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  1. until
    How can we improve APB? What feedback do you have for the team? Join in for the Round Table before the Game Night and chat with the devs!
  2. until
  3. until
  4. until
  5. until
    Keep the Reds from breaking through! Come on by for some APB fun! Join us on the Discord during the event for voice chat laughs and teamwork! https://discord.gg/w3d-hub-270678524619128843?event=1223686204717793311
  6. until
    Renegade's 22nd Anniversary Event, Day Seven: I'll get my wrench.
  7. until
    Yet another Chronosphere accident... We've been thrown back to the mid 2000's and APB 1.2!
  8. until
    Join us for the first Red Alert: A Path Beyond game night of the year!
  9. until
    Looking to scratch that APB itch? Fear not, comrades! We have a Game Night set during the Red Alert anniversary, so why not join in this November 27th? Get to it!
  10. Version 1.0.2


    The successor to "APB Classic EVA Voice 1.0.1", this addon makes use of voice cloning technology to get the EVA from the original RA1 to say anything! This addon may be subject to updates, so don't be afraid to post feedback! (especially if you can tell me how to do the feedback.) This addon is for version and later. Install instructions: Put the sounds in the APB directory -> data and you're done. Credits to Uberduck.ai for making this possible!
  11. View File AI-Cloned Classic EVA The successor to "APB Classic EVA Voice 1.0.1", this addon makes use of voice cloning technology to get the EVA from the original RA1 to say anything! This addon may be subject to updates, so don't be afraid to post feedback! (especially if you can tell me how to do the feedback.) This addon is for version Install instructions: Put the sounds in the APB directory -> data and you're done. Credits to Uberduck.ai for making this possible! Submitter gammelon Submitted 04/24/2023 Category Custom Audio  
  12. Does anyone remember the game? Did anyone notice server is constantly empty lately? Is APB... dying? Honestly, APB was and still is one of the best game I ever had a pleasure to play. But apparently, latest changes are not what me and as I assume - other players - would like to see (with all respect to Pushwall and all other Admins&Mods for their hard work over making the game better). Still tho, server is empty, no games played and noone honestly like playing the game with bots in a long term. I didn't even downloaded current update - because there is no point in it. So I am asking you guys - what is happening? You also don't like changes made in the latest updates? Or is it other reason for you not to play the game? I would like to enocurage everyone to share their thoughts. And, damn, I miss those evenings spent on playing APB. I hope I'm not alone, and APB will be back alive.
  13. until
    New APB update on the horizon! Featuring new vehicle factory queues, Minelayers being able to remove their own team's mines, redesigned NorthByNorthwest, and more! Stay tuned for the dev update! MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR APRIL 30 APB GAME NIGHT/7 PM GMT
  14. until
    Join the fun this coming March 19th! APB Game Night!
  15. Join the fun this coming Saturday, March 19th! APB Game Night! Full details in the poster. BE THERE!
  16. Impromptu game night requested by our newest tester @ greyson!
  17. I have a small gripe about the Mammoth Tank's self-repair ability. Because the game makes vehicle armor more superior than health (a great mechanic in-of-itself), the tank "repairing to 50%" isn't really at 50%. Another to say it, in Red Alert, a Mammoth Tank self-repaired to 50% health would be as strong as a light tank. However in APB, it's repaired 600 health would be inferior to a 300/300 light tank. I really appreciate this unit's design and the beautiful balance this game currently has. You can tell a lot of hard work has been put into testing and balancing. So i just want to make it clear i say the above out of thankfulness and as a "for your consideration". Slow vehicles are usually at a disadvantage on large maps, since the enemy has plenty of time to respawn and attack you over and over to whittle you down. Can we consider some sort of full-heal upgrade for the mammoth tank? But armor self-repair only starts if the tanks has been out of battle for a while?
  18. Compared to the Hind and Mig, i found the Yak very cumbersome to use and having small practical benefits. Would anyone care to weigh in on how to use it more effectively, or balance suggestions?
