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Posts posted by kamuixmod

  1. 1 minute ago, ChopBam said:

    You guys are welcome to let RNG decide whether I get lynched today or whether I become Lab Leader today. Honestly I wouldn't mind a break from all this, haha, but it'd certainly mess up the time machine we've been working on. I will flip vanilla town if lynched today. Totally cool with that, actually. Yeah, take the stress off if you so desire. I can always be brought back later.

    So let's see

    Chopbam and I visited jeod on N1 => Jeod gets lynched D2

    => We both can not be R#1 but could still be #2

    => I get a heart attack on D1 and turn up VT

    => D2 Chop gets lynched instead of Jeod and turns VT

    => Happy End?

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