon the success of this release with additional infrastructure support from W3D Hub’s side. What this means is the statistics system that made those old games worth sinking so much time into will return with persistent progression tracking as well as the inclusion of achievements. Along with thorough bugfixing and extensive PR, this should hopefully get the word out there to the wider gaming community that C&C isn’t quite dead just yet and will conceivably serve to swell the ranks of the public players, allowing more regular games to be played. However, the release of Red Alert: A Path Beyond Delta via the W3D Hub launcher was not without vocal opposition. Concerns and speculations have been raised by several members of different C&C communities over the nature of the changes that are going to be happening. These are changes that we will address now. It would appear that a few are apprehensive to downloading the launcher and are instead demanding a standalone download. While we understand your unease, please understand that the W3D Hub launcher is the most viable and robust method of distribution. With it, patches and hotfixes can easily be implemented with little to no hassle. Rather than resorting to handing out loose files for every change (and teaching players how to direct connect to the server), it is more practical to deliver any and all updates through the launcher. Since Bluehell Productions has ceased official support for Red Alert: A Path Beyond, the project will now be entirely hosted and maintained by W3D Hub. The official forums, TeamSpeak channel, IRC network, Mod DB page and other relevant communication mediums for Red Alert: A Path Beyond are now all hosted by W3D Hub. Bluehell Productions is no longer the official source of news, updates and support regarding A Path Beyond. However, Red Alert: A Path Beyond is not over. There are a few people in this thread that are lamenting the end of BHP and the APB community, when in reality W3D Hub is comprised of some of the key founding BHP members. When we split off from BHP last year, our goal was to create a community that could surpass BHP in its services and infrastructure. With APB joining us now, we have achieved a part of this goal. This is the end of BHP’s affiliation with APB, but it is certainly not the end of the APB community. With some of us being founding members of Bluehell Productions, we understood that when there were those who stood against our progress; we needed to escape and create a new place where we could genuinely do something amazing for the community. Now with W3D Hub we have finally done that and APB is one of the final pieces to our puzzle. It’s safe to say that mods like Expansive Civilian Warfare, Battle for Dune and others would not have joined us if we hadn't split, but now as a truly united W3D community, we can push forward in ways that we could never do before. Our motives have always been for the good of the games and of the fans and we hope that we can continue to do right by them and develop a strong and thriving community that will stand for years to come. W3D Hub is the true BHP community now thanks to all of the talented developers that have joined our ranks to support our love for this oddball game engine with all of its triumphs and flaws. To clarify any confusion regarding assets, patches, and future developments: In December of last year, dialogue was opened between the leaders of the APB development team and the leaders of W3D Hub. During these talks, the APB leaders made their position clear to W3D Hub that under no circumstances was the game to be taken over, or simply handed across without clear guidelines being set. In the absence of Chronojam, who has not logged into the BHP forums since July 2015, Pushwall, who effectively became Lead Developer and Executive Producer, now holds creative control over A Path Beyond (http://i.imgur.com/7906j7V.jpg). It has been stipulated that if any W3D Hub member wishes to make any changes to the game, they are to be made by and/or approved by him. Whether development even continues on A Path Beyond is entirely up to Pushwall at this stage. Here's hoping that more content is on the way in the future! Whatever the future may hold with APB’s development, we will be providing support for as long as we are physically able to. When W3D Hub was founded, we made a promise to support the W3D community and affiliated projects as best as we can. We will continue to uphold that promise and make sure that Red Alert: A Path Beyond keeps shining as an outstanding example of what this community is capable of. Let’s make this place into a haven for like-minded Renegades to Command and Conquer! Yours truly, The W3D Hub Team21 likes
no problemo. I did it for the apb gold account. Just figured id give something back for all the years of w3d fun18 likes
[blurb]Coming soon to a RA:APB near you! Introducing the Yakovlev Yak-9P![/blurb] [thumb]thumb_apb.7.png[/thumb] Red Alert: A Path Beyond Dev. Blog Yakovlev Yak-9P Set to debut on Guard Duty, the Yak will afford the Soviets an incredible alpha-strike in their arty-hunting efforts. The Yak can reach speeds of up to 45m/s (the next fastest unit being the Longbow at a mere 24m/s) and expend its magazine in a minimum of 1.33 seconds. The Yak boasts infinite ammo but with a long reload time, although that shouldn't matter much as once you've expended your magazine you're turning around for your next attack. It's splash damage ignites infantry, better allowing your comrades to finish the task should your target remain alive. While mostly effective against infantry and light vehicles, the Yak can still find opportunities in armour-broken heavy vehicles that are on the retreat. As in Red Alert, the Yak will cost 800. With a health of 350 and lack of armour, be advised that your attack runs will leave you vulnerable to return fire. Choose your battles wisely and you can stay airborne for long periods and dish out more punishment than a Hind can. Unlike the Hind however, in the event you are shot down your infantry will also die in the crash. Airfield It goes without saying that the Airfield will also be included as a new structure. Purchased Yaks will fly onto the strip waiting for takeoff, and here you repair and can sell your Yak. It should be noted that the Airfield is technically a "Helipad" in the code, making it unlikely to see both buildings on the same map. Nonetheless, we can discuss how to fit the Airfield and Yak into high-tech maps and implementing them in the future.[thumb]thumb_apb.7.png[/thumb]18 likes
We are halfway toward our yearly funding goal and it is only February! A massive thank you for your massive donation! Thank you forg! For others who would like to chip in, we do have a Donations button in the forum tabs and also to the right. With forg's $500 donation we are halfway to our yearly goal of $1,000. We appreciate every bit that goes toward this goal as it keeps our servers and infrastructure running. [blurb][/blurb]17 likes
Hi everyone! Now that 2018 is in full swing I'd like to just take this opportunity to recap on what we managed to achieve last year as well as what we are aiming to do with W3D Hub this year! 2017 Retrospective 2017 was a productive year for W3D Hub! We outlined our roadmap in this thread last year: As you can see, we pretty much achieved everything that we set out to do, which is great! Work was started on fixing Tiberian Sun: Reborn and is proceeding as planned. Development work on Red Alert 2: Apocalypse Rising continued at a great pace (especially in the latter half of the year) Expansive Civilian Warfare saw a release on the launcher, which has been mostly a great success! Red Alert: A Path Beyond saw a plethora of updates that steadily iterated and added to the gameplay over the course of the year. The stats system has been significantly upgraded since the beginning of last year, but the new stats website hasn't been pushed live just yet. We didn't put together the planned media pack that we talked about, but I feel that we are slowly building the player-base up to a good number. The download manager went live, but hasn't seen too much use just yet. Hopefully this will change over the course of this year. Discord has been running for a while now and has been a great success! Integrated chat via IRC was implemented into the launcher! Hopefully we'll look at tightening this up a bit more this year as well! The bug tracker is back up and running. If you have issues to report, please submit some bugs for us! We'll be making this more visible in the coming months. Advanced Tags and Prefixes was reinstalled and works as intended! So with 2017 being a success as far as our plans were concerned, here's what we have planned for 2018! W3D Hub Roadmap 2018 A New Look First off, we have decided that the W3D Hub logo was due a freshen up for 2018, so we've updated it a bit. the layout is still the same, but it is now a lot crisper with flat colours on the text that make it look a lot more contemporary. Here's what we have decided to go with. Over the course of this month, we shall be updating the logo across all of our games, services, and channels; so keep an eye out for it! New Development Tools (SDK) Mammoth Tank Assembled We're proud to announce Mammoth; a brand new tool that we're hoping to develop and build on throughout the year. Mammoth is a full replacement for the venerable Commando Level Editor (that shipped with Renegade) that will allow for a much higher degree of flexibility when creating mods and maps on the W3D Engine. Here are a couple of screenshots: It may look a lot like level edit and that's because it is currently being developed as a reverse engineering of that piece of software, however once that is complete, we can then begin adding some more outlandish features. The viewport controls have already been improved, allowing users to use the RMB and WASD to navigate the viewport and LMB to select objects without changing between view and select modes! Special thanks to @jonwil for spearheading this project as well as @saberhawk for laying some of the initial groundwork. If you're a mapper and would like to help us develop this new tool by providing feedback on all aspects of the functionality, interface design and user experience, please get in touch with us. (@Raap and @Timeaua we'd especially like to hear your thoughts!) 3DS Max 2017 W3D Export Plugin After years of using Gmax and 3D Studio Max 8, a new 3D export plugin is finally within our grasp! With this new plugin anybody will be able to export their models and animations from new versions of 3DS Max that are 100% compatible with Windows 10. This is really big for all of us, because it allows us to make use of software that has newer features that are much more powerful (than Gmax and Max 8 are) and easier to use. Here's a screenshot of the new plugin in Max 2017. It's not quite ready, but we hope to release it sometime this year! Also, because the new export plugin has been built from the ground up, we can consider the possibility of porting it to other 3D modelling programs. We know that not everyone can get their hands on a copy of 3D Studio Max, so we are also looking at integrating the plugin to work with Blender, which is a popular free software package for 3D modelling. Big thanks to @cfehunter for making this pipe-dream a reality! Launcher Updates The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed that the W3D Hub launcher has been receiving a steady stream of updates! Here's what we're looking at this year! As always, big thanks to @danpaul88 for fighting OpenReach in order to help us improve our lawn chair! User Interface After the addition of the Chat tab, work began on re-vamping the launcher's UI to make it more user-friendly and generally nicer to look at. This project is still ongoing and we hope to improve the user interface further over the course of 2018. Here's a shot of our latest internal mockups: The final design won't look exactly the same, but this is just to show you the direction we are moving forward in. If you have any feedback on the UI, please let us know in this thread or make a new one in General Discussion! Single-Client Packages Currently W3D Hub is the only download source that the launcher connects to when downloading packages. This is problematic because if we suddenly go viral, our servers will get rammed pretty hard. So to counteract this, we will be working on single-client packages! A single client package is simply the launcher bundled with one of the games. The installer will install the launcher and the packaged game, then the launcher will update it to the latest version. There are a number of free game websites on the internet that frown upon the use of launchers, so another reason to do this is so that we can get more players into the games as well. Hopefully we'll be able to accomplish this task this year too! Renegade Support Even bigger news is that we've been talking about the idea of Renegade support. Since Renegade isn't free, we'd have to get the launcher to detect a Renegade installation and then manage it that way. With that done, we'll be able to update Renegade with the latest community patches through the launcher and offer a full comprehensive listing of all currently hosted Renegade servers. If we can pull it off, it will mean that the W3D Hub Launcher will truly be the one and only Renegade launcher to serve the C&C community, which is quite exciting! Please bear in mind though that this is a pipe dream, so it may not happen. But we figured it's good to tell you guys that we're playing around with the idea anyway. Infrastructure Updates You guys may also be interested to know that we have been updating our infrastructure as well! Here are a few points of interest. Stats & Ranks System Work has continued on our W3D Stats system this past year, with a new website being developed to display all of the awesome data! This website will be mobile compatible, so that you can check your ranks on the go! Big thanks to @rantanplan, @Silverlight, @moonsense715, @danpaul88, @triattack and others who I may have missed for making this happen! Here's a small preview: We'll also be looking into the general presentation of achievements at some point to see if we can make the requirements more visible in-game. Watch this space! Forum Skins The APB skin is well underway now and should be finished fairly shortly! Here's a small work-in-progress shot. There's still some colouring to work out, but it is nearly ready! Keep your eyes peeled for the classic look around the forums soon! We're also aiming to develop more forum skins in the future for the other mods (starting with ECW) and then also one that mirrors the theme that's featured on Renforums (just for those people who love a bit of nostalgia!). You might also see that there are two new buttons for H2 and H3 on the post editor. If you highlight some text and click one of these buttons it will turn it into a cool heading, just like the ones featured in this thread! Keep posted for more news on this! Confluence After a few emails back and forth to the good folks over at Atlassian, we have managed to secure ourselves a licence to their documentation tool, Confluence. What does this mean? Basically it means that we will be able to port all of our scatted design documentation into one centralised location so that we can work much more effectively as a team. We might be able to make parts of it public in the future so that you guys can keep up with our design decisions as they happen, but we'll be evaluating it closely first! Downloads Sadly C&C Files isn't coming back anytime soon, but over the course of this year we'll be uploading some more files to our very own download system! This includes some old mods for various C&C games that we've been hoarding along with some, Renegade-specific files, rarities and more! Hopefully we'll get this stuff online as the year goes on for you guys to play around with. More news soon(tm)! Freelancers Do you want to work on content for any of our games, but don't want to have the responsibility of being a full time staff member? Then our new Global Freelancers Initiative (GFI) is right up your alley. What we want to be able to do is open a more fluid communication channel between mod leaders and people who enjoy making cool stuff for the games, so that any content that's made by fans can be picked up by us and made official even easier than before. What we aim to do is setup a channel on our Discord server for Freelancer and Devs to collaborate with no expectations or pressure. Just nice environment where you can share images and files of what you're working on, as well as collectively pool knowledge, so even if you don't know how to mod the games, we can give you some tips and tricks! Check back for more info on this soon, once we've ironed out the details! Events & Prizes This year we want to try and run more events and competitions! We have stockpiled a number of C&C posters in the W3D Hub vaults that need winning, so we'll have to organise a way for people to win them! Hopefully we'll scratch our collective heads and launch something soonish! Big thanks to our printing comrade, @CCHyper for these wonderful prizes! Game Roadmaps Here's a brief rundown of how the games are doing currently! Battle for Dune: War of Assassins More updates for Battle for Dune: War of Assassins are on the way! @TeamWolf recently posted up an update on BFD's new Emperor Worm mode map where you and several others take control of masterfully well simulated Sand Worms! Check it out below! Keep an eye out for more exciting updates! Expansive Civilian Warfare With ECW's release last December as well as launcher integration, @Jerad2142 is looking to expand on the game and add more features! He's currently working on a new mission system into ECW due to multiple player requests. It's going to be pseudo-random and be mostly assassination or fetch quests with some branching objective paths (like save the person instead of killing them sometimes). Keep an eye out for that in up and coming ECW updates! Flyin' high in San Casina! Also, if you're getting lost in the sewers, our new pal @Veyrdite has your back. Red Alert: A Path Beyond Nothing too big is planned for this year with APB. Updates will continue to roll out with @Pushwall at the helm which will further tune and refine the experience. There was an update posted last Saturday, so go and check that out! Infantry maps should be getting some overhauls at some point and there are still a few units to implement, but that requires artists that we currently don't have spare. If you are a 3D Artist or know other 3D Artists who may be interested, please get in touch! Red Alert 2: Apocalypse Rising Apocalypse Rising had an incredible second half of last year and we're hoping to keep this up with more gameplay iteration and more of a conscious thought about what maps we actually want to release with. To quote the Chinese Dozer from Generals "We have big plans!" Here's a quick shot of some Tesla Tanks playing in the snow! Stay tuned to the forums and Discord for more info as we progress through 2018! Renegade: Interim Apex Interim Apex (previously Imperial Age) is set for a new and updated release this year as well as some other big news so stay tuned! @Kaskins has been working hard on some new maps as well as a full compliment of naval units! Check out the latest update from this massive project here! Keep your eyes peeled in the coming months, because the new release will definitely be something to watch out for! Tiberian Sun: Reborn Reborn 2.0 is coming along steadily and is due out this year! There are some changes to a couple of GDI buildings that are being worked on currently and a major re-balance is planned, pending spare time to work on it. Also, Nod's very own femme fatale, Oxanna Kristos, posted in the forums at the start of March. What can this all mean? 2018 Is A Go! That about covers it for what we have planned this year! I know it's been said a lot in this thread, but stay tuned! There's even some stuff that we aren't brave enough to mention just yet, so there are plenty of irons in the fire, as they say! Thank you everyone for continuing to support us and may 2018 be a year to remember! Bring on the future! :D [thumb]thumb_w3d.0.png[/thumb] [blurb]Big news for this year! Come and see what W3D Hub's plans are for 2018! Read about updates to the community, infrastructure, tools and of course the games![/blurb]17 likes
On behalf of all the staff and testers, I would like to extend our sincerest condolences to the family and friends of Wyld1. We have only now received word of his passing, but it appears that he left this world some time in February. He was a long time player and member of the Renegade community, as well as a tester here at W3D Hub, and on top of that he was a great guy. He will be missed by many. At this time we do not know any details, and we would ask that there be no speculation on this subject. We will pass this information along if/when we learn more.15 likes