  19. General Changes Hitmarker behavior has been edited so that direct weapon projectiles once again provide instant feedback, and explosion damage provides server-side feedback. Stealthed friendly units and objects now appear on the radar compass when the Radar Dome is disabled or destroyed. The new repair script now has an added "anti-leave-zone-to-remove-repair-debuff" feature. Increased naval repair zone sizes. Made an adjustment that should reduce or eliminate the issue with getting stuck in airplanes right after they land. Vehicles BTR Adjusted so that it is more vulnerable to rockets and shells, but slightly more resistant to small arms and C4 explosives. Skin and shield changed from Light to new BTR type. Health and shield values decreased. 250 -> 200 M.A.D. Tank No longer receives damage from other M.A.D. Tank sonic detonations (this change does not apply to Angry Tanks on Lunar). Mammoth Tank Secondary missile velocity increased. 75 -> 100 Secondary missile turn rate increased. 225 -> 275 Missile Sub The AA missile secondary fire can only lock on to aircraft. Hind Cannon can tilt its firing angle 22.5 degrees higher. Yak Adjusted handling to feel more lightweight. MiG Missile damage effectiveness has increased against aircraft. Two salvos (one full payload) can destroy a Longbow that's at full health, but only just barely. 0.5 -> 0.75 Levels Improved bot behavior around doors. Moved the trees and a rock on the bottom of the cliff outside the Soviet Refinery slightly away from that cliff, so vehicles going down that hill won't get stuck. Blocked off a vehicle stuck position between one of the Flame Towers and a rock. Fixed a couple floating objects. The lightpost at the Allied Service Depot emits light properly. Fixed some texture blending issues near the Soviet base. Filled in some missing polygons in the west Allied infantry tunnel. Unfloated a tree near the west Allied infantry tunnel. Removed an out-of-place pipe prop behind the Soviet Barracks. Submarines no longer get stuck on the lighthouse beach. Replaced Allied Service Depot with a large rock. Changed the pine needle texture to grass in a few spots where there used to be trees. Broken Tire Ragtop Skin and shield changed from Light to new BTR type. Health value decreased. 600 -> 500 Shield value increased. 250 -> 500 Railgun range increased. 66 -> 75 Cost increased. 1200 -> 1500 Fixed Spy character string. Fixed one of the Hind landing points that made them stick in place. Converted the Service Depots into destroyed versions. Added a destroyed Pillbox and Flame Tower at the base entrances. Rotated the now-destroyed Allied Service Depot 90 degrees, resulting in less smoke from it appearing in the Allied Barracks basement. The oil pumps in the bases no longer start teamed. This fixes a bug that was introduced when the objective markers were added. Fixed some texture blending seams with the snowy grass. Fixed a hole in a rock that's in front of the Soviet base. Fixed a vehicle stuck spot at the base of a cliff northwest of the Soviet base. Grounded a small patch of floating grass next to the gem field outside the Soviet base. Fixed a stuck spot on a rock northeast of the Allied base. Also sank the rock a bit so that it doesn't have gaps at the base. The section of land leading to the north side of the Soviet base has been cut out, removing this area as an Allied attack route option. Removed the cave behind the Soviet Construction Yard. Grounded some floating trees near the lighthouse. Fixed a stretched texture going up the ridge to the lighthouse. BTR's can be purchased. Updated Chrono Tank teleportation spots. No longer can the Chrono Tank go onto the hill behind the vehicle barricades, no longer can it attempt to teleport onto the Allied Ore Silo, and other spots were filled out such that it has fewer restrictions in clear ground areas. Vehicles can no longer drive up to the Volcano peak. Updated the overhead map. Blocked vehicle access to a sliver of the Soviet ridge. This removes an exploit position for V-2 Launchers.
