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  1. If I remember correctly, I'm pretty sure I had 10,000 sniper kills on two different names lol. Old stats. Also I had a game with 114 KD. I remember when Voekov started playing, he was at the end of my scope many of times!
  2. Oh hey I know you. I know you too! I mean I only started playing APB like 10 years ago. Also I'm going to assume that I'm still the number one sniperwhore of all time.
  3. I'm trying this because I wanted to post somewhere. Kazmo came from a yahoo pool id which was kaz_the_king. I was like 14 and wanted a cool nickname and I named my cat Kazi which came from Kamikaze. So technically my name came from my cat.
  4. Hi. I'm extremely old but thought I would join for nostalgia's sake.
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