Good Evening all. I would like to make this known I am not posting this as a staff member but personally myself as Threve. As many of you know a couple days ago a gunman walked into a building and shot 50 people point blank while filming it using memes and a bunch of internet references while doing so. There are numerous and endless discussions on the politics of it none of which are what this topic is about. All to often it seems to people kill themselves or commit acts with no outlet to reach anyone or any help. It is easy to get down, it is easy to give up hope but difficult to ask for help. If you or anyone that you know is in the fray and need someone to talk to then please reach out. Talking to that one friend or asking for help can change the life and outcome of things or at the very least help. Some of the darkest days i've had have been helped by some good people here on these forums and I invite anyone that needs a helping hand or someone to talk to.. to message me if need be or talk to anyone. I talk alot of shit all the time in-game but i do genuinely mean it in good fun and not to be taken seriously. This goes not just for this website but anyone you know as well. Reach out to those friends you haven't talked to in a while and if someone joins and it seems their chat is more so about how much they are down then take a moment and talk to them about it. We are not just W3D Hub. We are the W3DHub community and having that title means looking out for each other so that we can keep kicking ass not only in-game but also in life. I am not naive and know that some will call this topic cuck or whatever (so is the internet) but it needs to be said and if it helps at least one person out from doing something irreversible then that is what matters. Suicide Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 If you need someone to talk to then message your friends here on the forums or message me and I'll do my best to help. Again, don't let yourself be in this alone. Note: Respectfully, this is not the topic to post memes related to the shooting or discuss the politics of it. If you'd like to then make a new topic and go from there.15 likes
Steadily on the road to TSR 2.0! A welcome to a new team member and a new structure for Nod. Tiberian Sun: Reborn August 2016 Update Hey everyone! We have said TSR 2.0 was happening, and it is! That said, the team has a couple of updates they would like to fill you in on. New Team Addition First and foremost, a welcome to our newest team member. An experienced and talented artist, @Sentry has come on board to contribute to the project. Sentry will be providing new models and structures to Reborn, and is already showing quality work! As you can see, new buildings are planned to be included in 2.0. Purchase Terminals In more contributions, @Mauler has provided new and modified Purchase Terminals for Nod and GDI. As part of the visual overhaul for 2.0, every thing from vehicles and buildings right down to the PCTs themselves will be seeing improvements. Not only that, but Mauler has something else to show! Although you may already have a good guess from looking at the Nod screen. Nod Tech Center Another new building which you can expect to see in the upcoming version - the Nod Tech Center! Modeled by @Mauler, the Tech Center will be tied to Nod's higher-tier units such as the Cyborg Commando, making this a vital structure on full-arsenal maps. The layout itself is done, both interior and exterior. The model has been provided and will be seeing a full texture soon. More to come! Great things are in store for the new version. There is much more happening behind the scenes, and we're excited to show you those as they finish! Tiberian Sun: Reborn 2.0 will be worth the wait! Stay tuned for more updates and news from the team.15 likes
Something I've had to parrot here quite a few times is the sentiment that, for APB, "major development is over". This does not mean all development is over, but it also means we're not completely overhauling the game anymore like the full Beta, Gamma and Delta releases did. Here's a more thorough explanation: I'm satisfied with Delta as it stands, minor bugs/balance issues notwithstanding. The majority of the playerbase seems to be satisfied with it too. Many of the things left to implement from Red Alert are either MASSIVE timesinks, impossible to balance, or impossible to implement period due to engine limitations. I have already spent a ridiculous amount of my free time just fixing Delta up to its current state by myself, because throughout 2015 more and more members of the team either wound up with too many real life issues to contribute much, or they just vanished entirely. The dev team is pretty much down to me and ChopBam at this point and nearly everyone else here is busy with their own projects. I really shouldn't be pouring so much time into this since I'm not getting paid for it. I've enjoyed developing it, sure, but I can't really make it my life. I'm not about to start charging people for this game that has always been free. Especially since the only work I've actually done on it was optimising the balance and tweaking other peoples' maps, and oh yeah, there's copyright issues too. Therefore I am pretty much just here to maintain the current game by fixing bugs and balance problems, and maybe fixing up a few more maps and features that we actually have most of the framework for, because anything bigger is not a good use of my free time. So before pitching your ideas, ask yourself how long you think it would take for one person to do, if you would like to spend that much time doing it, and if it would be worth it. If not, you should probably think smaller. However, even the simplest-sounding undertakings might be stopped by the engine's limitations, and if that's how it is, then that's how it is. I have an idea that will make this gameplay feature more true to Renegade/Reborn/Red Alert! This game is not Renegade or Reborn and is not trying to be. As for Red Alert it was a very flawed game mechanically, tank spam ahoy. Many of its nuances don't translate well to FPS either. APB is more about borrowing RA's setting than its gameplay, though we do try to emulate it in the few places where it's both reasonable to do so and the engine allows us to do so. I have an idea on how to implement a Red Alert unit/power that isn't currently in the game! There's all sorts of reasons why these things aren't currently in the game: You'd better have a model and texture for it already, or know someone who can do them, cause if it's not on this list then that's most likely the primary concern, and for many of the things on this list it's just one of many concerns. Helicarrier: This would be really boring to play as. At least in the similarly unarmed MGG you're right in the action and get to crush people... Plus we don't have a model. Parabombs: Basically a nuke that wouldn't even one-shot buildings, and we lack a complete Tu-16 Badger model. Attack Dog: Spies are definitely not powerful enough to demand a hard counter - plus limitations in how we can mask their identity make them easy enough for players to detect without dogs anyway. If people come up with ideas that'd make the spy more useful, and the scripts team are able to implement them? Then I'll consider it. MCV: APB isn't SimCity. I'd rather not double the length of matches just to make people grind up their bases. The unit itself is ingame already (though it is one of the oldest and ugliest assets that we still have...) but it's only there as an objective unit for custom maps, it can't deploy. Tech Centres: Bases are big enough as they are without more massive structures of dubious purpose. Also, currently lacking the team tech centre models. We may be able to use the NBNW neutral tech centre CMDBob made as an objective somewhere though. Chronosphere/Iron Curtain: While we do have a Chronosphere model, and we may have some feasible scripting logic lying around for it, we don't have a model for the Iron Curtain (only a "destroyed" prop) - and for balance reasons we'd have to introduce both superweapons into the game at the same time. I have an idea for a new map/new take on an existing map! Go ahead and get a discussion started! Just be aware that the further your map idea deviates from standard AOW gameplay, the more likely you are to run into things that either can't be done without jumping a ridiculous amount of hurdles, or just flat out can't be done... or for the map to just not be well-received as has been the case with so many other maps that have deviated greatly from standard AOW gameplay. Also, developing each map is a pretty big time sink. I have an idea to fix this overpowered/underpowered unit or Allied/Soviet biased map! Go ahead and get a discussion started! There's probably a bunch of ways of solving it with a bunch of them being quick and easy to do. Or maybe there's something about the units/maps involved that isn't immediately obvious that I or another regular will be happy to explain. I have a bug to report! File it in the bug tracker. Thank you for your understanding15 likes
W3D fans, rejoice! The team behind Red Alert: A Path Beyond is releasing their newest version of the game VERY SOON, and it will be available on the W3D Hub Launcher! Hello everyone, I am here to announce great news! We have collaborated with the developers of Red Alert: A Path Beyond. They are about to release their latest and best version of the game and... A Path Beyond will appear on the Launcher! W3D Hub is now officially supporting Red Alert: A Path Beyond. You will be able to download and install/patch the game in the future as well as join official game servers hosting it. The release is closer than ever, be prepared for some EPIC battles and organized game nights! Spread the news and rejoice!15 likes
@CMDBob here, and I think it's time for a proper announcement for my W3D game; Cold War Confrontation. The Situation The year is 1987… more or less. The forces of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Warsaw Pact (WARPAC) are facing off. Escalating tensions between the two factions have led to a situation where one small spark will be enough to set off a war. Then, out of the blue, both sides come under attack. NATO forces begin tactical airstrikes, and WARPAC tanks begin pouring over the border. The cold war has gone hot. However, forces beyond both factions are moving, deep underground… At this point, neither side knows, though. Even if they did, neither side cares. Each believes the other struck first, and it’s now a fight to the finish, be it the Red Army at the Rhine, or NATO at the Russian border. Will this end in stalemate, a victory for one of the armies, or nuclear fire? That remains to be seen. The Game Cold War Confrontation is a W3D based FPS game, involving combined arms warfare, with a unique visual style for the engine. Use a large number of weapons and vehicles across a variety of terrains, from urban city centres, luscious islands, and cold winter mountainsides to destroy the enemy team. Not every mission is a search and destroy, however, as sometimes, your objectives will be things beyond simple destruction, and may require more strategy. At this early stage, the 2 main factions are the US Armed Forces and the Russian WARPAC forces. The initial release will be infantry and light airdropped vehicles, as to give people a taste of the full warfare that is coming. The plan for the future is a full US/Russia release with full land/helicopter combat/bases, then releases with more NATO/WARPAC factions (such as the British Armed Forces, Czechoslovak People's Army, Bundeswehr, Nationale Volksarmee and more), as well as fixed-wing air forces and naval at some point. Know Your Equipment - Issue 1 I'll be presenting some of the weapons, vehicles, buildings, etc, that make up Cold War Confrontation. For this announcement, here's the basic weapons of the NATO forces and the Warsaw Pact infantry. The Beretta M9 and MP-443 Grach pistols are the primary sidearms of all soldiers. Every soldier has one (except for a few certain classes, which get something with a little bit more of a bang...), and these have infinite ammo. They aren't the most effective weapons, but it's better than nothing. The M16A3 and the AK-74 are the basic rifles for the basic infantry class within Cold War Confrontation. Reliable, dependable and sturdy, these weapons are good starting weapons. They also have numerous variants within the game, which I will expand upon in later updates. Keep your eyes peeled for updates within the W3D weekly updates. A final word from @CMDBob So, finally an announcement. I’ve been working on this for quite a while (the first Git commit to the project repo is on the 15th of December 2018, but I’d been working on it a while before that point. Plus, a lot of the vehicle models date back to as far as 2014). Glad I’m finally formally announcing the project. I’m having a lot of fun making it, and I hope that people eventually have fun playing it! As for my plans: I hope that I can get a build of the game out to testers as soon as possible. The main thing that I need to do is content at this point, as I’m essentially building everything from scratch. However, the more content I make, the more stuff I can use in other maps, so it’s not all bad. 😊 I’m not sure on the public release timeframe, as I want a fair few more maps before any sort of release. Still, I’ll try and release some news as often as I can. Might only be a short update on a weapon, vehicle, building, or even a game mechanic, but it’ll be something to keep people's attention!14 likes
Hey guys, hope everyone is having a great Holiday Season! So I’ve actually stopped by to deliver an early Christmas gift. So here it is..... Tiberian Sun Reborn and all asset owenership will be turned over to W3dHub with no strings attached. Effective January,1 ,2021. I’ll be in contact with the proper people over the upcoming Holidays and handle everything on my end and with W3dhub staff to go over details. Basically that’s it. Wish you all the best! Merry Christmas everyone!!!!14 likes
Hello, and welcome to yet another development update from the Ground Zero team! It's been a little while, but we do have some stuff for you! LauncherYou may have noticed that Ground Zero has made an appearance on the launcher. Yes, we got some things sorted over the past week, and can now start testing on a regular basis. Development is on the verge of kicking into high gear, and this is part of the process! Asset CollectionFor those of you paying attention to Discord a few days ago, Synaesthesia AKA The Artist Formerly Known As Aircraftkiller shared a bunch of source files for Tiberian Dawn buildings he had made in the past. This is going to give us quite the leg up in development. Unfortunately, they're not *quite* ready to show off just yet, but as soon as they are, you'll see them here! GDI BarracksEven before this happened, however, @Ice took the liberty of starting on a new GDI Barracks! Even at this early stage, this is a good indicator of the art direction that GZ is taking; drawing inspiration from multiple sources (the original game, the remasters, real life equivalents, etc...) to bring the best blend of realism and C&C accuracy possible. IconAnd that's not all! @CCHyper has generously crafted an icon for us to use! This will show up on the GZ tab on the launcher, and I have to say, it looks amazing! ConclusionThat's all we have today, but fret not- development on GZ is beginning to ramp up, and we'll have more stuff coming your way! Until then, have a good one! [blurb]You may have noticed Ground Zero on the launcher recently! Well, we've got some news to go along with it![/blurb]14 likes
[blurb]Oh deer. It looks like Romanov has been talking to Jerad2142 a bit too much lately. We have venison galore in this meaty update![/blurb] So, it's finally 2017 and it's time for our first blog this year! GI Update The Allied attack deer is a very versatile unit. It’s ability to sustain itself for long periods of time by eating grass from the environment makes it exceedingly useful for extended deployments. "Oh deer..." Allied Sniper The allied sniper is a great threat to any soviet infantry. Equipped with his trustworthy AWP, he is capable of decimating the enemy with his quickscoping and 1080noscope tactics, pwning every n00b that crosses his way. "Noot Noot" Soviet Doge The soviet doge is well suited for extended cold missions; in addition, by being a doge it is able to trick families into thinking it’s just a loving pet, when really it’s a super secret spy. "Many bites. Such hat. Very deadly. Wow!" Recruitment We are always hiring new team members to speed up AR's release! If you believe that you can help us out, you are more than welcome to help! The following positions are open: 2 Artists for modeling and texturing civilian buildings and props. 1 Artist for making nature assets (trees, bushes, etc.) 1 Character Artist 1 Texture Artist/Photoshop User (optionally Unwrapper) to help in texturing building interior objects If you wish to contribute to this project and believe you have the skills, give us a shout! If you would like to contribute to the game and believe you have the skills, don't hesitate to apply! If you don't know if you have the skills, send us a forum PM and we can chat. If you would like to help in areas not listed here, that is also more than welcome. To apply, just send @moonsense715 or @One Winged Angel a PM (Private Message) via the forums and let us know which position you wish to apply for. End Feel free to contact the team regarding testing applications for Apocalypse Rising and our other W3D projects and become an official W3D Hub Tester today!14 likes
Patching you in, please standby... Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update As has been stated, development on Red Alert: A Path Beyond continues. In fact, Pushwall and the team have released a new patch based on your feedback! In this update you will see map adjustments, infantry, vehicle, and boat changes, several aesthetic improvements, and more! But that's just the short of it. Here's the long of it: Changelist GENERAL The damage nuclear weapons do to units has been nerfed significantly; infantry take 1/3 as much damage as before (which will still kill most of them unless they're on the edge of the weapon's range, but Volkov can now barely survive a point blank demo) and vehicles take half as much damage. INFANTRYThe Medic has a new weapon: The MP5-N sub-machinegun. Compared to the "semi auto" M16 he previously had, this reduces his killing power from afar due to its lower accuracy and range (max range is halfway between that of the pistol and the M16) but in close quarters it is essentially a PKM with slightly more stopping power in exchange for a considerably smaller magazine and slightly worse accuracy. As a result, he is much more useful in CQB situations (where he is most likely to be used). [The MP5-N was modeled by Ric, originally textured by The_Beerinator, and modified by Killing_You.] The Medic Kit's healing rate for armour is up from 0.5/sec to 1/sec. Half of the money you get for killing infantry is now given for damaging them instead. Fixed the points/money rewards for killing Sergeants/Thieves, which were 1% of what they should have been. Reduced movement penalties for the Shock Rifle. AI Snipers have 3 times the normal delay between shots, and 2 times the normal reload time. Grenadier splash radius up from 7.5 to 8. Flamethrower splash damage up from 25 to 27.5. Shock Rifle splash damage up from 5 to 7.5. VEHICLES Ranger price up from 500 to 600. Ore Truck price down from 1400 to 1000. Tesla Tank splash damage up from 15 to 20. Handling on Gunboat, Destroyer and Naval Transport has been improved. Depth charge "proximity" up from 17.5m to 25m. Attack Sub torpedo damage multiplier to buildings up from 0.1333 to 0.15 (a 12.5% increase) Attack Sub torpedo projectile speed up from 40 to 50. Destroyer rocket damage down from 80 to 75. Missile Sub rocket damage up from 40 to 42.5. Mine limit is up from 50 to 60. Each team cannot have more than 2 Demo Trucks on the field at once. Mammoth Tank's rate of fire is now equal to the Heavy Tank's. Ranger/APC guns have double the magazine capacity but they now mimic the damage/ROF of their handheld versions instead of just being better. Minelayers can carry a passenger. Supply Trucks, APCs, Naval Transports and Chinooks can now carry 6 people instead of 5. Added hud help text to Mobile Radar Jammer/MAD Tank explaining how to deploy/detonate. Mobile Gap Generator can no longer take a passenger since passengers screw with the bubble. BUILDINGS Dead Ore Silos can no longer be stolen from. Fixed Soviet Ore Silos having slightly less health than Allied ones. AESTHETICSThe Grenadier's frag grenade has an updated model and first-person animation. Fixed the Grenadier's blocky thumb. The Helipad's appearance has been altered to be more consistent with the Refill Pad, and its light animation now only plays when reloading a unit and not all the time. Fixed z-fighting on the first person M16. The "ghost" M16 now uses the new M16 model. Bullet casings, grenades and depth charges are now properly lit. Silenced Beretta has a smoke puff. Pistols have bullet casings now, and rifles have new ones. Mobile Gap Generator now has a funnel like the normal Gap Generator. A bunch of sounds have been enhanced: Tanya's Colt .45 firing Longbow engine Volkov's voice/handcannon switching/reloading/AP firing LST engine Tesla Tank/MRJ engine Mammoth Tank engine/firing Door sounds Light Tank engine/firing Phase Tank engine/firing AA Gun firing M60 firing Defenses rotating C4 ticking Gunboat firing/reloading Cruiser firing (Seamist) PERFORMANCEDecals on dynamic objects (like units and base defenses) have been disabled due to the crashiness and visual issues surrounding them. They may be reimplemented at a later date when they are more stable. MAP CHANGES RA_AS_Seamist: Allied unit composition has changed: Start with 1 less Light Tank and APC After 5 minutes, they gain 1 Medium Tank and APC by Chinook airdrop. In the LST drop, a Medium Tank and APC are downgraded to a Light Tank and Ranger. RA_AS_Seamist: Soviets now have a Service Depot by their Helipad. RA_Fissure: Removed Thieves and Mechanics from the purchase list. RA_Fissure: Timer shortened to 10 minutes. RA_ForestOfIllusion: Changed some things with the Chrono Vortex event. RA_ForestOfIllusion: Timer shortened to 12 minutes 30 seconds. RA_ForestOfIllusion: Added a couple places for crates to spawn away from the control points. RA_GuardDuty: Allied ore tunnel and Soviet north mountain pass are now impassable to vehicles. RA_GuardDuty: Removed some overlapping water sounds. RA_KeepOffTheGrass: Minelayers now work, so the map shall be added back into the rotation! RA_PacificThreat: Flight ceiling is raised from 37.5m to 50m. RA_Pipeline: Added a Flame Tower/Pillbox to the WF side base entrances. RA_RidgeWar: Replaced the Tesla Coil with a Flame Tower. RA_RockTrap: Reduced the chance for health crates and added an MP5-N crate. RA_RockTrap: Added a couple places for crates to spawn away from the control points. Get to the launcher and grab this patch update. Be on the lookout for more updates, and see you on the battlefield!14 likes