  20. Join us December 4th for an APB Game Night! 8 PM GMT @ Official APB Server! Don't miss it!
  21. This release has been a long time in the making. It's the first APB public release of 2021 and boy is it a big one. Huge thanks to all the staff and testers who helped make this possible! It will take some time to finish packing everything up, but it should all be ready to be on the launcher by this time tomorrow. The SDK has already been updated for 3.6 (minus documentation). General Changes Replaced the generic W3D Hub window/taskbar application logo with the APB red star icon. Players forced to change teams no longer have a death count increase. Levels of detail have been added to more ingame objects (such as the AT and AP mines, and the detailed house on Keep Off The Grass). This means performance improvements in some areas. Added new flare models and effects for helicopter purchases and reinforcement drops. Replaced the Soviet elevator music. Bots have undergone a few general behavioral improvements, including weapon/sight ranges. Much more robust edit_human and edit_weapon console commands. These only work in singleplayer. Two new menu options- Muting the game's audio when the window is not in focus. Skipping the quit confirmation dialog. HUD Now features W3D's brand new objective marker technology. These are points of interest or importance that appear overlaid on the screen (including a distance readout) to assist with the objective. Most of the time they are relevant to the player's current character or vehicle class. Each inclusion of the objective markers will be listed below under their appropriate changelog item. The mine limit now appears on the HUD next to the mine count; no longer is there a need to use a command on the server to get the mine limit from the chatbox. Disarmed mine messages now go to the kill feed, rather than the chat box. Disarming the AT mine now shows a shovel and the AT mine icon, rather than a shovel and the AP mine icon. Replaced the tracking lock icon with one resembling the attack cursor from Red Alert. Updated the kill icon models for the Tesla Tank, Mammoth Tank, MCV, and the Submarines. Adjusted a few other kill icon positionings slightly, also enlarging the Cruiser and Mammoth Tank icons. Re-added the "imfree" font icon. Unit Repairs Vehicular repair logic is now shared between the Service Depot, Naval Yard/Sub Pen, Airfield, and now the Helipad and Refill Pad. All vehicle types can repair at the Service Depot, if they can reach it. Only naval type units can repair at the Naval Yard/Sub Pen. Only airplanes can repair at the Airfield. VTOL units and airplanes (if they can reach it) can repair at Helipads and Refill Pads. Vehicle repairs at these facilities are now completely free of charge. Vehicles repair at the same rate as before, at 10% per second. More accurately, as far as repair ticks go, they now repair at 1% every 0.1 seconds. If a player starts taking moderate damage from any singular weapon (15 hitpoints or more), repairs will slow down significantly (10% of their normal repair rate) until 5 seconds after they stop taking damage. Aircraft repairing at the Heli/Refill pads or Airfield are similar to this, except their repairs slow down much more easily at 1 hitpoint threshold. Multiple vehicles can repair at the same building simultaneously, as long as they can all fit into the area. There is no longer a delay when starting to repair, and players no longer need to drive away from and back into the repair area in order to start repairs if the vehicle is damaged at full health while in the area, or if the player enters the vehicle while it's in the repair area. Points Distribution Points for destroying buildings, defenses, and support structures are now awarded to the team's score pool rather than all the players on the team. Disarming A-bomb flares now grants a joint 250 points to all the players who worked on it, and the other 250 points are awarded to the team's score after it's disarmed. Previously 500 points went to the player who did the last bit of disarming. Disarming C4 charges now grants live points to all the players who work on it, rather than awarding all the points to the person who fired the final disarming shot. Weapons Lock-on ranges have been fixed. They now match the actual targeting range, rather than only 75% the targeting range. Damage that is applied on the server side now sends hit markers. New Beretta and Makarov pistol reload sounds. Fixed a bug that caused the carried FIM-92 