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Showing most liked content on 05/19/2021 in all areas

  1. Hi LeonardMT. If you download again the files from the FDS repository, brenbot folder (just add all the dll's to your bot server folder), then you can uninstall Strawberry Perl as brenbot is an application that can run standalone. About your server not showing up in the launcher, you must do some things first. Find the file gamespy.xml inside your bot plugins folder and open the query_port setting in your firewall. Then you must load the gamespy plugin from IRC, but first I suggest you edit the value of IrcServer in brenbot.cfg and change it to irc.rencorner.com or any other server you want, as it is failing to connect to irc.w3dhub.com. You will have to join that IRC server and your channel and type !plugin_load gamespy. You can find more information about this here.
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