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About Grendies

  • Birthday 08/06/1985

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  1. Hi guys! Thanks for bringing me up to to date, I'm glad APB is still going.
  2. Granted. Due to everyone being too busy playing Total War, actual wars become a distant memory and people keep on praying without noticing anything. I wish Overwatch loot boxes would give me skins for heroes I actually play.
  3. A few days ago I thought to myself, "You know what? I haven't checked out RenAlert since December. Shame on me! I shall go to the BHP forums and see how things are going." As you can imagine, I was quite surprised to see things shutting down over there. I only realized that the game was continuing to be developed when I came over here to search for more information. Seeing as I haven't really been on the ball as it were, I could use some clarification regarding what on Earth is going on. Is W3D Hub a continuation of BHP? Did the development team simply move over here from BHP? Will I still be able to access the BHP forum sans ability to make new posts? Is BHP shutting down or just on hiatus? I am old and easily confused by you kids and your hippity hops and your getting jiggy with its. ELI50.
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