weapon model (and the Drunk Rocket Soldier's weapon on Lunar) to disappear. Firing the FIM-92 at nearby targets no longer damages the weapon's owner. Effective range for tech scanners and engineer wrenches has been decreased 3 -> 2. This is for the AI repairers to stand closer to their targets. Textures Color adjusted a rough yellow cliff texture to better match the other environment textures. Improved the barbed wire chain link fence textures. Their resolutions have improved and can be seen from farther away. Fixed a seam on a field grass texture. Infantry Crouch walk radar sneaking has returned, and its cooldown timer increased once again to 3 seconds (from 1 second). The previous bug where players could jump while crouching to remain invisible on radar has been fixed. All infantry can detect sneaking players at least 5m away from them. The Sergeant, Starshina, and Flamethrower can detect at 25m, and the Captain, Kapitan, and Spy can detect at 50m. This information can be viewed ingame through the F1 encyclopedia screen on the new Gameplay menu. Using weapon scopes no longer causes players to unsneak. Partisans can sneak once again. All infantry now use the new inertia features offered in Scripts 5.0. There is a slight graduation in momentum changes, and moreso while swimming. Strafing diagonally forward while sprinting is less restricted, and jumping while crouched no longer offers a forward velocity increase. Infantry worldboxes are now shorter while crouched. This will allow them to access very slightly tighter spaces. 100% -> 80% Sergeant / Starshina Uninterruptible per-round reload has been set up on the shotguns. What this means is that shotguns reload only the number of rounds that are missing, and only the full 8 if they are fully empty. Rocket Soldier / RPG Trooper Now have pistols. AA weapons are now on slot 3 (rather than sharing the anti-tank weapon slots on 2). Weapon switch times have been reduced for the LAW, RPG-7, Redeye, and Strela. 3s -> 2s LAW/RPG damage decreased 5%. 90 -> 85.5 Firing at nearby objects with the LAW/RPG no longer damages the owner of the weapon. AA weapons can no longer lock-on to ground units. AA weapons have a tracking delay of 0.62s, and they untrack after 1.25 seconds. Engineer The golden wrench can now repair vehicles. It works with 75% the effectiveness of mechanic wrenches. Capacity is still limited as before. Spy Can once again acquire a Sonar Pulse from the Sub Pen. The Sonar Pulse, in addition to its previous function of revealing enemy naval units on radar, now reveals all Soviet naval units with objective markers as well. Medic Fixed a bug with placing multiple medic armor caches that caused players to gain an unintended advantage. Medic cache regenerates 1 unit of armor every 1 second, instead of every 5 seconds. Mechanic Wrench range (area of effect) decreased significantly. 12.5 -> 6 Thief Can now steal credits from bots. Tanya Equipped with two weaker C4 charges, rather than having the ability to destroy a building with one. Tanya's second C4 can reload while her Colt is equipped. Reload time between C4 charges is 8 seconds. Damage of each C4 has been halved. 1200 -> 600 Disarming point rewards of each C4 have been halved. 200 -> 100 Uses different voice lines while placing C4. Fixed a mesh seam in her neck. Grenadier Added a grenade explosion inner radius of 2m. Reduced grenade explosion damage. 50 -> 35 Flamethrower Stronger against infantry, does 50% more to infantry skins and about 30% more to infantry shields. No longer has burst fire (need to hold down mouse to use entire clip). Inaccuracy when jumping has decreased. 19.5 -> 3.5 Accuracy recovery rate reduced. 10 -> 2 No longer damages his own shield when firing at nearby targets and surfaces. Now uses an ignition sound as firing starts. The kill message now has an added flame icon for clarity. Shock Trooper Weapon splash damage is now scaled (meaning it does a lot less damage if you hit further from your target), but splash damage has also been increased, leading to an overall buff if you hit the ground near your target. Now takes splash damage from electric weapons. Splash damage increased 5 -> 15. To compensate for the direct damage increase, the electric special damage type has had its damage decreased 22.5 -> 12.5. To mitigate the much weaker flame effects overriding this damage, the speed of the effect has been increased by 10. Volkov Per-round reload has been set up on the hand cannon weapons. AP HandCannon range increased. 