As you may have noticed, our website, game servers and all other services have been offline over the last few days. This was caused by a ransomware attack on our primary host server which took all of our services offline. We are still working to recover our game servers and some other services, so please bear with us while we get things fixed Is my personal info safe? Based on network traffic statistics and other information we do not believe the attackers accessed or copied any information on our servers. As such, we do not have reason to believe any of your information stored in the forum database has been stolen. Additionally all passwords are stored as a salted hash, which means the original password is not known to us, and by extension anyone who was able to access the database However, out of an abundance of caution we would recommend changing your password here and also on any other site where your have reused the same password. Learnings for the future This incident has highlighted that we were underprepared for an attack on the primary host server, and as such we are going to be putting a lot of effort in the near future into making our disaster recovery process more robust going forward. We were already planning some updates to our internal hosting architecture to bring things in line with more modern standards and we'll be taking the learnings from this incident into account as we do that work Further information We'll update this post with any updates and information as it becomes available. In the meantime if you have any specific questions or concerns please let us know.13 likes
Available Now! Kanly is upon us! Battle For Dune: War of Assassins is now released to the public! The Great Houses demand spice! Will you fight under the banner of the noble House Atreides and for the Duke Achillus? Or will you fight for the evil House Harkonnen and the Baron Rakan? Featuring: Advanced Infantry Combat - Enjoy a completely redesigned infantry combat experience that utilises many new gunplay features! Conquest Game Mode - Capture and hold the points to bring glorious victory to your House! Six Brand New Maps - Fight over the the rich deserts of Arrakis across six unique battlefields! Redesigned User Interface - Take command of the battlefield using a redesigned and heavily refined user interface! Immersive Audio - Experience the world of Dune like never before, through immersive audio and brand new voice lines! Updated Game Engine - Play with the power of the latest version of the W3D Engine! Download Now! Arrakis awaits! Download the game on the W3D Hub Launcher now! [blurb]Battle for Dune: War of Assassins has now been released! Click below to read more![/blurb]13 likes
OWA's Birthday Game Night! Hello APB players! We're excited to announce another Game Night event! This Friday, starting February 12th, join us at 3PM EST (Time Zones for everyone else) for a thrilling night of gaming with the W3D Hub community. We'll be celebrating @OWA's birthday! We're once again calling on the fans to make this a night to remember, so mark your calendars! Prizes!Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 players based on the event scoreboard. Players who have the most points over the course of the event will win the following: 1st Place - $20 Steam Gift Card 2nd Place - $10 Steam Gift Card 3rd Place - $5 Steam Gift Card Players who are voted as the most valuable during a poll we'll hold on our forums after the games will win the following: MVP Award - $10 Steam Gift Card MVP Runner Up Award - $5 Steam Gift Card Thanks to member @ryknow69, we have another set of prizes for this special event! During the event (after a set amount of players join the server) we'll record 10 games worth of stats, and award even more prizes! They will be given away based on the following: 1st Place - $30 Amazon Gift Card 2nd Place - $10 Amazon Gift Card 3rd Place - $10 Amazon Gift Card This will be the biggest prize pool we've had at W3D Hub. Good luck to everyone who attends! Spread The Word!We hope everyone can spread the word along with us. You can greatly help us out by posting about the event on social media. Tell your friends who might've played in the past, but took a break from playing. If you enjoy the game, you can help by reaching out with us! Thanks everyone, and have an awesome week <313 likes
Thursday again! This week in TSR news: the Mobile EMP tank, weapon updates, and bot support! The Mobile EMP As many may have guessed from last week's footage, the Nod strike team was in fact ambushed by GDI's newest weapon: the Mobile EMP. Highly effective in disabling Nod vehicles and Cyborgs, the Mobile EMP will be a valuable asset for GDI forces on the battlefield. As it is unarmed, it will require support from other GDI units so it may play its role in the field. Mind the recharge time of the EMP blast, as once Nod forces have discovered the Mobile EMP in the field, they will waste no time in seeking out and destroying it. Mobile EMP in-game It should be noted that while ingame, the Mobile EMP is not yet final as we dabble around in emitters and textures. Otherwise, our testers have made effective use of the tank and we are drawing positive feedback of its inclusion and capabilities. We hope you will enjoy using this unit as much as our testers have. Weapon Updates: Part One Through cunning ingenuity, we have modified some models to experiment with pistol variants! Currently only the engineers and technicians have pistols, though the concept on the table is expanding this and providing sidearms to various other characters. As Nod will have three pistol variants, so will GDI. However, it is still a concept and may not see final release. As part of our updating process, the Burazu-zu Plasma Rifle wielded by the Nod Confessor has been cleaned up and given more style. The Brotherhood's finest warriors deserve the best equipment, after all! More weapon updates to come! Bot Support While I posted around TS:R news on ModDB and elsewhere, the question of bot support came up a couple of times. In response to that, please take a look at this image. Advanced bot support will be included in TS:R 2.0 in both offensive and defensive capability! While this image features only repair bots at work, notice the various characters responding in chat. I will provide more visuals of bot support and bots in action in a later update. That about wraps it up for this Thursday! The Reborn team thanks you for your continued patience and promise you will not be disappointed by the release! For pressing questions or inquiries, please post here and we will be happy to answer. [blurb]Thursday again! This week in TSR news: the Mobile EMP tank, weapon updates, and bot support![/blurb]13 likes
It is with a heavy heart that I bring this news. I awoke this morning to the news that zunnie is no longer with us. A well-known gamer and founder of MPF, zunnie was a friend to all persons he had met throughout his life. zunnie has done a lot for the Renegade and MPF community and will be greatly missed. This is a terrible loss for us all. Our condolences go out to his family and loved ones. May he rest in peace. Source: https://multiplayerforums.com/topic/7663-rip-zunnie/ [blurb]It is with a heavy heart that I bring this news. I awoke this morning to the news that zunnie is no longer with us. A well-known gamer and founder of MPF, zunnie was a friend to all persons he had met throughout his life. zunnie has done a lot for the Renegade and MPF community and will be greatly missed. This is a terrible loss for us all. Our condolences go out to his family and loved ones. May he rest in peace.[/blurb] [thumb]custom_thumb_ren.png [/thumb]13 likes
[blurb]AR December Update[/blurb] Welcome to the DecembAR update! New soldiers join our roster! Note: Click images for big. Allied G.I. Out with the old GDI Soldier placeholder, in with the new and complete Allied GI! Modeled, textured, and finally in-game, the Allied GI is ready for some action! Created by @One Winged Angel and @Romanov together, the GI makes up the core of the Allied infantry. For close quarters combat, GIs are armed with the MPK5. Taking a more defensive position, GIs may also deploy a protective ring of sandbags around them and open fire with the FN Minimi Para. The Allied GI marks another completion to the RA2:AR infantry roster, as well as a huge milestone for the team. It feels great in-game, it's fitting of the Red Alert 2 style, and just looks badass. "Squared away, sir!" Soviet Desolator Hailing from Soviet-aligned Iraq, the infamous Desolator makes his appearance! Equipped with the dangerous rad-cannon and protected by his radiation suit, the Desolator is a potent anti-infantry unit. Firing a concentrated beam of radiation from the shoulder-mounted rad-cannon, the Desolator can melt away enemy personnel and wipe out entire squads. Additionally, the Desolator can deploy his rad-cannon and make a toxic environment for the enemy. While having to be immobile to do so, a deployed Desolator offers area-of-denial, forcing the enemy to rethink their advances. Desolator model and rad-cannon model created by @Romanov. "There goes the neighborhood!" New Team Member! True to our word of always hiring new team members, @devilslayersbane has recently been hired onto our staff. Given the task to produce a new Portable Flak Cannon, devilslayersbane set out to do just that and presented our Soviet Flak Trooper with a new toy. Project Leads One Winged Angel and moonsense715 were thoroughly impressed and had to show us internally for opinions and thoughts. Needless to say, we absolutely approved of it and welcomed him aboard with open arms. Official joining as a Modeler, devilslayersbane will be a valuable addition to the Apocalypse Rising team and to our W3D Hub staff. "This gun's heavy." Allied War Factory Internal moonsense715 continues to work diligently on our buildings and has further improved the Allied War Factory, both internally and externally. It's but a few textures away from being complete, and yet moonsense has made amazing progress on this visually appealing structure. "Vehicle ready." Recruitment We are always hiring new team members to speed up AR's release! If you believe that you can help us out, you are more than welcome to help! The following positions are open: 2 Artists for modeling and texturing civilian buildings and props. 1 Artist for making nature assets (trees, bushes, etc.) 1 Character Artist 1 Texture Artist/Photoshop User (optionally Unwrapper) to help in texturing building interior objects If you wish to contribute to this project and believe you have the skills, give us a shout! If you would like to contribute to the game and believe you have the skills, don't hesitate to apply! If you don't know if you have the skills, send us a forum PM and we can chat. If you would like to help in areas not listed here, that is also more than welcome. To apply, just send @moonsense715 or @One Winged Angel a PM (Private Message) via the forums and let us know which position you wish to apply for. Team Messages OWA is currently working on another game that you might just see in a Humble Bundle in January. moonsense715: *Tasks overload* Killing_You has been upgrading vehicle engine and weapon firing sounds. FRAYDO: Ready for the new year! 2017 will be grand! End Feel free to contact the team regarding testing applications for Apocalypse Rising and our other W3D projects and become an official W3D Hub Tester today!13 likes
Hey folks, Kalle Bowo here. Some of you might still know me as the guy who worked on the graphics for the Renegade mod "CnC Reborn" or who dressed up in his Nod uniform at the Games Convention in Leipzig, Germany (the Avatar, yes, that's actually me, 10 years ago ^^). I thought you might be interested in my latest CnC related project. Since I bought a 3D printer this year I started building a miniature base inspired by Tiberian Dawn and Renegade. If you want to see more, you can visit my website www.printed-armies.com And if you want to stay in touch, you can follow me on Facebook and Instagram. I heard social media is kind of the new thing ... here are some examples of what I did so far, enjoy13 likes
Hi everyone! We're already a month into 2017 and it feels like this year is flying by already! I just want to take this opportunity to let you know know some of the stuff that we have in the pipeline for the coming months! We've just upgraded our forum to IPB 4.0, which brings with it a whole new realm of possibilities that we will most definitely explore! Strike and the gang have been working hard to make this forum upgrade a reality for everyone to enjoy and now that we're finally here we can start focusing on the future a bit more. We're proud of the work that we do here in this community, but now we have even larger ambitions that we want to carry out in order to make this place bigger and better than it has ever been before. Here's just a few features that you can expect to see over the coming months: Tiberian Sun: Reborn: We are currently fully committed to completely re-balancing and overhauling Tiberian Sun: Reborn in order to make it a much more enjoyable game to play. Work is currently underway and we'll try and release some more information when we have more things to show! Wallywood is at the helm of the project once again, with myself moonsense715 and TeamWolf all committed to helping push the release out. The 10th anniversary of December 31st 2006 may have passed, but rest assured, Reborn will see a lot of love this year. Red Alert 2: Apocalypse Rising: Development on AR is simmering along nicely, although a few of us have been redirected onto Reborn for the time being. Rest assured though, once Reborn has been overhauled, we'll be training our eyes back onto AR once again, with some great new features that will change the way you play C&C mode forever! Expansive Civilian Warfare: We're aiming to publish ECW to the launcher publically with the view distance executable fix as soon as we can, although there are a few complications that we need to overcome first pertaining to that system. We're putting in the work that should hopefully allow us to install, run and update this great project from the launcher fully, so watch out for it! Red Alert: A Path Beyond: APB will continue receiving updates as per usual. Not much to report on here, but the next point should provide more info on what other APB-related things we'll be doing to in infrastructure in order to keep it running smoothly. As always, big kudos to pushwall for keeping the engine running on this fantastic project. Players & Stats: we have a dedicated team working on upgrading the stats system for APB and porting it over to Reborn, which should help boost player counts, but we'll also need your help to spread the word and tell the internet about the awesome games that we make here! At some point in the next few months, I'd personally like to put together a media pack with screenshots, posters, banners and other things so that we can tell PC gamers about the fantastic work that we do here. I feel that APB and Reborn aren't being played as much as they could due to a lack of awareness, so this year we'll be looking to tackle that problem and bring more players into the fold. Download Manager: We'll be plugging in IP.Downloads to handle community mods, custom skins and other files, just as it was back when we were at BHP. Hopefully we can rely on you guys to make some great content for the entire community to enjoy across all of our projects! Discord Server: FRAYDO has been working hard to set up a community Discord server. For those of you who don't know about Discord, it's a text and voice chat application that can be used via a client or web browser. This won't replace our current TeamSpeak server, but will sit nicely alongside it, in order to provide an accessible place for the community to gather. We understand that not everybody is comfortable with voice chat as well as installing TeamSpeak, so this is our solution to those of you who want to chat and play games together. Integrated Chat: We want to work on integrating a chat box into the forum. We haven't decided whether to directly plug in IRC or our upcoming Discord server. We've still got some details to work out on that end. Bug Tracker: The bug tracker is noticeably absent from the new forum, but it will be back at some point. Advanced Tags & Prefixes: The old thread tagging system from the previous version of the forum is also missing, but we have plans to return it soon! These are just some of the great game updates and community upgrades that you can expect to see this year. We also have a couple of extra things that we're keeping close to our chests as well. We've got to have a couple of secrets right! I also want to take this opportunity to sincerely thank akhero47, as without the donations that he made to the community, these upgrades would probably still be on hold. So a big thanks to him for all of his help! As ever, if you guys feel like contributing to our community improvement projects, feel free to drop us a PM. We'll have a proper donate button up soon that will allow this system to be a lot more seamless and we will make sure to let you know what your donations go towards if you contribute. We're very fortunate that we have people like Strike who are willing to keep the lights on for us, but as they say, every little bit helps! As a final present, I want to let you all know that the Reborn forum theme has now been completed and is available for you guy to use! I put in some hours over the weekend to get this up and running as soon as possible, since I know you guys love dark forum themes! I'll be prioritizing the APB theme next! You can access the theme by clicking "Theme" at the bottom of the page. I have also made it the default board theme for now as well. Thanks for reading guys and I hope you're all as psyched for 2017 as we are! - OWA & the W3D Hub Staff13 likes
A big welcome to Imperial Age and its staff! Welcome to W3D Hub! A big welcome to Imperial Age and its staff! Welcome @dblaney1, @Kaskins, and @KTFF to W3D Hub! A Renegade mod, Imperial Age aims to deliver dynamic gameplay with many new units, vehicles, and weapons. Imperial Age Features The current build has around 120 vehicles; 60 per team. This number is not including aircraft, naval units, Forgotten and neutral vehicles. Each vehicle has its own passive abilities and role to play. 20+ maps, each with their own unique way of playing. Some maps are best suited to open vehicle combat, others may see good chokepoints to build barricades and place minefields, while some may feature hazards such as quicksand! Research and upgrade terminals to improve your team's vehicles and weaponry. On maps with Construction Yards, you can restore base structures depending on costs. Vehicles have weak points, and in some instances you may even land critical hits. Faster paced gameplay than Vanilla Renegade. More to come in the future as the list goes on. - Imperial Kaskins13 likes
Happy Leap Year Day! It's been a while since we last did an update, though we do have a couple of new things for you guys to see. Come check it out! Hey everyone! It's been a while since we last did an update, so I just wanted to kick off this update by saying that hopefully from now on our news will be coming to you in smaller, but faster doses. This way we can provide regular updates and content drops and show you guys that we're actually working on stuff, rather than stockpiling it up in the back room to the point where it's overflowing. I've also just noticed that today only comes round once every 4 years, so Happy Leap year day! Anyway, here's a couple of new things for you guys to check out! Airforce Command HQ Build Animations moonsense715 has done a great job on bringing some life to the Allied Airforce Command HQ with some amazing work on the interior and Harrier construction animations. Take a look in this video below! Crates! Whether it be bonus cash, free vehicles or veterancy points, the humble crate will deliver. Romanov has done us proud with a great couple of models for the standard and water-based crate. Check out these great texture models below! You may have seen these without textures in our last update. More info on how crates will work in AR will be released when we talk about what surprised we want to put in them. Who knows, maybe the nasty nuke crate could resurface? That's it for now! That's it for this small update guys! Let us know if you want to get smaller, but more regular updates like this in the future and we'll try and keep up with your demands! Also, a Happy Birthday goes out to our resident Test Coordinator Nodlied! He turns a number of years old today! Wish him well guys!13 likes
