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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I wish I got to actually use any of my abilities
  2. See, I could have pushed iLTS more at any time, but I wanted to keep him around as a late game mislynch... but then he sprung his surprise and everyone went along with it
  3. I should also point out unblockable probably doesn't matter, as I don't negate the kill, I just have a second life.
  4. That's advice I never follow, given how fun Death Note was at the end
  5. You can't lynch Shade right now, and it would be the same way with me.
  6. I should also point out that if I fake my death I can't be lynched today.
  7. Also what a mess when it's the two neutral claims discussing the fate of town Though I literally suspect everyone right now, so whatever.
  8. I mean, it's clear nobody is going to take me seriously at this point, but I also think it's pretty clear that either somebody is lying or one of these cases being made doesn't have the full info. Something's not right.
  9. What if Shade tries to kill you, he's an alignment all to his own
  10. Wow, look at all this activity when the forum was down (now with horrid errors). I was so unconcerned because at this point there's really nothing I can do, so there's no point getting worked up over it. The logical conclusion of wasting a day on me is that scum win, but you don't need me to tell you that.
  11. Sudden, sleepy thought: If iLTS is telling the truth.... Shade was right...
  12. I assume the power stone was just a dud. As for no CVC, it's not that complicated with so few people now.
  13. It's a shame we did not resolve this yesterday.
  14. I mean sure, go for it. We'll waste a day, but that's what the ability is there for.
  15. Originally it was going to mod confirm me as town, but that was too OP in my mind so I scaled it back, which is one reason (of many) I'm irked at Shade. All we have is his word. Or did he get confirmed some other way?
  16. I'm suspicious of iLTS, this might be a power play. I'm actually mixed feelings on KY.
  17. Nah, in games like these there's lots of crazy shots, no matter who you are you want some protection. That's the W3D experience. Though *too many* and that definitely means someone is scum, like Irish or iLTS.
  18. I mean, you can ask me a question, and I'll answer it. I may have other priorities for what I talk about, but I don't dodge questions.
  19. You have to know Shade. If there's a way to misconstrue something, he will. One time he thought I was scum when I was (mod confirmed to him) town.
  20. Handing an item to Shade is not that simple. He'd be the first one to suspect me
  21. I've said all there is to say about me. You either accept it or you don't. I can't just invent new facts about myself. All that's left after that is to make comparisons to others.
  22. Would you rather I risk handing the stone to somebody who might be scum?
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