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Everything posted by FRAYDO

  1. APB Game Night 12 has concluded, and we have our winners! https://w3dhub.com/ranks/apb/#/ladderevent/2021050120210502 Our winners for this event 1st Place - Guard55 2nd Place - BattleLaf 3rd Place - 1000MammothTanks MVP - forg0ten1 Please contact @ryknow69 for your prizes unless he so happens to hound you down himself first. Very proactive guy, that one. ALSO For a secret MVP prize not previously announced, @Mojoman has provided a special prize! According to Mojo, he will put up a game of the winner's choice on Steam. With that in mind, the floor is open for MVP nominations! Most voted player in this thread after 24 hours will receive the award. Vote away!
  2. until
    Where does the time go? April is almost over, schools are nearing closing and summer will be here before we know it! Let's kick off the first of May with an APB Game Night! May 1st, Saturday 7 PM UTC / 3 PM EST Official APB Server Prizes included! Spread the word! Tell your friends! Grab those players who have been waiting for the next game! Prizes are included for the top three players. Come back to this post for later details. [blurb][/blurb]
  3. Most likely we will be going with the top 3 scores overall, unless @ryknow69 has anything more specific in mind. I would like to consider something entirely different, but that's brainstorming for another day.
  4. Where does the time go? April is almost over, schools are nearing closing and summer will be here before we know it! Let's kick off the first of May with an APB Game Night! May 1st, Saturday 7 PM UTC / 3 PM EST Official APB Server Prizes included! Spread the word! Tell your friends! Grab those players who have been waiting for the next game! Prizes are included for the top three players. Come back to this post for later details. [blurb][/blurb]
  5. I may want to join for the next one, but I have other things going on that I should hold off for now. I'll keep an eye on this though, the gameplay is new to me and sounds interesting.
  6. Ngl seeing [GAME OVER] has been about the only time I was sure of this game's status. Adding to that I wasn't as invested in this as I initially thought I would be, sorry about that.
  7. Mafia Edit: Just fixing my ork syntax: Ork talk up top, 'umie talk in parenthesis AUHHG NO KOPY HE BE KOPYIN' ME (Almost copying each other. Were I to differentiate the cases, I'm the opportunist shot while KY wants to shoot on consensus. If you wanted a target from me now, I would shoot Coolrock for being inactive but that feels like a wasted shot in itself.)
  8. (AUHHG NO KOPY HE BE KOPYIN' ME) Almost copying each other. Were I to differentiate the cases, I'm the opportunist shot while KY wants to shoot on consensus. If you wanted a target from me now, I would shoot Coolrock for being inactive but that feels like a wasted shot in itself.
  9. I WUD PRO'LY ATTAK DA ONE WIFF DA LOWES HEAF (I would probably attack the one with the lowest health, if it was someone whose death today may be worthwhile)
  10. I feel like that would be hard to work with. You would need to have an immediate response, and that's after spending time deliberating amongst yourselves on a target, then having to decide on a NK afterward. I suppose within 24 hours it is possible, but it just sounds inconvenient overall.
  11. Are we try'n ta kill kategory five now? Dat's ‘da new day plan?
  12. This is the best argument and contribution I have heard all day.
  13. What, you want me to comment in explicit detail Anon_Kat's death? We can go over what we know so far. 1) No one is sure why he was killed over others ingame
  14. If by aggressive response you mean simply acknowledging that he is dead, sure. Maybe if I throw in an emote it may not sound as aggressive
  15. I question my life choices every time I sign up for forum mafia
  16. I suppose we should be suspicious that you first ask why Anon was killed without mentioning cause of death, then turn around to ask Cat 5 (and presumably others were you to continue) about why Anon then died to the NK? Any reason for the change of wording?
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