Good Afternoon, This year 2022 has started out with the effects still felt from 2021 and 2020 respectively. However in the previous 5 month time frame we've also felt the ramifications of a European War that's still raging to this day by both sides, a near crash of the stock market with the total collapse of a stablecoin (Luna) that some people have unironically invested their life savings in and inflation that’s currently in limbo on when it’ll be fixed... creating financial stress (if not difficulty) on most. Behind all of this a recent shooting occurred in the state of New York where upon the person live streamed people falling to the ground from being shot point blank with a rifle. Despite any opinion on any of these topics there is something that remains which is the ability to seek and get help when needed. This brings me to the point of my topic today which is May is Mental Health Awareness month. However, I am asking everyone reading not just to not ignore the importance of this topic but also not ignore yourselves. If you’re in financial, mental or any type of distress to the point of harming yourself or others then please call the numbers listed below. I don’t know any other way to say this other than it’s not worth it. Life is worth living and you do matter. People do care about you. If you’re unable to call or unwilling then I am willing to listen and help anyone to the best of my ability if they need someone to talk to. Just PM me on discord or on W3DHub.com. Having a chat with someone here has helped me more times than I can count in my life and I know it can for you as well. It really can be that small difference. If you need help, get help. While we again, reflect on this month and what it means along with all the events of the past. I ask that if you see a friend that’s down to reach out to them. If you’re down and considering something irreversible then please reach out. We can do this. Thank you. ================================================================================================== https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines (Worldwide) Suicide Hotline (Spanish + English) = 800-273-8255 The Samaritans Crisis Hotline = (212) 673 - 3000 The Trans Lifeline can be reached at 1 - 877 - 565 - 8860 (UK) Text SHOUT to 85258 (Free 24/7 Text based UK service)12 likes
Hey gang, I could use your help. As we know of the Internet, things that get a lot of upvotes get more reach. I appreciate everyone that follows our activity on social media, and your likes and comments are even better. Thanks for that. Anyway, I had an idea to request your assistance in our publicity efforts, if you'll hear me out. This thread, the upvote thread, will be our repository of posts, updates, videos, etc., in which I hope to increase our overall likes and shares across the social channels. Basically, I ask that whatever is posted here gets a boost in likes and upvotes (not meaning the forum upvote). From my end, expect official W3D Hub Imgur posts, Reddit threads, ModDB articles, and all else in our efforts to gain more attention and exposure. In doing this, we can get ourselves featured on the frontpages for all to see! In the spirit of collaboration, I would like to state this is an open thread. Just as I am seeking more upvotes to expand our media's reach, you are absolutely more than welcome to post your own stuff. If you have videos, music, mods, etc. that you want to gain more exposure, I will be happy to give a like. Stuff related to W3D Hub such as recorded gameplay footage, livestreams, fanmade trailers, promo screenshots and art are likely to receive a share as well. Discuss the viability of this. Let's talk about how successful this can be, or not be. I'm open to feedback and thoughts. Stay tuned for more posts in the realm of public relations.12 likes
Ahem! Is this thing on? I need to make an announcement! My time machine has proven its worth once again by delivering us a blast from the past. An ancient technology that some of you may remember. . . A game from a bygone era. . . Our engineers have been hard at work in the lab, inspecting everything to make sure that it has survived intact the journey from past to present, and ensuring that it can survive on computers in this new time line, as much has changed. Things are looking well, and it is almost ready. . . W3D-Hub is proud to (re-)present to you: Red Alert - A Path Beyond [BETA] 1.2.0 Coming soon to a launcher near you! Over 10 years ago, the APB team moved the project into its [BETA] era, which was the height of player counts and online gameplay, clan games, mp-gaming, oxi-stats, demo noobs, and so much more! It was the "golden" era that defined the game in many ways. The game then moved into its "Cold Fusion" (1.3) and "Nuclear Winter" (1.4) updates, then Gamma (2.x), and finally what we all play now - Delta (3.x). And while Delta is undoubtedly the best and most advanced version of the game yet, it is fun to go back and see how things used to be, if for no other reason than to gain a deeper appreciation for what it has become in recent years. But if you're like me....you like to play Beta, because it was lots of fun, and there are lots of good memories associated with that point in time. To give a little more info on what this actually is, it is simply a "system update" of the original game. Starting with Windows 8 and moving forward, it is increasingly annoying to even get the stock game to run, much less "as it should", depending on your computer. This is largely due to the old version of the engine that Beta was built on (3.4.4). So we have ported the game forward to the latest TT4.6 scripts, which is the same version as Interim Apex, and probably most up-to-date stock renegade servers as well. The point is that it is made to work on modern computers. This was the first step. After that was done and the game was running stable, it was time to do some cleanup of old files, and of course fix some new bugs that appeared due to changing scripts versions. It was said by some that it would not even be possible, nor worth the effort to try to fix everything. But we found that surprisingly little was truly broken in the upgrade. The largest issues were related to Purchase Terminals and Aircraft settings, but of course there was a handful of other things. But it has come together quite nicely, and our testing phase is almost complete! What you will notice has changed from the stock Beta experience: It runs faster and more stable. It runs smoother and so much better overall than it ever did back in the day, and crashes less. You can have a near-miss with a tree or building while driving a tank, and you won't lag-warp back to it 3 seconds later. 10+ years of engine updates are to thank for this. It won't make you reboot your PC if it does crash. The old engine was notorious for causing a scene when it would crash. Most common issues from this were a black screen which the user could do nothing about, a "dead" area on the screen, in which nothing could be clicked, computer stuck in low resolution, and other forms of weirdness. Again, thanks to a much newer engine version, all of these are now non-issues. (Also, you can Alt+F4 to exit the game at any time now, which is cool). V-sniping is gone. For those that remember, V-sniping was a "feature" of Beta. It does not exist in the new version of the engine, so you will get a more "normal" sniping experience. There are 60 clicks on the scope zoom, so that should suffice The stealth shader is different. The stock Renegade stealth shader is being used because the one that was used in beta did not carry over. We might be able to implement this (or a better one) in a future update, but not at this time. A misunderstanding on my part previously. The shader was not activating at all, due to lack of configuration on the new engine, and thus merely displaying the underlying texture. This has been mended. Scroll-wheel in the sidebar! A happy accident of the engine upgrade, you can now use the scroll-wheel on your mouse to quickly navigate the sidebar purchase menu. Enjoy! Better and easier-to-find screenshots. Another happy accident, screenshots are now stored in their own folder with the other games' screenshots folders in your Documents folder. Absolutely ridiculous FPS (700+ on my PC!!!). Same old song, the newer engine made it better....maybe a little too good Unless you are still running a computer from when this version of the game was new, I would recommend that you max out all of the settings for this game, and run it in the highest resolution that it supports. Also be sure to tick on V-sync. Else you'll have super high frame rates, to the point that it will actually start to cause physics bugs to happen. Also, in order to play online, it is always best with games on the W3D engine if the client FPS and the server FPS are as close as possible. Our test server has been keeping a near-constant 59 FPS, and with maxed out settings, the clients run at 60 FPS - which is perfect. Bluehell is GONE! Another major benefit of using a newer engine, the bluehell bug (which is where you fall through the map into the blue "hell" below) was eliminated by simply upgrading! New (old) maps! In addition to all of the original maps that shipped with this version of the game (minus CamosCrossing until we fix it), we are also able to include several additional maps, which were made by fans or other staff members during the Beta era. Some you may have seen before, others likely not! Credit where credit is due. I would like to thank @moonsense715, @dblaney1, and @CMDBob for their effort in making this possible - these guys fixed the bugs. @Dghelneshi, @Jerad2142, @triattack, and @Pushwall for giving excellent tips, advice, and assistance in this. @A4R91N for providing me with some maps which I did not have previously (which was so long ago that he may not even remember doing it) @FRAYDO for accidentally giving me the idea to do this in the first place (he asked for old screenshots and I delivered a game ). @NoSoldier and @OrangeP47 for taking some extra time to test this. The Tiberian Technologies Team, as this would have not even gotten started if new engine updates were not available. And I would also like to thank all of the people who put work into making this game and the maps so many years ago. There are too many of you to name, and I don't know all of you anyway. But thank you. We are still enjoying your work. [blurb]Red Alert: A Path Beyond [BETA] 1.2.0 - coming to the launcher soon![/blurb][thumb]thumb_apb.3.png[/thumb] 0.9935 is next12 likes
<<<Incoming Transmission>>> Concerning news, brothers. We have recently lost contact with one of our strike teams -- their status: unknown. We have only this piece of footage from the field before communications went dark. We do not yet know what to make of this, though soon intel will discover more. Be advised. [blurb]Concerning news, brothers. We have recently lost contact with one of our strike teams -- their status: unknown.[/blurb] <<<Transmission Offline>>>12 likes
Some of you might know that I develop video games for the U.S. Army. Here's a sampling of some of the work I've created: F-16C Falcon/Viper (modeled, UVed, textured, animated, rigged) inside of my UDK environment designed for I/ITSEC 2014 here in Orlando. F/A-18E Super Hornet (modeled, UVed, textured, animated, rigged) inside of my quick mockup of Nellis Air Force Base for I/ITSEC 2014. Uses models from other members of my team. The environment (terrain modeling and texture painting) was developed by me, but the structures and terrain textures (with the exception of the taxiway markings) are work that my team developed. I've got a variety of ~20,000 polygon game-quality models and low-poly Renegade-like models I can put up here if anyone is interested. The more I dig through my old office work the more likely it is that I'll update my portfolio. Which, of course, I haven't touched since 2011.12 likes
[thumb]thumb_ar.3.png[/thumb] [blurb]According to NORAD we've got updates coming at us from all directions and renders pushing up through Mexico. I don't know how they snuck in on us.[/blurb] Dioptic manifold clear! Unit ready! Electrodes ready! Welcome to the Apocalypse Rising May Update! This month's update features the Allied Prism Tank, the Soviet Purchase Terminal, and the Soviet Shock Trooper. Prism Tank It's Einstein's Prism tech on wheels. The boys at the lab call it a Prism Tank. Careful not to burn yourself! - Lt. Eva Deployed late into the war, the Prism Tank is yet another shining example of Allied technological superiority. Developed by Professor Albert Einstein, the Prism Tank operated as the Allies' anti-structure artillery unit. Utilising the same technology found in the Prism Tower base defenses, the Prism Tank is effective against enemy infantry and structures alike. Powerful as it may be, the Prism Tank is not without weaknesses. It's light armour and low rate of fire make it particularly ineffective against heavy armour. Coordination with Allied Grizzlies and IFVs in the field combined with its long-range beam offers more favourable engagements against Soviet Rhinos and Apocalypse Tanks. "Intensifying light trajectory!" Model by @Romanov Soviet Purchase Terminal In the previous war, Allied and Soviet structures shared many similarities from external appearances to internal terminals. As the opposing sides' architecture began to take on more unique motifs, so did the individual aspects that made up the internal infrastructure. Soviet engineers stayed true to the industrial element that is the working class and designed accordingly. Putting aside the sophisticated and sleek features that their Allied counterparts possessed, the Soviet Engineer Corps set about and designed a straightforward and reliable Purchase Terminal for use throughout friendly bases. Serving the same purpose as its previous war iteration, Soviet units may access these terminals and purchase infantry and vehicles from the Soviet arsenal. Depending on the country chosen (Russia, Iraq, Cuba, Libya), additional units may be authorised for purchase. "(56k modem dial-up sound)" Concept Art by @Squid Empire, Model by @Romanov and @moonsense715 Tesla Trooper Always striving towards the next step in Tesla technology, the Soviet Union has introduced a new class of soldiers into their ranks: the Tesla Trooper. First deployed during the occupation of Washington D.C., these shock troopers are highly effective on the front-lines. Armed with a Tesla Coil gauntlet, the Tesla Trooper is particularly devastating to enemy armour columns. Shockingly, the Tesla Trooper has proven to be equally effective against enemy infantry, due in part to the armour they wear that their Conscript and Flak Trooper counterparts lack. Wearing an insulated combat uniform that also houses the back-mounted Tesla Generator, the Tesla Trooper also cannot be crushed by enemy vehicles. It is this heavy armour and deadly weaponry that makes the Tesla Trooper a threat to all Allied units in the field. "Commencing shock therapy" Model by @Romanov Screenshots Recruitment We are always hiring new team members to speed up AR's release! If you believe that you can help us out, you are more than welcome to help! The following positions are open: 2 Artists for modeling and texturing civilian buildings and props. 1 Artist for making nature assets (trees, bushes, etc.) 1 Character Artist 1 Texture Artist/Photoshop User (optionally Unwrapper) to help in texturing building interior objects If you wish to contribute to this project and believe you have the skills, give us a shout! If you would like to contribute to the game and believe you have the skills, don't hesitate to apply! If you don't know if you have the skills, send us a forum PM and we can chat. If you would like to help in areas not listed here, that is also more than welcome. To apply, just send @moonsense715 or @One Winged Angel a PM (Private Message) via the forums and let us know which position you wish to apply for. End Feel free to contact the team regarding testing applications for Apocalypse Rising and our other W3D projects and become an official W3D Hub Tester today!12 likes
Join us this Saturday for an APB game night! Come join us this November 19th for a Red Alert: A Path Beyond GAME NIGHT! At 9PM BST, jump into the server and earn your place on the official leaderboards! Climb to the top ranks and secure your position! View the current stats here @ http://www.w3dhub.com/ranks/apb/ Note: We have activated the event rankings module. This is a separate ladder that will be present for every individual game night! Be in the top 10 of the Game Night Event! Everyone is welcome to join! Tell your friends! November 19th, Official RA:APB Server, 9PM GMT Check the event countdown here See you then!12 likes
Check out the October Update for Apocalypse Rising! Surprises found inside! Hello, everyone! It's time for another dev update, and is there much to cover! So much so, that we can't fit everything into one update. Progress has steamed ahead and each testing session has become more interesting than the last! With so much content being divided into equal parts, expect several updates as we catch up on our reveals! Today's update: Bots, Attack Dogs, and Spies! Bots In C&C Mode A wonderful feature we are proud to introduce into AR, bots now populate the maps and fight the good fight! Upon the start of each match, AI offensive modules and AI defensive modules are loaded in. Speaking generally, bots that attack and defend join the battle, meaning that players can play the game against the AI! Offensive bots immediately move out to engage and attack the enemy forces. Defensive bots, on the other hand, will remain at base to protect against trespassers. The offensive bots forces comprises your team's ground arsenal, from infantry to tanks. Infantry AI will support friendly tanks and engage enemy infantry. Additionally, they will infiltrate enemy buildings, and will even attack weakpoints within the enemy base! If the unit is armed with C4, they will stick it onto major weakpoints. A little C4 knocking at your door! Tank AI will prioritise enemy armour first before engaging enemy infantry. If properly supported by friendlies, they may even bring down a base defense or two, and then move on to shoot base buildings! Offensive bots battling for field control. The defensive bots forces comprises of basic infantry and engineers. Infantry will be stationed around the base and inside friendly buildings to ward off enemy advances, as well as chasing and killing enemy units that enter the buildings themselves. Engineers will be positioned at Repair Nodes to repair any damages caused to the base, but will leave the building they spawned at to run to other buildings when repair duty or C4 disarming tasks call. Naturally when attacking the enemy base, it would be viable to send soldiers inside to wipe out the repairing personnel. An Engineer bot taking care of a Repair Node. Bots are removed/added back to the game dynamically depending on the playercount (if enough players are ingame, all the bots are gone). This ensures the game is always full of action, even if there are only a few players online. A lot of time has been spent on this new feature by @moonsense715 that makes bots able to play classic C&C mode. In short, the AI learned how to destroy and repair bases. He'll be working on improving offline and online gaming experience in AR by making bots smarter. Soviet bots paradropping. Invasion confirmed! Attack Dogs Attack Dogs have made it ingame, and are purchasable from the Barracks. Both teams have their respective canine companions; the Soviets with the Siberian Husky and the Allies with the German Shepherd. An effective anti-infantry unit, Attack Dogs introduce a new element to close-quarters combat. Consider biting enemy infantry while inside a building! Allied and Soviet Attack Dogs, created by @Romanov, animations by @Jerad2142. Spy Tactical Espionage Action. Always with an affinity for subterfuge, the Allies again employ the use of Spies in the Third World War against the Soviet Union. Armed with his quick wits, a silenced Walther PPK, and a Disguise Kit, the Spy seeks to obtain intelligence and sow confusion among the enemy forces. The Spy's sidearm, the Walther PPK, created by @Romanov. With spotting scope in hand, a Spy may find an enemy infantry (or a driver of an enemy vehicle) to disguise as from a relatively safe distance. Once disguised, the Spy may then bypass enemy base defenses without worry. Moments later, the Soviet base finds itself without power! Fancy that! Secondly, with the same disguise ability, he can act as a decoy unit by targeting teammates. Imagine the soviets seeing 2 Tanyas approaching their base, but they don't know which one is the real threat! @FRAYDO demonstrating @Romanov's disguise scripts. For base infiltration, the Spy has a slowly respawning hacking device at his disposal. This ensures that the Spy cannot sprint from building to building shutting everything down. The mindful Spy will keep note of the cooldown timer of the hacking device, as well as soviet movements within their base while determining which building to infiltrate next. Recruitment We are always hiring new team members to speed up AR's release! If you believe that you can help us out, you are more than welcome to help! The following positions are open: 2 Artists for modelling and texturing civilian buildings and props. 1 Artist for making nature assets (trees, bushes, etc.) 1 Character Artist 1 Texture Artist/Photoshop User (optionally Unwrapper) to help in texturing building interior objects If you wish to contribute to this project and believe you have the skills, give us a shout! If you would like to contribute to the game and believe you have the skills, don't hesitate to apply! If you don't know if you have the skills, send us a forum PM and we can chat. If you would like to help in areas not listed here, that is also more than welcome. To apply, just send me or One Winged Angel a PM (Private Message) via the forums and let us know which position you wish to apply for. Team Messages OWA: Work at Creative Assembly has been slowing down progress, but the G.I. should *finally* be in the game before the end of October. Also there is work to be done on vehicle cameras now that we have a multitude of new vehicles. Stay tuned for more updates. moonsense715: MEGA amount of dev progress in August and September! Building interiors are done and tons of new units were added to the game core. FRAYDO: Testing sessions have been crazy fun! If you haven't already applied to testership, what are you waiting for?! Romanov: TDBERR Killing You: *Creating lots of sound effects* End Any questions?12 likes
