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Everything posted by FRAYDO

  1. I have no reason to believe otherwise unless you think to read even further into the OP. If you want to note that, then it may open the possibility for House Harkonnen to have an action to eliminate their foes. This does not change my stance on the matter.
  2. I would believe my earlier point of there not being a daykill role stands in light of that thought.
  3. As entertaining as it may be for Shade to be shot at, I would think that Jeod is lying. Voting is our only action per the OP, and any items in this game would have passives when activated. I don't think there's a daykill role here.
  4. Unless triplets! Quadruplets! Or Pentaplets??? I don’t think that last one exists.
  5. Bold of Shade to claim Vanilla Town and also bait a NK.l, even if it’s as silly as claiming an Atomic Bomb. I didn’t realize Dune had those! I suppose two Vanillas isn’t too far-fetched, even in this small game. I’m wary of the claim but have no other leads. ##vote NoLynch
  6. until
    New APB update on the horizon! Featuring new vehicle factory queues, Minelayers being able to remove their own team's mines, redesigned NorthByNorthwest, and more! Stay tuned for the dev update! MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR APRIL 30 APB GAME NIGHT/7 PM GMT
  7. @ TeamWolf should play the game so I can kill him at the first opportunity. <3
  8. BattleCast with the fancy new BattleView tool? @ OWA Looks awesome, cyberarm! Can't wait to be elected Commander and draw obscene images as my battleplan use the features responsibly and help my team win!
  9. Join the fun this coming Saturday, March 19th! APB Game Night! Full details in the poster. BE THERE!
  10. until
    Join the fun this coming March 19th! APB Game Night!
  11. This is great news! We'll help spread the word on our socials! Thank you for this awesome piece, the community will love this
  12. "The Ultimate Online Game of Survival and Domination!" This is neat news! Would love to get a few rounds in this when it releases. I dig the logo!
  13. Impromptu game night requested by our newest tester @ greyson!
  14. Presents have gone out! If you were on the Nice list then, hopefully you received something good! Naughty, you get what you deserve. Krampus list people, it was nice knowing you. Everyone else in the thread who missed out, too bad. Until next Christmas!
  15. I don't know how I feel about you doing Santa's job for him sneaking into people's houses. Refrain from doing so and you will keep your place on the Nice list. Based. Wrong. We can absolutely can include Krampus this year. His list would look pretty empty though, so thank you for volunteering your name! Wrong again. Die Hard is a Harry Potter movie. Alan Rickman is terrorizing the main character and they must hide from them. Die Hard is a Harry Potter movie. Krampus may not appreciate being hunted. Good luck kicking his ass! This is going to be a half-nice, half-naughty placement. While it is a good deed getting your friends gifts for them, you must still believe in Santa even if you do not see him!
  16. This is acceptable. May Santa Claus bring you a new train set! I will also accept this. Santa Nicholas is a pretty cool dude! This appears to be an ominous threat, and the rolling strongman in tighty-whities gives him anxiety. A GOOD MAN YOU ARE. Santa Claus will also offer a plug for the upcoming web series, Dead Legion, starring this good man. LIES. SANTA IS REAL AND SO IS YOUR PLACE ON THE NAUGHTY LIST. ALL ONE THOUSAND OF YOU. I cannot tell if this is in response to 1000MammothTanks or if I am being called Fake News -- or worse, Santa is being called Fake News! Naughty list (tentative)
  17. Bringing back an oldie but a goodie. This all started when @ jonwil chose to not believe in Santa citing something about "the laws of physics" or something. We all know Santa can deliver presents to every house because he has magic! Fairly certain his opinion has remained unchanged since. However, everyone else gets a clean slate from the previous list. Post here and see if you're receiving Christmas presents from Santa this year or if you're getting a lump of coal.
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