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Everything posted by FRAYDO

  1. Tiberian Sun: Reborn has a new release out! If you are on our Discord, you already saw this! Download the new patch today! TSR Release General - Fixed a crash. - Ambient map sounds are now affected by the "ambient" sound slider in settings. - Volume sliders in the settings menu now use TSR SFX. - Added a light global doppler effect. - Disabled J/K battlefield info screens. - All infantry now heal faster when out of combat, and heal to full HP. HP regeneration slows down after reaching 50%. - Added kill messages for Nod frag grenades. - Replaced a couple low resolution building textures. - Fixed special effect setting for all modifiers. - Improved a number of vehicle transition (enter/exit) zones. - Added projectile collision to one of the Tiberium flora props. - Tiberium Shrubs no longer have crippling collision for vehicles. HUD - Harvester fullness indicator added to the HUD. - Player names now show up with their target boxes. - Tiberium dump success message has been split to three lines. Damage Multipliers - Repair guns much more effective in repairing vehicles. - Missile projectile's damage to light vehicles has been lowered slightly. - Bullets and Bullets(AP) projectiles increased damage slightly against aircraft. - Melee weapons now deal 0.001 damage against things it previously did nothing to. - Flame resistant infantry take direct fire damage at 0.5 less than standard infantry skin, including flamesplash. Added Plasma to treatment. Engineer - Added slight "explosion" to repair effect which will assist in disarming. Riot Trooper - Shield extended when equipped. - Now has FlameResistInf skin. Disc Thrower - Projectile Size increased to match actual projectile. X/Y 0.1 -> 0.15 Z 0.01 -> 0.03 Medic - Regen damage lockout reduced. 30 -> 10 Chameleon Spy - Knife weapon "reloads" while sprinting. Mammoth MK2 - Weapon traverse speed increased. - Weapon elevation/depression increased by 10. - Chin gun traverse angle increased to 270 degree FoF. - 50% heal function damage timeout decreased 30s -> 10s. - 100% heal function HP/s increased 1 -> 2. - Added alt fire dual shot. Cyborg Reaper - Healing multiplier in tiberium increased by 0.2. - Web velocity increased 30 -> 50. - Web gravity decreased 1.75 -> 1.25. Harpy - Radar invisible. - No longer lock-on-able, except for defenses. - HP reduced. 500 -> 450 - Max ammo increased 200 -> 300 Construction Yard - Fence is no longer super bright. - Fixed an issue that stutters the camera. GDI Helipad - Optimizations. TS_Anchorage - Fixed a hole in the terrain. TS_Dam - Added vehicle sized tunnel connection to front of bases. - Pulled coastal walls inward. - Added some nicer waterline and under water terrain. - Added ambient sounds. - Added more lights. - Adjusted out-of-bounds area above Nod base to lessen cliff camping. - Fixed up some of the terrain around the dam. TS_Drought - Fixed a couple stuck spots in the GDI base. TS_Field - Fixed some stuck spots in the rocks outside the GDI base. TS_Field_Flying - Removed Orca Transport from purchase list. TS_Isles - Re-enabled map blockers. TS_Snow - Added lights to the infantry tunnels by the bases. - Adjusted a stuck spot outside the GDI base. - Closed gaps between the crates in the tunnel. TS_TaintedLegacy - Wind speed has been cut to 10% what it was before (5m/s -> 0.5m/s). This reduces the loud map-wide wind noise. - Fixed a stuck spot. TS_Tiber - Added lights to some infantry tunnels. - Fixed some lighting issues in the lower team-colored caverns (where the civilian trucks are). [blurb][/blurb]
  2. Hosted by Gozy over at Renforums, it's a Renegade Community Funwar! Game Mode: Classic AOW (Renegade C&C mode without modifications) Max players: 12v12 Date: 28th of April Time: 9 PM Euro time, check your time zone here: https://notime.zone/NuPAHIB4av1xC Discord: you will need to join RenCorner Discord to play, if you don't have a microphone then this is not a problem but you need to at least listen in. Join it here: https://discord.gg/rencorner Server: normally we'll be using the ReneWars server (to be confirmed)
  3. until
    Sand, sand, and more sand! BFD included! Come on by for some game night fun! Join the Discord for laughs and communicating with your team! https://discord.gg/w3d-hub-270678524619128843?event=1223687476217118861
  4. until
    Keep the Reds from breaking through! Come on by for some APB fun! Join us on the Discord during the event for voice chat laughs and teamwork! https://discord.gg/w3d-hub-270678524619128843?event=1223686204717793311
  5. For the millions of Command & Conquer fans around the world, we got a present for ya! - EA and Jimtern probably The C&C Ultimate Collection is now available on Steam! Get it now @ https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/39394/ or by searching on the Steam store! Thanks to EA and Jimtern for this great announcement, and thank you to all for your continued support of the C&C franchise! It's your passion and commitment to Command & Conquer that made this possible! Let's relive these classic titles again! [blurb][/blurb]
  6. Due to projected expansion efforts and continued growth of the community, we are now seeking new additions to the public relations and community management team! The responsibilities and requirements are listed above, and all applicants and interested persons are welcome! Thank you.
  7. We had a small issue in maintenance, but our Server Browser is online and working again! Thank you for your patience.
  8. until
    Looking to scratch that APB itch? Fear not, comrades! We have a Game Night set during the Red Alert anniversary, so why not join in this November 27th? Get to it!
