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Posts posted by kamuixmod

  1. 1 hour ago, Jeod said:

    Good work on finding out how AC is calculated, by the way. This leads me to believe that we cannot hope to find the Rounders without the death of a power role. The Reading Steiner role should now have two investigations, and it's a high probability that one of us will flip that role if lynched today. We'd either have two confirmed town roles or one confirmed town and one confirmed scum role.

    I'd like to wait one more night before we go that route though. The alternative is to lock in the Lab Leader today and create the true FGL, which will allow time machine actions from whatever FGL that would be to activate. The problem with this is that Lab Leaders are in combination with other alignments. A Lab Leader can also be Town, Organization, Rounder, or Reading Steiner.

    It's quite the dilemma.

    Thats what i suggested before but as you said having the time machine ready before doing so is better. 

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