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Everything posted by kamuixmod

  1. Btw cat5 could you very kindly repeat your abilities which you mentioned in the thread already? Im having a hard time browsing the forum during my break tim
  2. Fk this no matter how hard i try i simply cant fit the logic into the past nights
  3. I remember him saying he has no charges on Day 1 but let me re-check
  4. " passively save yourself from harm (lynch, nightkill, or daykill) " It says passive save, not actively. Sounds more like he would get a permanent vest with 1 time use.
  5. I wouldnt be so sure of that as that wouldnt make any sense.
  6. Passive - Spare Tire: If a mafia player is killed by any means, you will gain another tire. This tire can either be used for your Road Rage ability, or to passively save yourself from harm (lynch, nightkill, or daykill). Now just a stupid theory maybe but what if Cat5 was the one to attack Voe N2? For N1 it wasnt possible as his ability might have backfired and hit HIMSELF which is why we saw no killing role visit cat5 as he attacked himself. Triggering his own Morpho field, he returned and was able to use his ability once more on someone else?
  7. Btw cat5, i might have missed it but you said that you were "nked" N1, which activated your Phasing ability, right? Im still trying to make sense of what happened N1 as to how there could've been 2 killing attempts.
  8. im slowly reading through all posts one by one. Shouldnt Fraydo's death also reveal his Sanity?
  9. An early summary of what happened is that you slipped and revived Orange, Voe flew past his original target and hit Fraydo instead and Killing_You accidentally killed Voe.
  10. You're right. With lynching Orange we actually have nothing to loose since Alstars abilities dont seem that threatening and Orange is 100% confirmed maf.
  11. There is still something bothering me. Only 1 member executes the Night Kill in the Mafia team. Say Alstar did it and activated Cat5's phasing ability, how come Fraydo lost his Bulletproof then?
  12. it might make more sense to lynch Alstar first before going for Orange
  13. Custom Count Alstar ChopBam FRAYDO Jeod Killing Voe Kamuixmod Nodlied OrangeP47 Category 5
  14. Orange is obvious, Alstar is confirmed by Fray and you should be clear, i thought you did target Voe for a sec there.
  15. So Orange, Alstar and Killing_You is the maf team right?
  16. Btw tim, when resolving please add a quote of when the action was used too please.
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