34 -> 85 Napalm grenades Elasticity up. 0.03 -> 0.5 Napalm grenades Max Bounces down. 999 -> 1 Vehicles The helicopters have been increased in scale to a more fitting size, and their third person camera distances have been increased to match. Phase Tank, Chrono Tank, and Longbow have "no missile tracking" option when right clicking to fire. Fixed minor tread texture issues on the APC, Artillery, M.A.D. Tank, and Minelayers. Fixed a few inconsistent exit transitions (locations the players are deposited when they exit vehicles). BTR (Low Tech Soviet Scout) This unit replaces the Soviet Ranger in the Soviet vehicle roster, meaning it is only available on the maps the Soviet Range was available on (plus any added in this patch, noted in the maps section below). The BTR serves as a cheap, lightly armored vehicle that can effectively scout the map, mow down infantry, fight longbows, and clear mines. Essentially, it is a Soviet Ranger overhauled to fit the Soviet design pillars; heavy armor, high damage, and good survivability. Ranger No longer has a passenger seat. Light Tank Slightly better at handling hills. Medium / Heavy Tanks Increased vehicle turning speeds. Mobile Gap Generator Added new camera profiles that are offset to the sides, similar to the V2 and Artillery's alternate cameras. Phase Tank Per-round reload has been set up for its missile weapon (two missiles at a time). Slightly reduced hill handling. Chrono Tank Model and texture have been improved. Two more camo variants have been set up, using green paint in place of the orange paint. The default Chrono Tank variant will still be the orange/silver version on all maps. Missile turn rate doubled. 300 -> 600 New set of PT icons. Tesla Tank Model has been updated with higher quality meshes and rig. Fixed an issue where the vehicle was pulling off to the right due to mis-aligned wheel bones. Weapon splash damage is now scaled, similar to the Shock Trooper's rifle. Splash damage increased 20 -> 25. Special electric2 damage type has had its damage decreased 30 -> 25, and had its effect speed increased by 10x. First person camera angle is centered over the vehicle. Mammoth Tank Model and texture have been improved. Thickened the tracks slightly, adjusting wheel heights and spring length to match. Adjusted the rig so it doesn't get stuck on sloped terrain as often. The missile pods can now tilt. Removed the spray angle from the tusk missiles. 10 -> 0 Demolition Truck The horn has been edited so it can play while the vehicle is charging up to explode. Ore Truck When driving, you can now see how full your truck is is by looking on the lower righthand corner of the screen. When driving, there are now objective markers that instruct you on where the ore, gem, and mixed fields are around the map, as well as where to dump at the Refinery. MCV New model and texture. AA Truck No longer has a passenger seat. Longbow AI preferences against infantry have been adjusted so they don't chase after them. Hind Vertical acceleration increased. 28000 -> 32000 Chinook Handling has been adjusted so the critical fault of the chinook is eased as far as flying high. Airplanes Handling has been made easier. Most notably they are more responsive to turning/rolling, and the landing gear slows them down more significantly (allowing players with landing gear out to land at "full speed"). Exploding planes now affect vehicles and buildings (slightly) and infantry. Damage of the explosion is now scaled, and its radius has been reduced. 22.5 -> 17.5 More vulnerable to Rifle Soldiers by 2x. More vulnerable to Captains by 1.4x. Yak The rig has been adjusted so it has an easier time landing. Autocannon BurstMax has been decreased. 5 -> 3 Reduced cruising speed. 38.5 -> 33.5 MiG Reduced cruising speed. 48.5 -> 43.5 Reduced landing gear speed. 36.5 -> 33.5 Increased missile damage decently against Ranger skin/shields, and slightly against light vehicle skin/shields. MiGs can now destroy rangers in one volley, but not artilleries. Missiles adjusted to be much less wieldy. Pilots will need to be more intentional about pointing its nose at its targets when firing missiles. Range increased. 160 -> 200 Velocity increased. 110 -> 175 Gravity force has been added. 0 -> -9.5 Turn Rate decreased. 