Hello everyone and welcome to this Apocalypse Rising Mega Update! We've been really busy these past few months working on a bunch of stuff, so here's a big summary of all of our major developments since February! Gameplay Videos For those who are here to see how the game plays, we will start with two in-game footage videos right away. This first one is from Renegade's 20th Anniversary Event, which ran from 19th February to 27th February! Apocalypse Rising was featured on the 23rd, which for many of our guests was their first ingame experience! Huge thanks to CCHyper for our specially-themed Red Alert 2: Apocalypse Rising screen! Expect to see that during our Apocalyse Rising streams that you can catch on our Twitch channel @ twitch.tv/w3dhub The second video is from C&C community streamer, Lunak; who has recorded himself playing the same event from a different perspective. We would like to thank him for taking the time to stream our content! If you would like to see more of his streams, visit his channel @ twitch.tv/lunak89 and tell him W3D Hub sent you! Map Updates Next on, we have a few screenshots of some maps that we have been working on. Our team has made significant progress on these and we can't wait to have you explore everything! Dune Patrol First up is are two WIP screenshots of Dune Patrol, created by @ moonsense715 . Dune Patrol features a village in the east which infantry can engage in close-quarters combat, as well as capturable Oil Derricks to earn bonus income for your team! The center of the map also features a small staging area, pictured below. Make use of the bunker and supplies found here to dominate the center and allow your teammates to push onward! W.I.P: Mayak Beach Next up is Mayak Beach, made by the combined powers of @ Romanov and @ moonsense715 . This level is still under construction and features a new super-weapon. Intel acquired by Agent Tanya and a British Spy shows that the Soviets have built a space-based nuclear weapon. This never-before-seen weapon will cause catastrophic destruction if left unchecked. This cannot happen! The Allied forces must not allow the Soviets to win this battle! W.I.P: Secret Superweapons Map Last but not least, @ Romanov has been working on an additional new map. It features a new Allied building (the Gap Generator), along with the familiar Red Alert 2 superweapons, the Weather Control Device and the Nuclear Missile Silo. The systems controlling the superweapons are about to enter a heavy testing and iteration phase! Superweapons have long been a popular demand and our testing will tell us how best to fit these into gameplay! Yes, the red barn is also a Superweapon. As are the cows that reside within. User Interface Updates Moving on, next we have some details about some major upgrades to the user interface. These are mainly quality of life improvements that will enhance the gameplay throughout. Vehicle Queuing System @ moonsense715 has recently coded up the vehicle factory queue system (APB is already using it). We have listened to player and the tester feedback and we decided that this was a very needed QOL update. This new system allows players to queue up their vehicle purchases instead of playing the who-buys-faster game at the Purchase Terminal. No longer will players stand around, waiting for the War Factory to become available. Just submit your request and wait for your order to be processed! In the mean time you can defend the base or chat with your teammates. Alternatively, until your order starts being processed, you may cancel your order and get refunded, Here is a picture of what the factory bar looks like. The player pictured below has ordered a Grizzly Tank that is waiting to be processed: A supplementary feature to compliment the factory bar is the "Queue Information" panel. This is displayed on your interface if you have an order being processed. This way you can see how much longer you need to wait for your vehicle to be ready, without having to check in the purchase terminal. This is what it looks like when the player has ordered a Grizzly Tank and it is currently 2nd in the Allied War Factory queue: Building Capture Bar Currently in Apocalypse Rising, you can capture tech buildings simply by standing next to them (the Engineer also has a bonus to capturing speed). We received some feedback that capturing buildings was lacking some visual feedback, so this is now shown towards the top of the screen in the centre, so you can clearly see the capturing progress: Dynamic Loading Screens Recent code changes by @ moonsense715 allowed us to build a dynamic loading screen. This automatically picks up images and data related to the level being loaded, for example specific images and the name of the map. We have also built a tooltip system into the loading screen. This will pick a random tip (out of a pool) and display it here. You might learn something new every time! 3D Model Updates This section contains a whole bunch of 3d model updates to various units within the game. Black Eagle After all that, yes we still have a few asset updates left to show as well. First up is the Black Eagle, which was originally a model of an F-18 made by artist Wolves-Realm. @ OWA has used this model as a base to come up with a new Black Eagle model, which is a massive improvement over our placeholder model. Rhino Tank Our Rhino Tank was beginning to shows its age and low resolution textures, so @ moonsense715 went ahead and updated it with the leading help of one of our testers, @ Purple. Big credit for the help! Pictured below are the older model and the new and improved model! As you can see from the older model, the Rhino previously have undefined barrels, an unimpressive gun barrel, and basic tank wheels. In collaboration with Purple and building upon the old model, the new Rhino Tank features a much more impressive exterior, complete with more defined armour, a coaxial machine gun, improved treads, a front window, spotlights, and more! See it all in this side-by-side comparison! Guardian GI The Guardian GI has received a new model which has now made its way in-game. He looks a bit more sturdier than the regular GI, but retains some consistent visuals between the two; such as the helmet, goggles and kneepads. This new model gives the Guardian GI the formidable appearance as befits him. "Tanks are no match!" Credit to@ OWA and @ Romanov for the model and texture respectively. Crazy Ivan Crazy Ivan is the Soviet's resident bomb specialist. Armed with a ton of TNT, he excels at destroying enemy buildings. Previously using an older Renegade model and a change of clothing, the Crazy Ivan is now represented by his new and unique model! TNT strapped to his body and donning his signature eye-patch and bandana, he is now more dangerous than ever! Credit to@ OWA ,@ Romanov and @ moonsense715 Gap Generator The Allied Gap Generators produces a fog bubble around the Allied base preventing the Soviets to be able to see what is happening inside. The Gap Generator in AR will be different to APB. We are using a new script for the concealment logic. What this means is that when a Soviet player is inside the bubble, enemy Allied players will not be stealthed (like in APB), but instead they will be un-targetable and their information on the HUD and various menus will be hidden. This includes defenses and buildings too, so if a Gap Generator bubble covers either of these, the Soviets cannot track its health. Credit to @ Romanov for the model, texture and script! Spy Bug Device This is a special device that the Allied Spy uses to hack buildings. To use it, the Spy must place it on an enemy repair node. This will then have a negative effect to the Soviet team until they are able to disarm it. The effect varies on the building that is placed on, which can be discussed in more detail at a later time. Once discovered, the bug device can be disarmed by shooting it with any regular weapon. Credit to @ Squid Empire and @ Romanov for the model and texture! That's it!That's all from the AR mega update. Join us next time for more stuff!11 likes
- This release has been a long time in the making. It's the first APB public release of 2021 and boy is it a big one. Huge thanks to all the staff and testers who helped make this possible! It will take some time to finish packing everything up, but it should all be ready to be on the launcher by this time tomorrow. The SDK has already been updated for 3.6 (minus documentation). General Changes Replaced the generic W3D Hub window/taskbar application logo with the APB red star icon. Players forced to change teams no longer have a death count increase. Levels of detail have been added to more ingame objects (such as the AT and AP mines, and the detailed house on Keep Off The Grass). This means performance improvements in some areas. Added new flare models and effects for helicopter purchases and reinforcement drops. Replaced the Soviet elevator music. Bots have undergone a few general behavioral improvements, including weapon/sight ranges. Much more robust edit_human and edit_weapon console commands. These only work in singleplayer. Two new menu options- Muting the game's audio when the window is not in focus. Skipping the quit confirmation dialog. HUD Now features W3D's brand new objective marker technology. These are points of interest or importance that appear overlaid on the screen (including a distance readout) to assist with the objective. Most of the time they are relevant to the player's current character or vehicle class. Each inclusion of the objective markers will be listed below under their appropriate changelog item. The mine limit now appears on the HUD next to the mine count; no longer is there a need to use a command on the server to get the mine limit from the chatbox. Disarmed mine messages now go to the kill feed, rather than the chat box. Disarming the AT mine now shows a shovel and the AT mine icon, rather than a shovel and the AP mine icon. Replaced the tracking lock icon with one resembling the attack cursor from Red Alert. Updated the kill icon models for the Tesla Tank, Mammoth Tank, MCV, and the Submarines. Adjusted a few other kill icon positionings slightly, also enlarging the Cruiser and Mammoth Tank icons. Re-added the "imfree" font icon. Unit Repairs Vehicular repair logic is now shared between the Service Depot, Naval Yard/Sub Pen, Airfield, and now the Helipad and Refill Pad. All vehicle types can repair at the Service Depot, if they can reach it. Only naval type units can repair at the Naval Yard/Sub Pen. Only airplanes can repair at the Airfield. VTOL units and airplanes (if they can reach it) can repair at Helipads and Refill Pads. Vehicle repairs at these facilities are now completely free of charge. Vehicles repair at the same rate as before, at 10% per second. More accurately, as far as repair ticks go, they now repair at 1% every 0.1 seconds. If a player starts taking moderate damage from any singular weapon (15 hitpoints or more), repairs will slow down significantly (10% of their normal repair rate) until 5 seconds after they stop taking damage. Aircraft repairing at the Heli/Refill pads or Airfield are similar to this, except their repairs slow down much more easily at 1 hitpoint threshold. Multiple vehicles can repair at the same building simultaneously, as long as they can all fit into the area. There is no longer a delay when starting to repair, and players no longer need to drive away from and back into the repair area in order to start repairs if the vehicle is damaged at full health while in the area, or if the player enters the vehicle while it's in the repair area. Points Distribution Points for destroying buildings, defenses, and support structures are now awarded to the team's score pool rather than all the players on the team. Disarming A-bomb flares now grants a joint 250 points to all the players who worked on it, and the other 250 points are awarded to the team's score after it's disarmed. Previously 500 points went to the player who did the last bit of disarming. Disarming C4 charges now grants live points to all the players who work on it, rather than awarding all the points to the person who fired the final disarming shot. Weapons Lock-on ranges have been fixed. They now match the actual targeting range, rather than only 75% the targeting range. Damage that is applied on the server side now sends hit markers. New Beretta and Makarov pistol reload sounds. Fixed a bug that caused the carried FIM-92 weapon model (and the Drunk Rocket Soldier's weapon on Lunar) to disappear. Firing the FIM-92 at nearby targets no longer damages the weapon's owner. Effective range for tech scanners and engineer wrenches has been decreased 3 -> 2. This is for the AI repairers to stand closer to their targets. Textures Color adjusted a rough yellow cliff texture to better match the other environment textures. Improved the barbed wire chain link fence textures. Their resolutions have improved and can be seen from farther away. Fixed a seam on a field grass texture. Infantry Crouch walk radar sneaking has returned, and its cooldown timer increased once again to 3 seconds (from 1 second). The previous bug where players could jump while crouching to remain invisible on radar has been fixed. All infantry can detect sneaking players at least 5m away from them. The Sergeant, Starshina, and Flamethrower can detect at 25m, and the Captain, Kapitan, and Spy can detect at 50m. This information can be viewed ingame through the F1 encyclopedia screen on the new Gameplay menu. Using weapon scopes no longer causes players to unsneak. Partisans can sneak once again. All infantry now use the new inertia features offered in Scripts 5.0. There is a slight graduation in momentum changes, and moreso while swimming. Strafing diagonally forward while sprinting is less restricted, and jumping while crouched no longer offers a forward velocity increase. Infantry worldboxes are now shorter while crouched. This will allow them to access very slightly tighter spaces. 100% -> 80% Sergeant / Starshina Uninterruptible per-round reload has been set up on the shotguns. What this means is that shotguns reload only the number of rounds that are missing, and only the full 8 if they are fully empty. Rocket Soldier / RPG Trooper Now have pistols. AA weapons are now on slot 3 (rather than sharing the anti-tank weapon slots on 2). Weapon switch times have been reduced for the LAW, RPG-7, Redeye, and Strela. 3s -> 2s LAW/RPG damage decreased 5%. 90 -> 85.5 Firing at nearby objects with the LAW/RPG no longer damages the owner of the weapon. AA weapons can no longer lock-on to ground units. AA weapons have a tracking delay of 0.62s, and they untrack after 1.25 seconds. Engineer The golden wrench can now repair vehicles. It works with 75% the effectiveness of mechanic wrenches. Capacity is still limited as before. Spy Can once again acquire a Sonar Pulse from the Sub Pen. The Sonar Pulse, in addition to its previous function of revealing enemy naval units on radar, now reveals all Soviet naval units with objective markers as well. Medic Fixed a bug with placing multiple medic armor caches that caused players to gain an unintended advantage. Medic cache regenerates 1 unit of armor every 1 second, instead of every 5 seconds. Mechanic Wrench range (area of effect) decreased significantly. 12.5 -> 6 Thief Can now steal credits from bots. Tanya Equipped with two weaker C4 charges, rather than having the ability to destroy a building with one. Tanya's second C4 can reload while her Colt is equipped. Reload time between C4 charges is 8 seconds. Damage of each C4 has been halved. 1200 -> 600 Disarming point rewards of each C4 have been halved. 200 -> 100 Uses different voice lines while placing C4. Fixed a mesh seam in her neck. Grenadier Added a grenade explosion inner radius of 2m. Reduced grenade explosion damage. 50 -> 35 Flamethrower Stronger against infantry, does 50% more to infantry skins and about 30% more to infantry shields. No longer has burst fire (need to hold down mouse to use entire clip). Inaccuracy when jumping has decreased. 19.5 -> 3.5 Accuracy recovery rate reduced. 10 -> 2 No longer damages his own shield when firing at nearby targets and surfaces. Now uses an ignition sound as firing starts. The kill message now has an added flame icon for clarity. Shock Trooper Weapon splash damage is now scaled (meaning it does a lot less damage if you hit further from your target), but splash damage has also been increased, leading to an overall buff if you hit the ground near your target. Now takes splash damage from electric weapons. Splash damage increased 5 -> 15. To compensate for the direct damage increase, the electric special damage type has had its damage decreased 22.5 -> 12.5. To mitigate the much weaker flame effects overriding this damage, the speed of the effect has been increased by 10. Volkov Per-round reload has been set up on the hand cannon weapons. AP HandCannon range increased. 34 -> 85 Napalm grenades Elasticity up. 0.03 -> 0.5 Napalm grenades Max Bounces down. 999 -> 1 Vehicles The helicopters have been increased in scale to a more fitting size, and their third person camera distances have been increased to match. Phase Tank, Chrono Tank, and Longbow have "no missile tracking" option when right clicking to fire. Fixed minor tread texture issues on the APC, Artillery, M.A.D. Tank, and Minelayers. Fixed a few inconsistent exit transitions (locations the players are deposited when they exit vehicles). BTR (Low Tech Soviet Scout) This unit replaces the Soviet Ranger in the Soviet vehicle roster, meaning it is only available on the maps the Soviet Range was available on (plus any added in this patch, noted in the maps section below). The BTR serves as a cheap, lightly armored vehicle that can effectively scout the map, mow down infantry, fight longbows, and clear mines. Essentially, it is a Soviet Ranger overhauled to fit the Soviet design pillars; heavy armor, high damage, and good survivability. Ranger No longer has a passenger seat. Light Tank Slightly better at handling hills. Medium / Heavy Tanks Increased vehicle turning speeds. Mobile Gap Generator Added new camera profiles that are offset to the sides, similar to the V2 and Artillery's alternate cameras. Phase Tank Per-round reload has been set up for its missile weapon (two missiles at a time). Slightly reduced hill handling. Chrono Tank Model and texture have been improved. Two more camo variants have been set up, using green paint in place of the orange paint. The default Chrono Tank variant will still be the orange/silver version on all maps. Missile turn rate doubled. 300 -> 600 New set of PT icons. Tesla Tank Model has been updated with higher quality meshes and rig. Fixed an issue where the vehicle was pulling off to the right due to mis-aligned wheel bones. Weapon splash damage is now scaled, similar to the Shock Trooper's rifle. Splash damage increased 20 -> 25. Special electric2 damage type has had its damage decreased 30 -> 25, and had its effect speed increased by 10x. First person camera angle is centered over the vehicle. Mammoth Tank Model and texture have been improved. Thickened the tracks slightly, adjusting wheel heights and spring length to match. Adjusted the rig so it doesn't get stuck on sloped terrain as often. The missile pods can now tilt. Removed the spray angle from the tusk missiles. 10 -> 0 Demolition Truck The horn has been edited so it can play while the vehicle is charging up to explode. Ore Truck When driving, you can now see how full your truck is is by looking on the lower righthand corner of the screen. When driving, there are now objective markers that instruct you on where the ore, gem, and mixed fields are around the map, as well as where to dump at the Refinery. MCV New model and texture. AA Truck No longer has a passenger seat. Longbow AI preferences against infantry have been adjusted so they don't chase after them. Hind Vertical acceleration increased. 28000 -> 32000 Chinook Handling has been adjusted so the critical fault of the chinook is eased as far as flying high. Airplanes Handling has been made easier. Most notably they are more responsive to turning/rolling, and the landing gear slows them down more significantly (allowing players with landing gear out to land at "full speed"). Exploding planes now affect vehicles and buildings (slightly) and infantry. Damage of the explosion is now scaled, and its radius has been reduced. 22.5 -> 17.5 More vulnerable to Rifle Soldiers by 2x. More vulnerable to Captains by 1.4x. Yak The rig has been adjusted so it has an easier time landing. Autocannon BurstMax has been decreased. 5 -> 3 Reduced cruising speed. 38.5 -> 33.5 MiG Reduced cruising speed. 48.5 -> 43.5 Reduced landing gear speed. 36.5 -> 33.5 Increased missile damage decently against Ranger skin/shields, and slightly against light vehicle skin/shields. MiGs can now destroy rangers in one volley, but not artilleries. Missiles adjusted to be much less wieldy. Pilots will need to be more intentional about pointing its nose at its targets when firing missiles. Range increased. 160 -> 200 Velocity increased. 110 -> 175 Gravity force has been added. 0 -> -9.5 Turn Rate decreased. 150 -> 85 Naval Units Players now teleport directly into their naval purchases if done from the naval yard or sub pen. Ships are more vulnerable to Rifle Soldiers by 3x. Ships are more vulnerable to Captains by 1.125x. Destroyer Handling has been edited so this unit is a bit more fast and responsive. Submarines Brand new models/textures. Now more vulnerable to weapons while submerged. Increased turning speeds by 10%. Disabled the floating playername on the missile sub periscope camera. Missile Sub Missile Sub's ballistic weapon range reduced. 