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Posts posted by AndrewGOLD

  1. My dreams can be very strange. About 5 years ago I was having nightmares every night. In every nightmare I died and in 2 or 3 years I told myself that I shouldn't be afraid of death. So the nightmares transformed in very VERY weird dreams. I am most of the time on a field and I can see a C&C mutant base style full of NOD guys from Tiberian Dawn or I see a very strong light and after that I wake up very sad because I couldn't remember all the dream. My worst nightmare was not about C&C at all, it was about aliens, I hate them so much. Your dream is really weird, but I think I saw in a movie the thing with a huge spider that comes out from somebody's mouth... or was it an alien? Who the f**k cares!

  2. I have been thinking that we could choose dates for the game nights like this: there are 2 game nights per month, the first one on the first Saturday and the second one on the last Saturday. This is just a model. I think this is a better way to organise. Please don't make my 69th post worthless!

  3. This is amazing. I can finally join this events becasue most of you voted for Saturday and 8 BST. I can't wait for the next one. I think that Cabal should send groups of cyborgs to attack the bases and there should be a mutant base too, or atleast spawning mutants randomly on the map.

  4. .... So noone saved you all this time... FINE! LET ME SAVE YOU! I grab a spoon and a baseball bat and I fight with them. Stupidly I realised that I will die so I go to my Mammoth Mk.389 and I destroy that base.

    Because of my futuristic mech and weapon I am considered a threat by all the military forces of the Earth and everyone wants to kill me. Help... I suppose...

  5. Aaah, so nice to be back with you guys. It has been 1 month since my last activity. The last thing I've done was to wait for players at 8GMT at the last game night. It was 8:30 and noone entered. For me it was too late to stay anymore and I would really want to know what happened.

  6. I noticed that many of you play WoT so I was curious about the tanks you have and also, if you want, you can tell your account and your clan ( if you are in one). We can all be friends and play together in platoons.

    So, I will start first. My name is AndrewGMOD ( idk why i put gmod, I don't even play that game xD ) and I am in BZB clan ( The ace tankers of the Big Zorab Battalion ) and I am co-leader. El Zorab means dick on google translate, if you search in my language or on one dictionary, but I think that only me and my friends know the meaning of it xD. I have 2 tier 7 tanks: T25/2 and T29, 1 tier 8 tank: Pershing and soon I will get Chaffe, Leopard, T-34 (tier5) and T-34-85 (tier6) because I sold them and I make money to take them back. I also have 2 tier 3 tanks ( not very important): a tier 3 heavy japanese tank xD and Bt-7 artillery.

    As you can see my best tanks t7,8 are from the U.S.A.'s tech tree. I really like American tanks, but I really have to upgrade them all because I bought them recently and I really need a lot of money and experience. I can't consider myself a good player.

  7. Someone else should save you because this is boring. Playing just you, me and Mac is not as funny as how we all would play. But I can't control myself so I will continue to save Killing You hoping that another person will save me. Mac and Killing You I like to be saved by you xD but let's try to convince other guys to play this.


    Because you gave your life to save me you inspired my work and I created a time machine. I go to future in 3784 year and I steal a PBHG ( portable black hole gun) and a Mammoth MK.389. I come back with the time machine, but I destroy it to not be used by anybody again. I use my mammoth to destroy the robot and the PBHG to erase this assheads ninjas from the face of the earth.

    Because I was exposed to the radiations of the future I am going to die. Help me!!!

    P.S. Killing You, you actually die before I use the time machine.

  8. Yea well, I live in Romania. It's like a marathon. I let my imagination spread in this forum. YES, a part of this story happens in my STUPID country too!


    I return to the city where I was born.



  9. Granted, but there are no computers to buy anymore because I buy them all. I sell one for 70000 dollars. Oh and I also bought all the companies and now I only make pocket laptops and you can't even play Club Penguin on them.

    I wish I have a plantporn site.

  10. While me and my friends watch plantporn we see some explosions on the window. We go to check it out and we see you and Super Killing You Man. We manage to save you by smashing the riot with an APC, but we could not wake up the god, but just in time an Ion storm starts because of the tiberium cloud and a lightning hits Killing You and he returns to our world.

    Being forgot by CIA, a clan that was born from the rests of the Brazilian ninjas wants to avenge their friends that died in the plane crash ordered by me. I managed to run to Russia, but they still followed me. Help, I only have one spoon and they threaten me with a duck foot!!!

  11. Meanwhile, in a forest nearby, one old fag is chasing a deer. That deer wakes up a tiberium war hog that likes to eat metal. It spottes the robot suit and eats it with one bite. The robot explodes in hog's belly and kills it.

    After saving Mac I return to the city where I was born trying to escape from CIA this time ( now I am a more important target), but there the hog died and made a chemical cloud that can kill everyone in the city. Help, I need an anti-tiberium suit, otherwise I'll transform in a visceroid!!!

  12. Your wish is granted and you've done everything correct and because of that you are sleeping all the night and all the next day and all the next night and you lose the TSR game night.

    I wish my stomach was stronger and could resist against very spicy food.

  13. After 3 years I return to the country and I see poor Mackintoke. Thanks to Voe I managed to steal a healing chamber from the FBI agents that wanted to kill me and i bring it to Mac.

    While I am helping Mac I see Lady Death coming straight to us and in 1 second she stabs me with her spiked fingers. Help, I lose too much blood!

  14. Granted, but Lenovo still sends weird people out to fix crap, but the crap from other shity companies because this is well paid. Even if this happened, Lenovo couldn't make better products.

    I wish I had the expansion pack from Tiberian Sun ( Tiberian Sun Firestorm).

  15. The Brazilian ninjas are going to execute you outside their base, but because Harrison Ford couldn't control the plane anymore he is crash landing and kills all the ninjas and saves your family's and your life.

    Because I was in charge of Harrison's plane, FBI sentenced me to death. I try to leave the country, but FBI finds me and now one agent is shooting at me.

  16. There are too many superheroes in Marvel's universe. Adding a fight between all of them in this movie will end very bad. I don't even understand how will the "good guys" are going to win. Ant-Man was a little bit weird too. I couldn't understand the final. I can predict that Ant-Man, Captain and his team (Bucky and that guy with a wing suit) will be on the same size. Adding spiderman that had nothing common to the other marvel movies is another weird thing. Btw Jarvis has the infinity stone and is unstoppable and I know that he is one of the new avengers, but what will be his role in this movie? Too many characters. My mind will blow up while watching the film.

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