  9. until
    The Revolution is upon us, comrades! Red November begins tomorrow, the 19th, and continues to the 29th! Join the glorious celebration and celebrate these game anniversaries with good company!
  10. [thumb]thumb_w3d.0.png[/thumb]The Tiberian Technologies website has been updated! On entering, you will see the tagline "A new and improved version", and what an improvement! Before: After: The New: • Better User Interface • Downloads now have MD5 hashes for verification purposes • Changelogs are now embedded into each release • Simple web API • More up-to-date information about Tiberian Technologies [blurb][/blurb]
  11. [thumb]thumb_tsr.h.png[/thumb]Good welcome, citizens! The Tiberian Sun has risen! Tiberian Sun: Reborn 2.0 is officially released and available to play! With special thanks to everyone for your continued support, we have come together and upgraded Reborn to the 2.0 build we had envisioned! Download it today on your W3D Hub Launcher! From updated game mechanics, new assets, a larger variety of maps, fresh audio, and everything in-between, the development that went into Tiberian Sun: Reborn 2.0 offers you a revamped experience of the world of Tiberian Sun! Will you join the fight for peace as GDI or seek to advance the Tiberium cause through Nod? What are you waiting for, Commander? The battlefield awaits! [blurb][/blurb]
  12. A toast to forg Thank you, and welcome to the forums! It's an important discussion! Nevertheless, the curtains will in fact match the drapes. This is actually a brilliant idea! The Reborning
  13. We are so back. With the Tiberian Sun Anniversary coming up, discussions came up of polishing the current Tiberian Sun: Reborn experience to deliver a smooth, fun, more balanced game for the event's participants and before you know it, the development team collectively decided upon pushing through once again to 2.0! Where previous setbacks may have made this venture appear lost to the void, we can confidently stand behind this decision to go forward. You may be asking, "But FRAYDO, what makes this different from the last time? Will it actually work this time? Why now"? Rest easy, little Timmies, for I have the answers you seek! "What makes this different from the last time?" Originally, we strove to deliver the full, completed Reborn 2.0, which entailed many new changes, map additions, and updated game mechanics such as those seen in Red Alert: A Path Beyond, Battle For Dune: War of Assassins, and our other house projects. In light of those aforementioned setbacks and other disturbances, we can still promise to deliver TSR 2.0 as we fully intended as the end goal. While that will indeed remain the end goal for TSR 2.0, the objective we will meet for the upcoming anniversary event is delivering a playable open beta! You will get a working revamped experience of Reborn, which has been a long time coming! "Will it actually work this time?" 100%, and a resounding ABSOLUTELY at that! ChopBam, as you may know as our lead developer of Red Alert: A Path Beyond, is heading the charge on this. He is currently happy with the state of APB and is offering his full time and devotion to TSR 2.0, as is everyone else in the developmental front, such as OWA on Balance and Units, TeamWolf on Maps, CMDBob on Code, Killing_You on Audio, along with Ryknow69 and ICE on support, as well as our eager testers who will be quite busy with tasks such as trying out our latest Cyborg Reaper, navigating our new building layouts, and ensuring our scripts updates were implemented correctly through bug hunting. "Why now?" The Tiberian Sun Anniversary event lit the proverbial fire in our development channels. When Pyrocob from CnC Saga reached out to us, we were originally just set on choosing a day within the anniversary schedule for TSR. One thing led to another, and here we are announcing the Tiberian Sun: Reborn 2.0 Beta! I believe we all wanted to return to TSR 2.0 at some point, and this renewed motivation has given us the perfect opportunity to do just that! As activity will be ramping up on the developmental front for TSR 2.0, expect to see updates as they happen! Thank you for your time in reading this! Your support is what gets the ball rolling and keep it rolling!
  14. I still exist and will be signing up. Hi!
  15. until
    To the battlefield, soldiers! APB calls!
  16. until
    Somewhere in San Casina, an ECW Game Night awaits! 7 PM GMT, May 20
  17. until
    Join in for the IA Game Night, 7 PM GMT! Featuring Ricardo Milos!
  18. until
    Coming to a Renegade anniversary near you! It's an APB Game Night, this Saturday the 18th @ 7 PM GMT! If you don't already have the APB Players role on our Discord, now's the time to get it! You won't want to miss this!
  19. If you're still looking for the Apocalypse Rising beta, it is available to our testers! The thread linked below will lead you to our process for applying for and joining our testing team. Along with Apocalypse Rising, you'll also have access to our other testing builds for all W3D Hub projects. Good luck!
  20. I am torn between two responses. Take your pick. Response A and Response B Obligatory nudge to @ VERTi60 , or you renewing your previously cancelled Mafia Roulette, or something more back-to-basics.
  21. Some have been wondering where our roadmap for 2023 is and what lies ahead for W3D Hub going forward. With a team as diverse as ours and fielding as many projects as we are, it becomes increasingly difficult to gather everyone together for one proper meeting! Rest assured however that the roadmap will come out soon and we can promise great things are ahead for each of our projects! While we continue to deliberate over schedules, I would like to open the floor for community questions! What burning questions do you have for any of our developers or projects? I would like to collect those thoughts into this thread so they may be raised at the upcoming roadmap meeting, so please ask away! Know that your support and feedback is what drives this community and keeps it going strong!
  22. until
    I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and gets everywhere. But Arrakis calls! A Game Night is upon us, warriors! BFD Game Night January 21, 8 PM GMT W3D Hub Server
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