220 -> 210 Raised the ballistic missile muzzles by 1m. The result is that they should have a slightly easier time hitting ground targets. Added a tertiary camera for sieging. Buildings All defenses, when they are damaged, now show objective markers to technicians and engineers; they are green/yellow/red depending on how damaged they are. Power Plant Adjusted some damage emitters that were in the wrong place. Radar Dome When destroyed or jammed, it only removes enemy (and stealthed friendly) blips from the radar. It no longer shuts off the radar compass completely. Fixed an issue with disappearing console screens in the sub basement. Service Depot Added a repairing animation. Features completely revamped repairing system, detailed near the top of this changelog. It works for any unit type that can reach it. Can refill airplane ammunition. Helipad / Refill Pad Repairs all friendly aircraft, using the new repair logic similar to the Service Depot. Sells aircraft with the backspace key. Refills airplane ammunition. Naval Yard Repair zone now has objective markers that start appearing at around 200m distance for any player whose naval unit's health becomes damaged. Uses new repair logic similar to the Service Depot; it only works for naval units. Sub Pen Repair zone now has objective markers that start appearing at around 200m distance for any player whose naval unit's health becomes damaged. Uses the new repair logic similar to the Service Depot; it only works for naval units. Added backings to the two ladders by the submarine spawns. Airfield Uses the new repair logic similar to the Service Depot; it only offers repairs to airplanes, but works for airplanes owned by either team. Oil Pump There is now an invisible ramp up the sides of the concrete platform so players no longer need to jump to get on it. Capturable oil pumps now have objective markers that appear for Engineers and Technicians. The oil pumps starting in each base do not have an objective marker for players on the opposing team. Equalized tech building capturing speed between the FDS and local LAN; pumpjack HP is now 20 to compensate for this (down from 40). Its textures have been upscaled. Guard Tower Now uses the lighter color sandbags only. The texture UV's on the roof have been improved. A couple unnecessary draw calls have been removed. Levels Visible boundary warning stripes have been added to all the levels. A custom file has been uploaded that will allow you to put variations on the visible boundaries. Bots get stuck at the doors less often. Fixed a stuck position between some rocks by the Allied Service Depot. Adjusted the terrain around the small water-filled basin just outside the Soviet base, so traversibility there is easier. Bots should have less trouble getting stuck in this area. Fixed a terrain texture blending seam next to the gems in the middle. Major revisions have been applied to this level. See some of those changes below. The extremely lengthy, circuitous tunnel section is now eliminated, along with all the infantry routes that led into or out of the rear sides of the bases. There is a new short, direct, and accessible tunnel route under the east hill to replace the long tunnel route that was removed. Inside the cave mentioned above is a capturable gem silo, worth 2 credits per second to the team that captures it using a Technician or Engineer. The top of the east hill is no longer accessible. The Soviets have extremely easy access to the west hill next to their Barracks, where previously it was difficult to defend. The west hill has a couple infantry routes which were moved, appropriated, and simplified from other areas of the map. The Allied base building positions have been swapped. The Soviet Barracks has moved slightly closer to the War Factory. Each team has four defenses, which have been rearranged in their own ways. Added bot support. The V2 and Artillery have been disabled from the purchase list. The BTR can now be purchased. Infantry can no longer swim to a standing spot on the sloped beach sand underneath the naval yard. Also fixed some issues with getting out of the water from the Cruiser spawn area at the Naval Yard. Ladders have been added to the docks to help players get out of the water. Adjusted vehicle blockers at infantry base entrance near Soviet Refinery to be more visibly obvious. Fixed a lighting issue on the barbed wire fences. Darkened the icebergs significantly and changed the reflective ice texture. Also removed unnecessary backfaces from them. Sank the Allied Service Depot a bit. Added bot support. Added a ramp up to the hill at the front of the Soviet base so they can access it more easily. The rear infantry routes are blocked with rocks when the player count is 20 or below. These routes include the tunnel area behind the Soviet Refinery, and the pass behind the Allied Power Plant. Fixed teleportation zone so that Chrono Tanks can no longer access the part of the Soviet hill that vehicles aren't allowed to drive on. The lake can no longer be driven on. Fixed a few terrain seams where the dirt road texture meets the pine needle texture. Added Broken Tire Ragtop (BTR) unit to the Soviet arsenal. Costs $1200 and possesses a Ghost Stalker Railgun. Added a new "timescale" crate to the LOLMap crate pool. When grabbed, the passage of time will increase by 3x, for 30 seconds. It can only happen once during the round. Fixed the "Oh crap" nuclear explosion crate. Corrected a couple inaccurate infantry names. Fixed a few minor issues with the infantry voices. Fixed missing RA nade projectile. Fixed a floating sidewalk southeast of the Soviet base. Fixed the props that were clipping outside the Allied War Factory. Grounded a floating Soviet Ore Silo and a couple props next to it. Soviet bots no longer suicide when they purchase a Technician or Engineer to repair the Ore Silo. Made the beach slope steeper under the Naval Yard, and reduced infantry access there. Added a couple new vehicle routes up to the ridge, closer to the center of the map. There is now a walkway on the section of the pipeline between the middle pumpjack and the east pumpjack on the hill, so it's much easier to traverse. Fixed a vehicle sticky spot at the base of some pipeline supports. Added vehicle blockers so tanks can't attempt to travel up the pipeline from the road and get stuck. Soviet BTRs are available on this map. Some changes have been made to the side of the map that holds the Soviet base. The Soviet base elevation has increased by about 20 meters. An Airfield has been added, and some of the Soviet building positions rearranged. The flight ceiling has been made soft, in order to compensate for the addition of airplanes. The hill by the area where the Barracks used to be (and the Construction Yard now is) has been rotated 180 degrees, which means the Soviets can access it from their base, and it cannot be climbed from the field anymore. Eliminated access to the Soviet base from the far west flank. Adjusted some details like grass, rocks, trees, props, and textures in the areas that were affected by the above changes. The overhead map that Chrono Tank players use has also been updated. Fixed the flipped two-sided settings for big bushes branches/leaves. Updated the ice reflect texture on the frozen ground area. Soviet bots no longer suicide when they purchase a Technician or Engineer to repair the Ore Silo. An underwater texture display that was missing has been restored. Moved northern Soviet Service Depot to the east side of the base. Removed hard blockers over the tallest mountains, and made it difficult/deadly for players to try exiting their choppers up there. Reassigned the textures on the two slopes directly east of the Soviet base to make it much more clear that they are accessible. Restored missing ladder rungs in one of the tunnels. Fixed texture stretching on a set of rocks. Fixed a hole in the ground behind the Soviet War Factory. Bots use the side routes more often. Added bot support. Added some light sources in and adjusted the textures of the tunnel areas. Added a ladder up to the dock from the water by the Soviet Barracks. Reduced infantry access directly underneath the Naval Yard. Added rocks to block vehicle access to front/main hill route. Reduced infantry access directly underneath the Naval Yard.11 likes
Remember those old Photo Threads we use to do and dox ourselves? Well, I figured I'd share some stuff that happened in my life since back in the day, you know, after I got banned back in 2007 :V While digging through the old Wayback machine, I realized that I was banned pretty much the same month that my now wife, then girlfriend, first got together. Here is a our Prom photo! Not too long after that, we were off to college! I apologize in advance if you have these notifications set up through email, but @Kicken is going to get blown up a bit, we went to college together after all! I'll do my best not to include photos of him though, since he's not around right now to give me permission. :V Speaking of college, here is me on my first day of College, ready to waste $90,000 that will end up taking just under ten years to pay off! :D I don't have any photos of it that are worth sharing, but it is around here that I began my ten year career at GameStop. Fuck GameStop, that is all :D My then Girlfriend and I also rescued a mutt around this time. We named him Duke, and the silly old bastard is still kicking around today! He just turned 10 last month actually Fast forward some years, and after being in a relationship for 8 years, my girlfriend and I got married! @Kicken was actually one of my Groomsmen, and may or may not be in this photo with us! A few years later and I found my true hobby calling! Video games were a massive part of my life, for a large part of my life, however they have taken a back seat to Miniature Modeling and Table Top Wargaming! Here is a photo of my first Warhammer 40,000 army, Salamanders Space Marines! I no longer have these brehs, as I grew tired with Marines of the loyal variety, but I currently have several armies. Adeptus Custodes, Imperial Knights, Astra Militarum, Necrons, and my favorite of the bunch, Emperor's Children Chaos Space Marines. I started my Emperor's Children as a Kill Team back in 2018, here is a photo of the full roster, lead by then named The Pure Asmodai :D (he's the snake boi in the center, though its hard to make out in this photo) And we come to the relative present. My wife and I have been married for five years, together for 14, my dog just turned 10, I no longer work at GameStop, and I have a new hobby that I love! From my wife and I, love you brehs, and I'm happy to be back to being a regular around these parts <311 likes
Welcome to the 4th edition of W3D Weekly! We made it for a whole month of updates. Go us! Forum UpdatesA few more forum updates here this week. More bugs have been squashed now, so the user display on the APB theme should be back to how it was before the update. We're still figuring out which new IPB features to use though. Stay posted for more! Red Alert: A Path Beyond @ ChopBam here to say that in the next release, APB will be able to have its own designated Windows Application icon while running, thanks to some clever work from @ CMDBob ! The Soviet red star icon will replace the generic W3D Hub icon in the alt/win tab application list and the taskbar, as can be seen in the screenshots below. It's a small thing, but pretty useful in the grand scheme of things! Cold War Confrontation @ CMDBob reports that Cold War Confrontation is now on the launcher for @Testers now, so stuff can get... tested! Plus, CWC has the same icon support that I added as well. Finally, here's a shot of the game's main menu (with a sneaky cameo from the M1 Abrams in the background...) Red Alert 2: Apocalypse Rising @ Romanov is working on something. Also, the truck we received is being made into a replacement for our ancient Demo Truck (probably the oldest asset in the game at this point). That's it for this week!See you next week for more excellent W3D content! [blurb]Welcome to the 4th edition of W3D Weekly! We made it for a whole month of updates. Go us![/blurb]11 likes
Hello everyone! It is time to release our holiday patch. Stop by and have some fun with us during this season as we shoot it out on the new Christmas map! Changelog (New map!) It is said to be a downright colorful place where magic dwells and niceness is rewarded. Features a Refinery, War Factory, Barracks, Service Depot, Ore Silo, and basic defenses. Allies harvest candy, Soviets harvest coal. Some new map decorations, including northern lights, reindeer, and some of our brand new snowy pine assets. Map is Tech Level 2, which is similar to the tech available on Canyon River (minus Soviet Rangers). Features Santa-capped Titans that boast a powerful 120mm cannon. Paired with this fearsome weapon is some soothing secondary fire. Regardless of War Factory status, they are purchasable for $1100 via terminals on shipping containers next to the Ore Silo in each base, and they will be delivered by air. Bots are supported. General/Misc Sidebar purchases now default to the map's theater. No longer do players need to cycle through the sidebar to select the appropriate unit camoflage. Alternate camoflages are still optionally available. Dynamic bullet decals on vehicles are now enabled. Players wishing to disable this option for performance or other reasons can remove the entry "DynamicDecals=true" in hud.ini. A bug that granted duplicate kill messages and points for destroying grounded aircraft has been fixed. Bots now ignore cargo trucks, and won't sit in them endlessly. HUD Changed ingame chat font and kill feed font to DejaVu Sans. Kill icons have been moved to their own section in the font file, which means the old characters that had been replaced (such as "|", "[", and "]") are available once more. The kill feed is now separated from the chat section. It is located above the radar on the HUD. The sneak icon "eye" has been given a strikethrough to more clearly indicate that the player can't be seen. The chat box is slightly less wide so it no longer overlaps with the player list. Ants and partisans can no longer sneak on the radar. The sneak icon on the HUD will always enable for radar-invisible infantry such as the thief. It will also be enabled as long as the enemy's radar is dead or jammed. Weapons with tracking now have a 0.5 second delay to stop locking on after the player stops aiming at the target. Infantry Volkov Normal run speed has been set to 0.75 (was 0.85), and his ability to sprint has returned. AT Hand Cannon rate of fire has been set to 1 (was slower at 0.75). AP Hand Cannon rate of fire has been increased to 2 (was slower at 1.5). There are now 3 napalm grenades per clip (was 2). Vehicles APC The Browning weapon model has been replaced. Removed the extremely dirty look from the forest camo variant. Upscaled the textures from 1k to 2k. The shovel is now modeled on, and not just textured on. New eject shell. New treads. Hind Weapon model has been updated, and now spins when firing. This will be most noticeable in first person camera view. Map Changes Added a ramp up to the hill in the middle of the side route. Added bot support. Fixed floating trees near Soviet base. Fixed errors with scripts regarding missing building controllers. The sky is darker and the fog less noticeable. Made the moon cliff textures less stretchy. Improved AI behavior around the Soviet Barracks and AA Guns at the Naval Yard. Added bot support. Sank the tunnels under each of the bases by 5 meters so the bots won't try to repair the Service Depots from there. Added bot support. Made flight ceiling softer. Fixed a terrain texture seam between the Allied base and the infantry path in the middle. Added bot support. Added a bridge over the river, in front of the Tesla Coil. The C4 no-placement zone by the Soviet Ore Silo has been corrected. Added bot support.11 likes
Hi everyone! Merry Christmas to you all and thanks for sticking with us during this tough year. Covid-19 has tested all of our collective resolve this year amongst other challenges, but we're pushing on through and looking forward to what 2021 brings! You may have noticed a certain thread popping up recently with some good news regarding Tiberian Sun: Reborn, so I just want to take a moment to address that and let you all know about what our plans are. As a special present to the fans of TSR, @Wallywood has contacted us and outlined his intentions to let any legal documentation regarding the project to expire in the new year. You can find the thread below: This is obviously great news for any fans of the project, as it means that we can get it back up onto the launcher and freely develop the project once again when we are ready and able to. Some may say that we already had the rights to develop the game regardless of the documents, but the truth of the matter is that the situation earlier this year really halted our momentum on the project at the time by killing our enthusiasm and drive to continue. We wouldn't have been able to continue development even if we'd chosen to, because we were mentally fatigued at that point. This news is great for Reborn's future though, as it will ensure that it is completed someday. That being said, we do have some more immediate plans for the project. A large portion of the team and I had a quick meeting the other night and here is our current plan for what we're aiming to do with Reborn in the near future: The version that was taken down from the launcher earlier this year will be given a dust off, and placed back up on the launcher. We will be aiming to do a small scripts update and test stability over the next few days. To commemorate a legendary date in Reborn's history, we will be aiming to get the game back up on the launcher on the 31st of December 2020 (14 years after the infamous 31st December 2006 release date). More information on servers will follow in the next few days as we work the details out. Reborn 2.0 is still on hold for now, as the team has dissolved and is working on a combination of other projects at the moment. Battle for Dune and Apocalypse Rising are getting the most focus right now, with releases looking a lot closer than they were earlier this year. We're hoping to produce more content for you guys regarding these projects when we can. We are also working on some internal engine update projects that will benefit everything that we're making further down the line. Stay posted for more news on that in the new year. On a personal note, I just wanted to mention that I had a great chat and a catch up with Wally the other night when we spoke about all this and he made it clear that he bears no ill will to the team or the community. We were all victims of a situation that escalated out of control and now that we've all had some time to reflect, cooler heads have ultimately prevailed. On behalf of the team, I'd just like to say thankyou to Wally for making the decision that is ultimately the best for the community and the fans. We ain't done by a long shot yet and one day I hope we release a game that lives up to what we all want Reborn to be in our heads. So, in light of this good news at the end of a tumultuous year, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! Feel free to comment below and ask questions if you are unsure on anything mentioned! Look out for December 31st! [blurb]Merry Christmas to you all and thanks for sticking with us during this tough year! We've got some exciting news to share about Reborn, so please take a read![/blurb][thumb]custom_thumb_xmas.0.png[/thumb]Seasons Greetings, - OWA & the rest of the W3D Hub Team.11 likes
Hey everyone, A while back I noticed something in the C&C Community. A lot of people were asking how to play the games on Windows 10, but there wasn't an easily discoverable community resource in existence that made the games readily accessible. There were community resources around, but they were either fractured, or buried in websites or forums out of reach. So I got together with some friends from other communities. CCHyper from the Assembly Armada, neogrant from CnCNet, Tore from CnC-Comm, Chronostorm from Facebook/CnCMinecraft and No Strings Prd from YouTube. Together we hatched a plan to create a new community website that was easy to find, featured comprehensive guides on how to get the games working, news coverage from across the community and an emphasis on promoting modding and video content. Basically taking the core pillars of the C&C Community and lining them up in one easily navigable location. I'm proud to announce that today, the day of the Remastered Collection's release, we are able to share our first iteration of the site with you all. Head over to http://cnc.community to check out the site! Please let us know what you think of this project and how we can improve it moving forwards. We're trying our best to serve the community with a central point that links out to multiple resources, so moving forward here are a few things that we will be adding: Community Directory with a list of Communities and what they focus on YouTube Support for Content Creators Support for Mods so the platform can be used to promote modding content Live player numbers Ultimately though, I hope you enjoy this site as much as we've enjoyed making it. This community is a fun place to be and I wouldn't have it any other way. Cheers! [blurb]The C&C Community Project has launched! But what is it exactly?[/blurb]11 likes
