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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. You kept searching for motives when for the most part there were none to find. I was vanilla. No powers, no abilities, and faced with an annoying you. You took the focus away from scumhunting.
  2. Tbh if I had gone with intuition and pushed for Cat5 I wonder if shade would have joined the vote.
  3. You know, in defense of “fairness” etc I think Coollrock would have done the same actions I chose to do.
  4. In other words, KY was a predictable night kill target since he was suspicious of you and I wish I was a doctor.
  5. Boo hoo. You’ve pulled a bunch of scummy stunts this game and if you’re actually town then scum are probably Cat5 and FRAYDO.
  6. I used the wrong action before hammer yesterday. Pulled a Voe and didn’t read the PM.
  7. You saying you’re protecting me or do you just think I’m not the kill target?
  8. I haven't even gotten the role PM yet. ##shoot Shade ##vote Mojoman @Retaliation
  9. Spoilers: I was vanilla town and an inconsequential death.
  10. If a crit's necessary for you to actually make a kill in one shot, I'm glad I baited you to keep you from being opportunistic on potentially better targets.
  11. Not really, sadly. But you're the one voting me after all. I think you're mad that you can't kill me.
  12. You already failed to counter a melee attack. Though thanks for confessing why you had such a push for others to use their weapons today.
  13. Yeah? Like I said earlier I'm not joining any bandwagons. That doesn't mean I won't end up voting for Mojoman in the end if I feel it's a decent lynch option. If you're upset about the direction, then fight it.
  14. I haven't changed a thing. I will, however, not join a bandwagon just yet.
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