150 -> 85 Naval Units Players now teleport directly into their naval purchases if done from the naval yard or sub pen. Ships are more vulnerable to Rifle Soldiers by 3x. Ships are more vulnerable to Captains by 1.125x. Destroyer Handling has been edited so this unit is a bit more fast and responsive. Submarines Brand new models/textures. Now more vulnerable to weapons while submerged. Increased turning speeds by 10%. Disabled the floating playername on the missile sub periscope camera. Missile Sub Missile Sub's ballistic weapon range reduced. 220 -> 210 Raised the ballistic missile muzzles by 1m. The result is that they should have a slightly easier time hitting ground targets. Added a tertiary camera for sieging. Buildings All defenses, when they are damaged, now show objective markers to technicians and engineers; they are green/yellow/red depending on how damaged they are. Power Plant Adjusted some damage emitters that were in the wrong place. Radar Dome When destroyed or jammed, it only removes enemy (and stealthed friendly) blips from the radar. It no longer shuts off the radar compass completely. Fixed an issue with disappearing console screens in the sub basement. Service Depot Added a repairing animation. Features completely revamped repairing system, detailed near the top of this changelog. It works for any unit type that can reach it. Can refill airplane ammunition. Helipad / Refill Pad Repairs all friendly aircraft, using the new repair logic similar to the Service Depot. Sells aircraft with the backspace key. Refills airplane ammunition. Naval Yard Repair zone now has objective markers that start appearing at around 200m distance for any player whose naval unit's health becomes damaged. Uses new repair logic similar to the Service Depot; it only works for naval units. Sub Pen Repair zone now has objective markers that start appearing at around 200m distance for any player whose naval unit's health becomes damaged. Uses the new repair logic similar to the Service Depot; it only works for naval units. Added backings to the two ladders by the submarine spawns. Airfield Uses the new repair logic similar to the Service Depot; it only offers repairs to airplanes, but works for airplanes owned by either team. Oil Pump There is now an invisible ramp up the sides of the concrete platform so players no longer need to jump to get on it. Capturable oil pumps now have objective markers that appear for Engineers and Technicians. The oil pumps starting in each base do not have an objective marker for players on the opposing team. Equalized tech building capturing speed between the FDS and local LAN; pumpjack HP is now 20 to compensate for this (down from 40). Its textures have been upscaled. Guard Tower Now uses the lighter color sandbags only. The texture UV's on the roof have been improved. A couple unnecessary draw calls have been removed. Levels Visible boundary warning stripes have been added to all the levels. A custom file has been uploaded that will allow you to put variations on the visible boundaries. Bots get stuck at the doors less often. Fixed a stuck position between some rocks by the Allied Service Depot. Adjusted the terrain around the small water-filled basin just outside the Soviet base, so traversibility there is easier. Bots should have less trouble getting stuck in this area. Fixed a terrain texture blending seam next to the gems in the middle. Major revisions have been applied to this level. See some of those changes below. The extremely lengthy, circuitous tunnel section is now eliminated, along with all the infantry routes that led into or out of the rear sides of the bases. There is a new short, direct, and accessible tunnel route under the east hill to replace the long tunnel route that was removed. Inside the cave mentioned above is a capturable gem silo, worth 2 credits per second to the team that captures it using a Technician or Engineer. The top of the east hill is no longer accessible. The Soviets have extremely easy access to the west hill next to their Barracks, where previously it was difficult to defend. The west hill has a couple infantry routes which were moved, appropriated, and simplified from other areas of the map. The Allied base building positions have been swapped. The Soviet Barracks has moved slightly closer to the War Factory. Each team has four defenses, which have been rearranged in their own ways. Added bot support. The V2 and Artillery have been disabled from the purchase list. The BTR can now be purchased. Infantry can no longer swim to a standing spot on the sloped beach sand underneath the naval yard. Also fixed some issues with getting out of the water from the Cruiser spawn area at the Naval Yard. Ladders have been added to the docks to help players get out of