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  1. Because the end goal is to get APB removed from the launcher, not to tell people not to use it, that would cause :more: drama.
  2. https://secure.w3dhub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=414483 now i get that sometimes it's hard to do things, but not only are players not able to play the game, but i'm getting complaints that APB is still on the launcher (causing players to join with a less playable version of APB) can you please do what you need to remove the game. also your moderators are premature, it'd be cool if you could please either merge this into and leave *unlocked* until this has been resolved.
  3. Please remove APB from the W3D Hub Launcher. Thanks for your Co-operation.
  4. you are insinuating we had anything to do with BHP being down that is not us. Nah that's me ) It's not me saying No.
  5. Thankyou for showing your true selves, it's been a blast.
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