Unit reporting. This update brings more improved textures and a look at Nod's new Laser! Texture Improvements TSR 2.0 will not only play nicer, but look nicer! High Command wants you to compare these pairs of images and their texture differences, so please take a look. Tick Tank (Current) vs. Tick Tank (2.0) Attack Cycle (Current) vs. Attack Cycle (2.0) Wolverine (Current) vs. Wolverine (2.0) And this is just a sample of things to come! In the end product, a lot of our weapons and units will be much more better to look at! Some may argue this doesn't do much overall, though subtle improvements such as these make all the difference in giving you the best Tiberian Sun: Reborn yet. New Nod Laser Tired of having to replace the lasers and repair the base after each GDI attack, a lone Nod Engineer was drawing up a concept for improvements to better fend off the enemy. Below is what he came up with: The engineer has not been heard from since. Sources indicate he was killed in the same tunnel collapse that took Oxanna's life. Rest in peace. However, his input did bring to light the need for improvement. The old laser had a couple of issues that have been overlooked for quite some time. Namely, its hitbox was the size of an infantry unit making it difficult for GDI units to assault it. Combine that with the fact that GDI weapons are prone to jiggle and it becomes that much harder to hit. Another issue was the fact that GDI units can repair their Component Towers safely behind cover, whereas Nod units must expose themselves to enemy fire to get to their Laser defenses. Thus! A new design has been rolled out to Nod bases worldwide. While GDI units will be able to more easily hit the Laser, Nod units should now be able to repair their base defenses in relative safety, thereby prolonging the Turret's life during assaults. Units on repair duty should be mindful of the splash damage though! Thank you for checking in again. More TSR news to come! Tune in next Thursday! [blurb]Unit reporting. This update brings more improved textures and a look at Nod's new Laser![/blurb]11 likes
Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update Apologies for the long wait, but what can I say, there's been a lot going on... General Added the console command hud_during_screenshot (or hud_d and then hit enter to autocomplete); toggling this off will cause the HUD to not appear in any screenshots you take. Very handy if you like to take screenshots (or if another screenshot contest happens) and don't want the HUD to get in the way but don't want to have to disable it manually every time you take a screenshot. Remember that this also hides the chat window; if you need to screenshot someone's chat for whatever reason and don't want to keep enabling/disabling the hud, bring up the chat history with U and screenshot that, as chat won't be hidden there. Texture Detail setting (Options -> Configuration -> Performance) now works properly. Fixed stealth effect (and a few others) being recompiled for every single object instance. This fixes second long lag initializing a (mobile) gap generator and some occasional stutter throughout the game. Nukes Tweaked Signal Flare shading and smoke effect to make it easier to spot the source. Reduced damage radius of both from 120 to 100 metres. Demo Trucks now use the same method of calculating damage that A-Bomb flares use. Damage to ground units increased by about 25%. Infantry You can now set crouching to be a toggle (Options -> Controls -> Movement). Among other things this can be helpful if you want to remain crouched while typing. Fixed a bug that was causing crouching speed to be affected by factors that shouldn't affect it. Previously when crouching, you would move at 46% of jogging speed when moving forward/backward/sideways, 53% when moving diagonally, and 65% when moving while holding the jump key. Now, crouching speed will always be 50% of your jogging speed. All infinite-use tools with cooldowns (Binoculars, Medic Kit, Shovel, Repair Tool) are now consistent in their cooldown behaviour; swapping from Binoculars/Repair Tool to another weapon and back will no longer instantly reset their cooldown (which would allow you to repair faster than normal or spam radar markers everywhere), and Medic Kit and Shovel no longer require you to have them equipped to reset their cooldown - all of them now have a fixed cooldown that you can't reduce, but you can use other tools/weapons while you wait for these to recharge. Rifle Soldiers AK-47 alt-fire is now "semi-auto" fire, like in .9935, instead of some unexplained thing that magically fires faster than full-auto. Compared to the primary fire, rate of fire is halved, but accuracy is improved, giving it a situational use similar to the M16's burst, instead of just being a point-blank prayer to the RNG gods. Damage to vehicles nerfed; takes 20% longer to kill unarmoured vehicles, 40% longer to kill light/heavy/mammoth ones. Want to kill vehicles? Shell out that money. Even if it's just for a captain. Damage reduction against ground vehicles' armour is now -60% instead of -50%. Takes 2.3% less time to kill buildings at MCTs. Shotgunners Weapon now takes 0.5 seconds to ready after sprinting/switching, just like every other non-Volkov weapon, instead of 1 second (it couldn't have a shorter ready time previously due to an exploit which is now fixed). Damage to vehicles nerfed; takes 20% longer to kill light and unarmoured vehicles, 7% longer to kill heavy ones. Mammoth vehicles are unchanged. Takes 3.1% less time to kill buildings at MCTs. Officers Damage to vehicles tweaked (mostly nerfed, but not as much as the other guys); takes 2% less time to kill trucks/planes, 9% longer to kill light vehicles/helis, 6% longer to kill heavy vehicles. Mammoth vehicles are unchanged. Damage reduction against ground vehicles' armour is now -33% regardless of type (was -20% against light vehicles, -25% against heavy, -33% against mammoths.) This is factored into the above change, so basically vehicles without their armour take about the same time to kill as before; it's against armour that the nerfs really hit them. Engineer Shovel now causes mines to be disarmed safely instead of just blowing them up. Allied Engineers will still want to watch their step to avoid actually triggering them, but they won't have to worry about being killed by their own minesweeping. Shovel charge time down (2 -> 1 second). Shovel no longer affects explosive barrels (it used to make them blow up as well, which was not particularly helpful). C4 now only does 90% damage to minor base defenses instead of one-shotting them. Grenadier Direct damage up (45 -> 50). Splash damage up (40 -> 50). Flamethrower Damage to vehicles nerfed; takes 11% longer to kill light/unarmoured vehicles (except aircraft), 32% longer to kill heavy vehicles (which for the Allies is basically just medium tanks), 20% longer to kill mammoth vehicles. However against mammoth vehicles the difference between health damage and armour damage is greatly reduced, so their damage will start out a bit better than before against a mammoth vehicle with armour. Takes 1.5% less time to kill buildings at MCTs. Each magazine now holds 50 "shots" instead of 10; it still takes the same amount of time to empty the magazine and the damage per magazine is the same, so this just means you have more chances to hit whatever you're aiming at. Splash damage down (35 -> 30). Splash radius down (7 -> 6m). Don't worry, the greater shot granularity makes direct hits much easier. Medic Medic Kit cooldown increased from 2 to 4 seconds. Remember that you don't have to have it equipped anymore for the cooldown to wear off! Combined with the 1 second charge time and the 5 second healing duration, if you keep using the kit you'll still heal the same amount over time as before, but your efforts will be more easily disrupted by Flamethrowers and other things that cause burn effects since you can't reapply your healing as frequently. Damage to vehicles nerfed; takes 20% longer to kill unarmoured vehicles, 40% longer to kill light/heavy/mammoth ones. (Uses same warhead as riflemen.) Takes 2.3% less time to kill buildings at MCTs. Shock Trooper Range down (80 -> 75m). Direct damage to infantry down (25 -> 22.5). Volkov Weapons now take 1.5 seconds to ready after sprinting/switching instead of 2. Vehicles Wheeled vehicles (Ranger, V2 Launcher, Mobile Gap, anything with "Truck" in the name) can now apply brakes by holding the space bar or crouch key. If you need more precision than just tapping reverse. Ore Truck Fixed a random bug that, once triggered, would cause a team's AI Ore Truck to never spawn even after changing to another map. AI Ore Trucks now take 30 seconds to spawn from a dead War Factory instead of spawning instantly. Destroying an AI Ore Truck almost instantly after its construction will no longer prevent the truck from being rebuilt on that map. APC Damage to planes up (1 -> 1.25). Artillery Fixed armour class (was unintentionally using the Mobile Gap's "extra weak to tesla weapons" one). Light Tank Can no longer dodge Flame Tower shots reliably. Reload time up (1.2 -> 1.25 seconds); DPS down 4%. MAD Tank Now also uses the A-Bomb Flare method of determining if a building is in range to do damage, and their damage radius is reduced slightly to compensate (250 to 225 metres); really they can still hit most main buildings from about the same range as before, but this also means their "rangefinder" weapon (letting you get target boxes on anything in its damage radius) is more accurate - if you can see the target box of a main building, you WILL damage it when you deploy. Phase Tank ROF up (3 -> 3.2 shots per second); DPS up 2.6%. Splash damage radius up (9 -> 10m) Naval All naval units except the LST now have multiple lock-on points for homing weapons. Destroyer Range back up (140 -> 160m). Turret tilt restriction loosened (15 degrees up -> 45 degrees). Damage to buildings up (0.375 -> 0.4). Damage to base defenses down (0.375 -> 0.3). Turn rate increased. (Now takes 11 seconds to do a 90 degree turn instead of 15) Missile turn rate increased. Cruiser Turret turn restriction loosened (135 degrees each side -> 150 degrees). A two-man cruiser should have an easier time lining up both turrets to hit something now. Damage up (125 -> 150) but reload time up (7.5 -> 8.5); slightly improved DPS overall The Seamist "fake cruiser"'s global firing sound is now used if you're too far away to hear the main firing sound. Attack Sub Range back up (130 -> 140m). Projectile velocity up (40 -> 50m/s). Missile Sub Damage to buildings up (0.375 -> 0.4). Damage to base defenses down (0.375 -> 0.3). AA secondary is now tracking, but doesn't have a huge projectile size anymore. Speed down (11.5 -> 10m/s). Missile turn rate increased. Helicopters Now use mouse steering. Longbow Damage to planes up (0.6 -> 0.8) Projectile velocity up (75 -> 100m/s) Hind Gun now has horizontal turn restriction of 90 degrees to either side (though this doesn't matter much due to the mouse steering) Planes Has something more resembling fixed-wing physics, instead of just being a VTOL that is forcibly propelled forward! Your direction is now controlled by the mouse (when using basic controls). With basic controls, W/S control throttle, A/D manually roll, Jump/Crouch manually pitch, Q toggles he landing gear. With advanced controls, Jump/Crouch keys control throttle, A/D manually roll, and the arrow keys control pitch/rudder. No longer have enlarged hitboxes while in flight - they will be harder to hit. Death explosion no longer uses the heli death explosion sound. Instantly explodes if it dies from collision damage (this ensures that it will actually damage helicopters) Thrust is now manually controlled, instead of always being forced to maximum outside the Airfield. Holding W increases your throttle up to a maximum of 100%, holding S decreases it to a minimum of -5% (for reversing on the Airfield). The higher your throttle, the faster you move and the easier it is to stay airborne. Once you're airborne, letting go of W/S will keep the throttle at whatever you set it to (unless you go over the flight ceiling), providing similar "cruise control" to what the previous version of planes had. Of course, you'll pretty much always want your throttle to be at the maximum while traveling or fighting, but being able to slow down before you land on the runway (and not instantly losing all your throttle and faceplanting in the process) helps a lot with making a safe landing. Can now fly higher than helicopters; their flight ceiling is set at 125m, versus the 75m of helicopters. If you exceed 125m, your throttle will decrease to 0%, and you will not be able to reapply throttle until you start losing altitude, which may make you a sitting duck for Longbows if you've gained so much altitude that you go into freefall. Instead of dying from low speed, you now die (or take massive damage) from colliding with things (this includes trying to land at too high of a speed/steep of an angle that your landing gear can't take the impact). Just like how being at the Airfield used to save you from the low-speed death threshold, being at the Airfield will now allow you to collide with other vehicles safely. Landing gear is no longer just a simple animation; it's something you can manually toggle with Q that actually actually affects your flight. Having your landing gear out reduces your maximum speed slightly (40 -> 35m/s in a Yak, 50 -> 45m/s in a MiG), causes your plane to pitch backwards a bit (which can make it harder to hit things below you as a Yak), and allows you to land safely (you will die trying to land without it). You can now land and eject your plane almost anywhere, not just the Airfield. However, you must deploy the landing gear and bring your plane to almost a complete halt before you are able to eject, and trying to land anywhere with difficult terrain, a lot of obstacles, or enemy units is not recommended as all of those are likely to destroy the plane (and you since you're inside it) before you can slow down enough to eject. If throttle is very low, the Yak's propeller will turn more slowly, the MiG's exhausts will stop spewing, and boths' engines will sound "dead". This is not a 100% indicator of the plane's ability to keep flying, as depending on your control you may be able to barely maintain altitude at a middling-low throttle - but if you notice any of these things and you're not trying to land, it's a clear sign that you should throttle up again before you do fall out of the sky. Yak Range up (105 -> 200m) Rate of fire increased (7.5 -> 10 shots per second) Splash damage no longer pierces cover. Damage to naval units reduced slightly. Damage to heavier ground vehicles reduced. Damage to aircraft increased. MiG Health up (200 -> 300) Range up (100 -> 150m) Missiles' initial path is now directly ahead of the MiG instead of "dropping" directly beneath it; you will have to fly it like a Yak now instead of "bombing" things from max altitude. High reload time between salvos, so now it must make two passes to use all of its ammo, just like the Yak. If you fire your missiles less than 0.5 seconds after you stop aiming at a unit, your missiles will still lock onto that unit if you got a lockon indicator. This will make it much easier to hit all the non-naval vehicles which are much smaller targets. Now only has 4 missiles (total base damage is still the same as it was with 6 missiles though) Damage to naval units reduced slightly. Damage to aircraft reduced (can no longer kill a longbow in one refill). Damage to heavier ground vehicles increased (is now the same as the damage dealt to light vehicles). Buildings Interior lighting is brighter. AA Gun Damage down (60 -> 50). Now stops shooting a unit when it starts "crash landing". Barracks Removed some of the random smatterings of floor props, added more gear shelves in their place. Flame Tower Damage to vehicles tweaked; takes 10% less time to kill light/unarmoured vehicles (kills light tanks in one less hit!), 8% longer to kill heavy vehicles (which is basically just medium tanks). Reload time up (2.75 -> 3 seconds). Naval Yard Reduced amount of props. Radar Dome Added a second light in the basement, between the purchase terminals. Refinery Since the MCT-side staircase up to the top floor was often unusable due to infantry hitting their head on the walkway to the rooftop, that staircase been removed; now only the purchase-side staircase remains (but wider and with added guard rails) and there is a walkway connecting the two sides of the top floor. Guard rails no longer block bullets. Silos Gem Silo now gives 5 credits per second, instead of +1400 start credits and 2/sec. On Hostile Waters this should allow an earlygame where LSTs have more purpose. You'll be poorer early on but after about 10 minutes you'll have more money than you had in the last version. "Double strength" and "triple strength" ore silos have been axed; Wasteland just has a gem silo and Soviet Seamist has 3 ore silos. Sub Pen Infantry no longer have seizures when looking at the big crates. Tesla Coil Range against naval units increased (150 -> 180m). No longer outranged by destroyers! Unit-repairing buildings Repairs now happen automatically when a unit is in the zone instead of needing to press a button. This happens on a 1-second delay so you have plenty of time to sell if you don't want to repair. Repair zones now take 10 seconds to fully repair instead of 8. Service Depot help text now also mentions that it can automatically reload Minelayers. Naval factory repair help text now also mentions that you should surface a submarine before selling it (since infantry drown when ejected underwater). Naval factory repair zones will no longer fail to show their text for Destroyers/Cruisers. You can no longer sell the same plane multiple times. War Factory Overhauled interior props; instead of random shit scattered all over the place, some of which wasn't even relevant to the war factory and some of which was easy to get stuck on, it's now mostly on shelves and there's a wider variety of stuff, such as some mid-assembly vehicles and vehicle parts. Added guard rails to the catwalk leading to the MCT room, so you can dodge around without falling off (and also so bots don't dive off the catwalk onto some prop and then go braindead because they can't pathfind anywhere else from where they landed) Guard rails no longer block bullets. Main door trigger size greatly decreased; it now won't open because of infantry units on the ladders or at the purchase terminals, and it won't open for purchased vehicles until they're near the edge of the construction pad. Aesthetics FPS is now capped at 300, so you won't get any more of the animation hiccups that happen at 1000 FPS. Improved sun flare effect. All metal features on units and base defenses now have a specular lighting effect. (This isn't working for stuff that uses baked lighting, like main buildings, yet.) Tweaked stealth texture to look a bit more like the RA1 stealth effect. Re-exported some textures (mostly vehicles and base defenses) that were suffering from artifacts, they should look crisper now. Made the pulse effect on radio command emoticons smoother. Grenades, depth charges and siege cannon shrapnel now visibly tumble in flight. Ejected bullet casing effects are somewhat less limp; velocity is slightly increased, randomness has been added on weapons that lacked it, and casings now bounce once. Wheeled vehicles' wheels now visibly switch direction more smoothly. While using a vehicle's first-person camera, you will no longer see your own name floating in front of you. M16 now ejects three bullet casings when using the three-round burst. The Colt and Makarov now have slide and reload animations in first person (shamelessly recycled from the Beretta). Remington's first-person ejected shell now uses the correct texture. TOZ-194 actually ejects shells now (in both first and third person). TOZ-194's muzzle flash no longer produces dragonsbreath sparks. Both shotguns and the Enfield eject their shells/casings in sync with the pump/bolt action instead of doing so instantly when firing. Colt now ejects casings in the correct direction in third person. LPO-50 flamethrower has a new firing effect. While climbing a ladder, your weapon will now be stowed on your back instead of staying in your hand and clipping through everything. Vehicles with machineguns (Ranger, APC, Hind) actually eject bullet casings now. Missile Sub has a new firing sound and projectile model. Chrono Tank now has rockets in its rocket pods. MCV and Ore Truck now have interiors. Ranger's M60/PKM now has the same (smaller) muzzle flash as the handheld one. Helicopters now use the same "crash landing" logic as planes, meaning the falling husk will retain the momentum that the helicopter had when it died. Unlike with planes though, the helicopter's pilot will still be ejected in mid-air like before. Fixed "smoothness" problem with the Yak's landing gear when retracted, it shouldn't be lit so weirdly anymore. Fixed some visual weirdness with the cracks on the destroyed Service Depot. Fixed texture stretching on the insides of doors. Tesla Coil now uses the same glowing effect as the Tesla Tank's dome while charging up. Animation of Barracks flags has been improved. A-Bomb terminal in Missile Silo no longer displays anything when the building is destroyed. Soviet Construction Yard now has the correct texture on its purchase terminals. Added some depth to the building props that use A4R91N's new textures (fuseboxes, power panels, WF crane control, random electrical equipment in the PP/Dome). AK-47, M60, PKM and Makarov are reverted to their Gamma firing sounds. "Extra Crispy" voice now belongs to the Flamethrower instead of the Shock Trooper. Added the rest of the missing RA voice files for generic infantry ("vehicle reporting" is just cropped down to be another variant of "reporting"). Weapon firing sounds no longer cut off previous instances of the same sound, so rapid-fire weapons will just sound better. Most sounds now play at slightly random pitches (this functionality was broken for a long time). Bots Bot support has been added to the maps Complex and Pipeline. (Though they won't capture oils on Pipeline.) Infantry bots on River Raid may now use the infantry-only side routes. Bots now grab their vehicles faster. Instead of there always being 1 engineering bot, 2 defender bots, and the rest being offense bots (which resulted in nothing happening with very small bot numbers), all bots are now offense bots by default, and some will change to engineering/defender roles while main buildings are under attack. Using the "Building needs repairs" radio command will further encourage switching to engineering/defender roles. Defender bots now hunt down the units that are attacking a building wherever they are instead of just hovering around the engineering