the water. Adjusted vehicle blockers at infantry base entrance near Soviet Refinery to be more visibly obvious. Fixed a lighting issue on the barbed wire fences. Darkened the icebergs significantly and changed the reflective ice texture. Also removed unnecessary backfaces from them. Sank the Allied Service Depot a bit. Added bot support. Added a ramp up to the hill at the front of the Soviet base so they can access it more easily. The rear infantry routes are blocked with rocks when the player count is 20 or below. These routes include the tunnel area behind the Soviet Refinery, and the pass behind the Allied Power Plant. Fixed teleportation zone so that Chrono Tanks can no longer access the part of the Soviet hill that vehicles aren't allowed to drive on. The lake can no longer be driven on. Fixed a few terrain seams where the dirt road texture meets the pine needle texture. Added Broken Tire Ragtop (BTR) unit to the Soviet arsenal. Costs $1200 and possesses a Ghost Stalker Railgun. Added a new "timescale" crate to the LOLMap crate pool. When grabbed, the passage of time will increase by 3x, for 30 seconds. It can only happen once during the round. Fixed the "Oh crap" nuclear explosion crate. Corrected a couple inaccurate infantry names. Fixed a few minor issues with the infantry voices. Fixed missing RA nade projectile. Fixed a floating sidewalk southeast of the Soviet base. Fixed the props that were clipping outside the Allied War Factory. Grounded a floating Soviet Ore Silo and a couple props next to it. Soviet bots no longer suicide when they purchase a Technician or Engineer to repair the Ore Silo. Made the beach slope steeper under the Naval Yard, and reduced infantry access there. Added a couple new vehicle routes up to the ridge, closer to the center of the map. There is now a walkway on the section of the pipeline between the middle pumpjack and the east pumpjack on the hill, so it's much easier to traverse. Fixed a vehicle sticky spot at the base of some pipeline supports. Added vehicle blockers so tanks can't attempt to travel up the pipeline from the road and get stuck. Soviet BTRs are available on this map. Some changes have been made to the side of the map that holds the Soviet base. The Soviet base elevation has increased by about 20 meters. An Airfield has been added, and some of the Soviet building positions rearranged. The flight ceiling has been made soft, in order to compensate for the addition of airplanes. The hill by the area where the Barracks used to be (and the Construction Yard now is) has been rotated 180 degrees, which means the Soviets can access it from their base, and it cannot be climbed from the field anymore. Eliminated access to the Soviet base from the far west flank. Adjusted some details like grass, rocks, trees, props, and textures in the areas that were affected by the above changes. The overhead map that Chrono Tank players use has also been updated. Fixed the flipped two-sided settings for big bushes branches/leaves. Updated the ice reflect texture on the frozen ground area. Soviet bots no longer suicide when they purchase a Technician or Engineer to repair the Ore Silo. An underwater texture display that was missing has been restored. Moved northern Soviet Service Depot to the east side of the base. Removed hard blockers over the tallest mountains, and made it difficult/deadly for players to try exiting their choppers up there. Reassigned the textures on the two slopes directly east of the Soviet base to make it much more clear that they are accessible. Restored missing ladder rungs in one of the tunnels. Fixed texture stretching on a set of rocks. Fixed a hole in the ground behind the Soviet War Factory. Bots use the side routes more often. Added bot support. Added some light sources in and adjusted the textures of the tunnel areas. Added a ladder up to the dock from the water by the Soviet Barracks. Reduced infantry access directly underneath the Naval Yard. Added rocks to block vehicle access to front/main hill route. Reduced infantry access directly underneath the Naval Yard.
  22. Of all the changes introduced in the recent patch, by far the most interesting (to me, at least) was the introduction of the BTR to the low-tech Soviet roster, replacing the Soviet Ranger entirely. Now that we've had a few days to play around with it, I'm curious. How does everyone feel about it? Is it a worthy addition to the game? Is it over or underperfoming? Discuss away!
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