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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. It's Shade, I think it's destiny
  2. An alternative to nerfing would be to end the battle by having Vulpix's partner actually do something besides just faint.
  3. Sunflower is like clearly the top tier trainer and should be the final boss. Holding out so well with just a Vulpix!
  4. Burn reduces physical attacks, should do less damage.
  5. It's just an observation. I no more blame you than I would blame a fire for burning down a house
  6. That's my point. You've hit critical tilt
  7. Where do you keep getting these detective pikachu pics?
  8. And I'm kind of incredulous that that's the case. I mean, I kinda feel for Shade, even if I don't think he was the most productive in his reaction. At least for Sunflower's part too, she doesn't seem to actively be pursuing you when she could otherwise be. That's a big part of why I award her townie points. Though given how last game went, Irish's pursuance of said goal to the detriment of others is at least consistent
  9. I'm not necessarily defending it. I just think asking people to be forward with it isn't going to get us very far.
  10. I mean, it certainly makes sense. I believe Irish that he's rivals with Shade. But I also think some scum would have rivals, and I don't think Sunflower is scum.
  11. I'm willing to accept that some, but not all people have a rival. I'm even willing to wager it's a low number, for game balance. However, I find it incredibly unlikely that the only two people with a rivalry just decide to spill the beans on it right up front. We're missing something.
  12. Fair enough, but that's lying about having a rival. If someone actually does have a rival, I still think their best course of action is to keep it under the rug. I suspect we have more people who have rival claims who just aren't going to speak up.
  13. TBH I don't see how anyone has an advantage from claiming a rival, so I don't know why anyone would.
  14. Everytime I think of when Sunflower said her motive was to be the very best, the music starts playing automatically in my head.
  15. Well we're on course to see what happens I guess. You can either reinforce it or propose an alternative.
  16. It's too late this day to do it, but I'm putting KY on notice for the next day to participate more, lest he get voted rocket.
  17. I think we're lined up with the rivals on the correct side now.
  18. You know, I totally forgot @Killing_You is playing this game...
  19. All you've done so far is pursue your rival. In a world where rivalry isn't a tell (and that's how it should be), that's null. You may not be scum telling, but Sunflower seems towny. If rivlarly is balanced, that just leaves you the odd man out. Pursuing a rivalry to such extremes can certainly be considered anti-town too, even if it's not actually scum.
  20. Shade hasn't really done anything overtly Shadey ( ) this game yet heh.
  21. Yeah, we literally have a setup right now where people are TEAMED with their rivals. Good going guys
  22. Ironically, as current CVC stands, I think Shade and Irish will be on a team...
  23. I mean, Shade was just laying out options, and he did present an alternative... you're being awfully uncharitable...
  24. Glad I'm not the only one that gets thwarted by the forum like that.
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