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Pending corrections from the players who have yet to state their votes, it's still the same. At least one of Shade and KY voted RSQ. The other did not vote for SPL.
Ah, thanks. Correcting. And Cat5, because Snipe was a syndie. I can only assume he intended to orchestrate another tie, but when Sunflower made the RSQ bid he decided that would work just as well. Either a tie, or RSQ to inch closer to civil war.
This is why: If the vote claims are to be believed, Shade and KY are the only outliers. If we assume one went with the plan, then the other must have voted RSQ. There have been no voteblock claims so far. This also assumes Snipe betrayed the plan, however.
Do we know if Retalation could even vote since he was jailed?
For the moment, I'm at a loss for who to investigate. So far everyone's been forthcoming with their abilities except for Shade and Cat5.
I'm actually waiting to hear from the other side of the courtroom ( @Category 5 Hurricane ) before I continue pushing for a particular course of action.
Sunflower, my victory condition is status quo through reform. I understand that status quo is the primary, but that doesn't mean I can simply ignore my secondary objective. Avoiding civil war is an urgent matter to status quo and pluralists alike, even if your secondary is through civil war. It's not written for our eyes to see, but our real primary objective is and should be to root out the abolishment party. Treat this like pirate politics. It's all about the deals and backstabbing to ensure the end-goal of those deals go smoothly.
Trivial banter aside, we must vote a pluralism side tonight to avoid civil war. Sunflower is adamantly against this, and those with status quo objectives may not want civil war. ##investigate Sunflower
I wondered if your "trap" might have gotten sprung, but I recall you saying it doesn't kill, correct? I think Sunflower could have caused a tie if I had voted, but unfortunately we'll never know unless someone has a vote analysis ability. She's still on my suspect list. FRAYDO could have been signaling to a syndie buddy that he was a friend by proposing that the walkie is a two-way connection. I believe he bolded that statement as well. However, Snipe did not try to contact him. Still, it could be that FRAYDO was the one doing the contacting and got stopped some other way. I don't think anyone knew Snipe had a walkie. This can be backed up by me asking in a night post where the walkie was. FRAYDO might consider that Orange had taken it out of the vault since he had a key. Shade939 outright suggested that Snipe's death was friendly fire, so I don't think he should be on the investigation list today. He's correct--there's not really a reason for "town" to kill him.
I think you're on to something, especially with Snipe trying to contact OP47. Whoever killed him last night may be marked hostile today. We have a chance to take a killer out of the game here.
I believe I am.
True, however my note specifically stated that I have an alibi for the nightkill. If you think I have an action other than protection, that's coolio. I can't exactly prove protection. As for your valid reason, I was surprised that Snipe was syndicate. Therefore, killing him wouldn't be a valid motive for not doing the plan. Your logic is flawed even in the hypotheticals.
I included that bit about Shade. As for myself, well I assumed I was being watched by you as well as others. >.> Even if I were capable of making a nightkill, why would I do it under those assumptions?
As usual, here's the sound to set the scene.
Don't mind me, just making a little tree diagram. iLikeToSnipe is dead Someone has the ability to nightkill iLikeToSnipe was "scum" (?) I have an alibi (used my 2 PP on other actions) Radical Status Quo was voted Despite the plan being soft pluralism More players chose to follow Sunflower I abstained Retaliation (pluralist) was jailed Sunflower promised to vote radical status quo Therefore, one player from each soft side was absent, so my vote should have been a tiebreaker I suspected there would be others that wouldn't follow the plan, so didn't vote for either option to try to avoid a tie My suspicions were well warranted, as it appears that there was an attempt to set me up (Though I'm not sure how since one can't be eliminated from the game except via NK or hostille status when investigated) (Perhaps it was to discredit me) Night Actions FRAYDO claims to have witnessed Category 5 Hurricane doing something Killing_You claims that Shade939 is immune to his rolecop ability Shade countered by claiming immunity to all abilities There was an attempt to contact OrangeP47 via walkie Presumably Snipe, but it failed due to his death Conclusion: Walkie establishes masonry, which can't be done if one party is dead Alternative: It failed because OrangeP47 doesn't have a walkie Unsubstantiated, cannot prove that OP47 does or does not possess a walkie at this time OrangeP47 has unrevealed information about his own action
What did you do last night, then? If you didn't keep tabs on me, and the radio thing was not your own action, then...?
It would be nice to know who caused the radical reform, but I have a feeling it was meant to set me up. I doubt my vote would have overturned it.
Whoa, one mystery at a time!
The deal was set up by a syndie, so I’m not too concerned. I have no reason to take a key. To top it off, my spent my two PP on retrieving the crowbar and protecting myself, so you can cross me off the list as our killer.
Were You not watching me? Yes, I did.
I had a reason for that. I felt that if I had voted that it would cause another tie. I instead chose to protect myself seeing as I had access to a powerful tool.
I think we can conclude that Snope stole the walkie from the vault on the night before last. Question now is how he died.
Wasn’t me for this one. I abstained.
*tips fedora* Maybe next time, Snipe.