bots. Bots now detect enemies on radar. Infantry bots no longer bunnyhop unless they are a Sergeant, Starshina, Tanya or Volkov (the first two get very close to their targets and the latter two have very low accuracy penalties, so with these units bunnyhopping is not be a total offensive disadvantage for the situations bots get into). Infantry bots actually open the War Factory main door now instead of phasing through it. Fixed infantry bots not wanting to go into buildings at all because they saw building exteriors as a target that must be dealt with before they can proceed. Now they will completely ignore building exteriors and only shoot the MCT (if they manage to reach it) - unless they're a Rocket Soldier/RPG Trooper/Grenadier/Volkov; those will still shoot buildings from outside since they don't get bonus damage against MCTs. Music Replaced the rest of the low-quality TD/RA1 music tracks with higher-quality versions (Depth Charge, Creeping Upon, Big Foot, Fogger, Hell March Remix, Journey) Chicajo's remix of the RA1 map selection music is now used during loading screens. Tweaked a bunch of jukeboxes: Bonsai no longer has Afterlife or Bog; with the change in sky/weather the map isn't gloomy enough for those anymore. It now has Mud and Mud Remix instead. Canyon River no longer has Trenches, Fogger or Mud; instead it has Afterlife, and Bog so it doesn't go unused after being removed from Bonsai. Coastal Influence no longer has Chicajo Drone. Added Hell March Mix Electronica (a previously unused Chicajo piece that some may remember from Hourglass in Gamma instead. Complex no longer has Journey. Added Backstab instead. Dream Sleep and Floating have swapped maps; Dream Sleep is now on Metro and Floating is now on Complex. Metro's signature track is now Eaten Alive, like it was in Beta. Pipeline no longer has In Trouble, its quality sucked. Added In the Line of Fire (Tiberian Dawn) instead. River Raid no longer has Renegade Jungle. Added Crush Remix (Retaliation) instead. Rock Trap now has RenAlert Jam (Chicajo) and Hell March Remix (Retaliation) instead of Ammo Clip and Smash. Siege no longer has Trenches. Added Twin Cannon Remix instead To the Core no longer has Twin Cannon Remix. Added Smash instead. Zama no longer has Drill, Radio 1 or Techno Babble. Added Groundwire, Mud and Radio 2 instead. Now finally EVERY RA1 track is being used! Lunar Paradox... well, hear it for yourself. New map (see below) uses Trenches, Afterlife, No Mercy Remix and Snake. MapsSeamist Fixed trenches being considered as part of the water. Bonsai Reduced amount of rocks. Fixed a plateau near the Soviet Refinery that had just slightly too shallow of a slope, which let rocket soldiers get onto it for a cheap ref/ft attack spot. Complex You can no longer walk through the foundation of the Allied Radar Dome. Sky redone to more resemble the Beta version of the map. Guard Duty Added a guard shack and gates to the back of the base, taken from the Beta map "Slow Down" and slightly prettied up. Lowered various mountains to give Yaks more room to maneuver. Reduced amount of rocks. Hostile Waters Economy is different (see Silos). Rearranged anti-boat/infantry defenses to better cover the naval factory while leaving more of the base exposed. Allies no longer have a Pillbox near their Missile Silo, and instead have a Turret perched on the south-east end of the Naval Yard. Soviets no longer have a Tesla Coil near their Missile Silo, and their remaining one is moved closer to the Sub Pen. Allies now have a Refill Pad. Removed some AA defenses, particularly on the Allied side. Added some props to the bases. Flares can no longer be placed in Construction Yard basement or the top floor of Missile Silo. Supply Truck no longer respawns. Lunar Paradox Allied arsenal is now joined by Long Artillery. No gravity and 400m range so it can be pretty ridiculous at sniping, but its gun elevation is almost nonexistent, its splash is much weaker than the real arty, and the terrain layout provides very few outlets to make use of said range. Mess around with it anyway. Soviet arsenal is now joined by the Ground Yak. It's basically the equivalent to Long Arty in role; fixed gun, long range. Soviet arsenal is now joined by the Lunar Hind, the equivalent to the Lunar Longbow. Just like the Lunar Battlefield one, it shoots fireballs. Various "balance" damage/health tweaks to various units, details don't really need to be elaborated for a map like this except... Guided V2 now uses the reworked plane physics instead of behaving like a VTOL! Guided V2 no longer has manual detonation; let the collision damage do the work of detonating you. Removed the cover from the front of the MCT room, now some units can fire into it from below if the WF door is open, hit the MCT and kill repairers. The Earth is no longer mirrored. North by Northwest Removed all rocks on the corner hills. Made corner hills more accessible from the defender's side. Lowered the southwest corner hill (near Soviet WF) 3 metres. Removed a pillbox and a turret on the front. Pipeline Replaced the hedgehogs behind the Soviet War Factory with a guard shack and gates. These actually prevent you from getting in/out of the base from this direction. Removed the invisible barrier in the out of bounds behind the Soviet base, it's no longer needed with the new visible barriers. Reduced amount of rocks. Ridge War Expanded the fencing behind the Soviet base and added guard shack and gates. Siege Moved a couple of lone trees that were very close to the Airfield and interfering with landing planes. Added more out-of-bounds trees. Moved map boundaries inwards in most parts, but outwards near the Airfield so you're less likely to scrape the warning zone while taking off or landing. To the Core Reduced amount of rocks. Under The destructible rock arch has been remastered; in addition to looking better, it no longer causes instant death in a radius that may affect things outside the area it's blocking off - instead, it causes instant death to anything that the rocks themselves hit (and to anything that happens to be stuck between them afterwards), so you have more time to get away. However, the fallen rocks now block off the entire area under the arch, so infantry will have to circle around the back of the island through the shallow water if they want to continue using the island as an avenue of attack. Volcano Is now back in the game, redesigned as a full combined arms map - in addition to the original infantry/vehicles/helis, planes and naval also make an appearance. The volcano is actually dangerous now. Infantry standing around the rim will take 1 damage per second, and anything that falls in is dead. Zama Reduced amount of rocks. [thumb]thumb_apb.k.png[/thumb][blurb]A mega-update 4 months in the making; new plane physics, specular lighting, cleaner building interiors, safe mine disarming for Engineers, Volcano in island form, and more![/blurb]11 likes
Hello, and welcome to another Tiberian Dawn: Ground Zero development update! Like last time, this is more like an outline for the gameplay. However, this should be the last one before we get into the real meat of the updates. As in, some of the stuff we've been cooking up under the hood. To start us off, huge shout out to @CCHyper! He made us a new logo, featured above, and it's super awesome! OverviewAs mentioned, vehicles won't have quite the same amount of focus as they have in the past. Don't expect to see, for example, large battalions of Medium Tanks rushing the enemy base with the same amount of regularity as in APB, TSR, or IA. Rather, they will be designed to play a supplementary role. Furthermore, expect them to have a few more weaknesses than in the past, namely closer cameras, slower turret turning rates, and a more advanced weak point system. The compensation, however, is the sheer amount of power they will pack. They'll be able to both take and dish out a significant amount of punishment, and in the right hands, can turn the tide of battle. In short, while you probably won't see Mammoth rushes, just one Mammoth can do a lot of damage in the right hands, but a skilled and coordinated team can take it down. Shared VehiclesSUPPLY TRUCK Standard affair here. Supply Trucks, much like in APB, are low-tier, cheap transports that will allow players to refill their armor and ammunition after being inside for a short period of time. HARVESTER You gotta get money somehow. The Tiberium Harvester is the most important vehicle in your arsenal, being the source of your income and all. TRANSPORT HELICOPTER Flying buses. Take yourself and up to 5 friends around the battlefield. I'd love to say something more interesting, but you guys already know what's up, so I dunno what to add. GDI Vehicles HUMVEE Your basic scout vehicle, this low cost option is the perfect choice for getting the lay of the land early in the game. Lightly armored and armed with an FN MAG, this is also a good choice for chasing down enemy infantry... provided they have no Rocket Soldiers or vehicles. ARMORED PERSONNEL CARRIER Similar in visuals and function to APB, this is a squad's best friend. It's armored shell can protect up to 5 passengers, and it's deadly M2HB machine gun can ward off infantry and lightly armored targets. MEDIUM TANK If you want to go hunting enemy vehicles, the Medium Tank is your best friend. While a slower turret rotation means it won't be able to hit infantry as well as past W3D games, it's range and firepower more than makes up for it. Any GDI team would do well to have a few of these escorting the team. MULTIPLE LAUNCH ROCKET SYSTEM GDI's artillery unit subscribes to a single philosophy: "Paint an area with death until it dies." While it may not be the best choice for destroying vehicles, it is good for taking out bases from afar, as well as devastating dug-in infantry. MAMMOTH TANK The vehicle that has become the face of C&C. Armed to the teeth and heavily armored, this is GDI's go-to siege unit. While it's slow speed and slow turret rotation might not make it ideal for taking out enemy vehicles, it's more than capable of taking on Nod defenses. And let's not forget the TUSK missiles, which will help give it an edge against pesky infantry and aircraft. ORCA As the First Tiberium War raged on, GDI quickly realized that it needed a fast attack unit to counter Nod's hit and run tactics. Enter: the ORCA. Chase down enemy vehicles, drop a bunch of Hellfire rockets on their faces, return to base to re-arm, rinse and repeat. Nod VehiclesBUGGY Lighter, faster, and squishier than the Humvee, Nod's classic buggy makes for a good early game scout unit. It's machine gun makes it ideal for taking out squads of infantry. Against vehicles, though... Nod has a solution. RECON BIKE Now for the other half of Nod's early game Dynamic Duo, the Recon Bike. The fastest unit on the battlefield, and armed with missile launchers, this is the perfect hit-and-run vehicle, as well as the best choice for chasing down enemy ORCAs. Be careful, however, because with it's fast speed comes the lowest health of the vehicle roster. LIGHT TANK Since the announcement of GZ, some of you have raised concern about our decision to stick with an upgunned Bradley as opposed to looking for a different tank. Well, the decision wasn't made purely on visual merits. Nod's Light Tank will pull double duty as an APC, able to carry 3 passengers. This, combined with the 76mm gun, will help secure Nod's footing in a war against superior firepower. ARTILLERY Nod's preliminary field support/siege weapon, this mobile howitzer is ideal for shelling the enemy base or taking out dug-in infantry. Not that it won't do considerable damage to vehicles as well; there's just more optimal choices for it. Oh, and don't worry about trying to line your hull up with your target; Ground Zero will be using the Raad-2, which means you will have some limited access to a turret. Said turret will have a traverse limit, so you'll need friends to watch your back. Literally. FLAME TANK Heavily armored, short ranged, and packing a ton of literal firepower, this is Nod's battering ram. If you can get them into the GDI base, they will happily burn it to the ground for you. It's a risk/reward unit, especially since it won't have a turret and will be outranged by most other units, but it will have a high DPS and could be crucial for destroying the base. STEALTH TANK A natural evolution of the Phase Tank, this is perhaps the perfect ambush unit. It waits in silence on the highway's edge, waits for it's prey to pass, quickly launches it's anti-tank missiles... and then disappears as quickly as it arrived. Bear in mind that the Lazarus stealth shield will be your only defense against the enemy. If you're caught, your low health will drop fast. SSM LAUNCHER A lot of thought went into making sure the SSM didn't overshadow the Artillery. Ultimately, in my mind, it came down to comparing them to Age of Empires 2. Hear me out; the Artillery is the Scorpion, the MRLS is the Onager, the Flame Tank is the Battering Ram... and the SSM Launcher is the Trebuchet. Slow and steady, somewhat squishy, packing serious firepower (as in, two napalm-tipped Honest John missiles), and sporting incredible range. Be mindful of your surroundings, though, as the SSM will not be able to fire at close targets. APACHE Nod's air support unit is focused less on hit-and-run tactics and more on staying power. Armed with an autocannon and frag rockets, this will serve as an excellent support unit for Nod, and will be able to reasonably engage GDI infantry and light armor. Skilled pilots may even be able to soften enemy defenses and do some serious damage to ORCAs. ConclusionYeah, this took longer than usual, but I've been busy in my real life. Plus, development has kind of slowed to help focus on Reborn (2.0 HYPE!!!). Next time, we've got some cool stuff to show off, so stay tuned!11 likes
<<<Incoming Transmission>>> Source: Viper's Nest Actual Priority: Monarch Scramble Index: Bravo-Tango-4 We have received new findings from our operatives in the field concerning the GDI Barracks. Aerial recon has noted changes to their exterior, and Agent Hasak has once again infiltrated a nearby GDI base to provide us information of the interior. Standby for visual feed.[blurb]We have received new findings from our operatives in the field concerning the GDI Barracks.[/blurb] <<Begin Visual Feed>> <<End Visual Feed>> Analysis indicates that the GDI Barracks' interior has been greatly expanded on in an effort to better accommodate their own rank-and-file troops. Nod strategists anticipate a boost in GDI infantry morale, although our warriors of Nod will always best them in combat. Attacking forces are advised to be wary of ambushes from behind the weapons lockers and beds. Agent Hasak has proved himself as invaluable as ever in providing us this intel. In the name of Kane! <<<Transmission Offline>>>11 likes
<<<Incoming Transmission>>> Source: Cobra's Nest Actual Priority: Viceroy Scramble Index: Foxtrot-Beta-9 Intel has discovered that GDI has undertaken a redesign of their detestable War Factory, unlike what our operatives on the field have encountered thus far. One of our Black Hand operatives, codename "Hasak", has managed to infiltrate a nearby GDI base in the area and we have received his findings via comlink. <<Begin Visual Feed>> <<End Visual Feed>> Hasak's initial analysis shows that the master control terminal has been moved to an upper location, much like our own Nod War Factory. The hangar area appears to have been repurposed as a Wolverine maintenance bay. Also, a large area has been opened up in the back and what appears to be a surplus of vehicular components are now stored there. Observations have noted that the production speed of the War Factory has not been affected by these changes. <<<Transmission Offline>>> [blurb]#Incoming Transmission# [Source: Cobra's Nest Actual] [Priority: Viceroy] [Subject: GDI War Factory Alterations] #Requesting Acknowledgement#[/blurb] [thumb]thumb_tsr.d.png[/thumb]11 likes
Siege developer notes by Raap. Come see the completed project! Siege developer notes - by @Raap "Hey folks, I'd like to thank everyone for being patient with the release of this level. It took a lot more time to develop than I anticipated, and then some real life matters caused further delays. I simply had to get the level out this year, so I made a concentrated effort to wrap up development on the level, so that you can finally play it." "Siege originally started a rough development back in 2008 during the BlueHell Production days, where it was designed to be the first airplane-enabled level. The order was to create a level with enough open space for airplanes to do their air-planey-things, but unfortunately that feature never made it into any public APB release, and Siege was put onto the backlog of other unfinished projects." "Siege has seen more changes than most maps. Once featuring a massive castle interior, I eventually opted to simplify the map design in order to focus gameplay into smaller areas, which also meant I could focus my development attention on smaller regions. The level was divided into a few segments which were all developed separately; The caves, the ramparts and balcony, the courtyard, the team bases, and the rivers/lake. To spare the technical details, you can assume it involved -a lot- of different files and assets." "In terms of gameplay, the intent was to keep the map focused on core APB gameplay, and not be quite as big of a departure as HostileWaters was in this regard. The gameplay development went towards secondary gameplay elements, such as the permanently present Siege Cannons; Stationary castle wall cannons capable of dealing extreme damage, and repairable once destroyed. Additional mini elements are also present, such as destructible scaffold bridges. Last but not least, I've experimented with a new side feature not quite done before, for now, I'm simply calling it a "map secret challenge"." "In closing, I hope you folks enjoy Siege, it is my second contribution to APB Delta, and there is one final contribution coming up, and trust me, I did save the best for last..."11 likes
Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update Another patch has been released! Get more information and the changelist in the full update on the forums, and stay tuned for more news soon! Changelist GENERAL Fixed radio command spam. Tesla weapons have been nerfed a bit against infantry, having their direct damage removed entirely but having the damage-over-time effect buffed. Since only direct damage gets affected by limb multipliers, this means that shooting an enemy in the chest or leg will do exactly as much as shooting them in the head. So Shock Rifles still kill most infantry in two shots but can't upgrade to instant kills via headshots any more, and Tesla Tanks still kill regular infantry in one shot but can't one-shot Tanyas via headshots any more and need another shot (or possibly splash) to kill anything tougher than a rifle/rocket soldier. Mousing over a targetable object and then mousing over a hidden phase tank/gapped object no longer instantly removes the target box, so this method cannot be used to scan for such units. Some rebalancing to the new event; details are confidential though INFANTRY Infantry now take half as much damage from barbed wire. C4/Tanya C4 damage to heavy vehicles (LT/HT/Med/APC/ML) up by 50%. C4 damage to aircraft up by 100%. C4 damage to Ore Trucks up by 100%. C4 damage to building exteriors down from 12.5% to 10%. Tanya C4 damage to building exteriors up from 12.5% to 20%. VEHICLES Vehicles now take half as much damage from deep water. Tesla Tank inaccuracy up from 0.25 to 0.5. Tesla Tank range down from 125 to 122.5. Hind damage to naval units down by ~17% (0.3 -> 0.25) Longbow damage to naval units down by ~17% (0.9 -> 0.75) BUILDINGS SAM Site rockets can no longer travel significantly further than the SAM Site's target acquisition range. Soviet Ore Silos, Refill Pads and Service Depots now properly give 100 points to each Allied player when destroyed like Allied ones do for Soviet players. Concrete Wall health up from 150 to 225. AESTHETICS Flamethrower, Shock Rifle and Volkov's handcannons no longer "tilt" while reloading (since they don't "reload" in a conventional manner) All weapons and vehicles now have proper HUD strings (only relevant if you're using a custom HUD like Threve's) MAPS RA_CamosCanyon_Bots: Infantry bots at home no longer remain idle and block ore trucks until an enemy comes into view. Revived RA_CanyonRiver! Map now meets Delta standards--terrain remade from the ground up, with scattered foliage and objects to match. New series of tunnels connects the two caves where the river enters and exits the map (allowing a vehicle route completely hidden from the main thoroughfare), plus offshoot tunnels as infantry routes that connect to the main map area. Allied War Factory rotated to a position that complements the Barracks. Defenses added to the bases. Each team gets two silos, each team's silo area spruced up with fenced-in area that contains a PT and some props. New lighting, plus scripted weather and fog scheme. Vis fitted for additional player comfort. Added a waterfall, foam, small ponds, a retaining wall with a tunnel, a graveyard, guard towers, scaffolding, sculpted cliffs, and so many more things that are too numerable to mention here! RA_Fissure: Thief zone exists now on the lower Soviet silo. Made it a little harder to get close to the lower Soviet silo. RA_HostileWaters: Added a small chance of getting a Golden Wrench crate. This depleted Golden Wrench only has 40 ammo (enough to capture anything except a teamed SD/rpad - it will still neutralise those though making it possible to capture them with a second wrench) and cannot repair buildings. RA_PacificThreat: Fixed the ugly slope by the Soviet barracks. RA_StormyValley: Rocket partisan should be more aggressive now. RA_Under: Tesla Tanks can no longer jam Allied radar from the central plateau.11 likes