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Everything posted by VERTi60

  1. No, since he was disarmed, he can't do any action.
  2. Doesn't matter what you choose first for your turn, but Ready Stance should be at least confirmed. Everything else is optional. Thing is you need to declare anything you want in one post before I start resolving.
  3. Retaliation rolled 9, which gives him (for the default ##Jedi Ready Stance), an attack and defense value of 45, which is 9 times 5. Retaliation doesn't have a bonus for either Attack or Defense since he hasn't selected Form Maneuver yet and he is Constitution Skill based. That grants him extra Stamina each round, normally he would pay 20 for ##Jedi Ready but it's only 15. Can you tell now the result for this Turn?
  4. Voe was lucky and rolled the max number - 10, which grants him the full damage with the ##Offensive stance - 9 times 10, plus extra 10 for Strenght (+1*Roll) and another 10 for ##Disarming Slash (+1*Roll). Since he Rolled 10 which was the Critical Hit for ##Disarming Slash, he gets the bonus: Disarms an opponent and can attack again! Now let's roll Retaliation's stats for his defense.
  5. Correct. You'll see once we do a first roll.
  6. Let's get started before the Forum removes my post for the 5th time by saved text Normally I would roll a dice for challengers to determine who starts since in a challenged duel there is no predetermined starter (however a voted Champion always starts first). In this situation, I let @Voestarts first. Let's check the Duel tracker now: Duel tracker tracks all the attributes for each player and calculates the Attack/Defence/Stamina values based on a roll. I think it's pretty straightforward if you have any questions you can ask though. @Voe is Attacking this turn, he has to select a ##Ready Stance. Optionally, he can also select Form Maneuver or even cast the Force Combat Action (according to his PM).
  7. Alright, it's time for some Dueling Practice. If you want to become the ultimate champion, you might as well pay attention. In this section, I would normally introduce our esteemed lightsaber duelists, but since it's a tutorial Duel, we leave that for the next one. How to Duel: The Duel is broken into Turns, each turn consisting of Attack and Defence phase. When your turn begins, you are the attacker and the opponent is defending, then your opponent's turn starts, he's attacking, and you're defending. You can only call actions during the attack phase though, so you have to think ahead too. Besides Health and Force Points, there are now three more attributes that control the Duel: Attack, Defense, and Stamina. Attack value determines your attack value during your attack turn. Defense determines your defense value during your defense turn. When a player attacks, he deals damage based on your attack and the opponent's defense value (DAMAGE = YOUR ATTACK - OPPONENT'S DEFENSE). Note: If the Defender successfully defends against the attacker (his Defence is greater than Attack), and he has an attack value greater than the attacker's defense, he can counterattack back. Stamina is the cost of each attack or defense (no matter the result). Each Duelant starts with 100 Stamina points, and if they run out of Stamina, they can no longer attack nor defend. They need to wait their turn in order to Rest first to regain Stamina. Every time you are attacking or defending, you are also rolling a dice (from 0-10), the dice will ultimately multiply your result. If you roll 0 you will miss, if you roll 10 you will achieve a critical hit. Critical hits can change the outcome of the turn pretty quickly. Dice values will be determined by RAND() function in my tracker. To understand the Duel actions, let's explain these three terms: Ready Stance Form Maneuver Force Combat Action Ready Stance is basically your defining move. If you want to be aggressive, defensive, balanced or resting during your turn, you need to select your Ready Stance first. It will determine your Attack, Defense and Stamina values during your attack and defense phase. There are 4 basic Stances: ##Jedi Ready (-25 Stamina) - gain +5d Attack and +5d Defence: This is your balanced Stance, low cost and providing average attributes for both attack and defense (set as default). ##Defensive (-20 Stamina) - gain +9d Defence: This is your standard Defensive Stance. If you want to stale for time or wear out your opponent from Stamina. ##Offensive (-30 Stamina) - gain +9d Attack: If you want to start aggressively and with a very little chance of OTK your opponent, this is your choice. However, it costs the most stamina. ##Center of Being (+30 Stamina) - rest to gain extra Stamina, you can't attack nor defend. You can't overload your stamina unless you use some sort of Force Action that will allow it. Your Combat skills also help modify the above: With Strength Combat Skill, you get +1 bonus Attack for Offensive Stance and Jedi Ready With Dexterity Combat Skill, you get +1 bonus Defence for Defensive Stance and Jedi Ready With Constitution Combat Skill, you use less Stamina per round by 5 points, and gain extra 5 with Center of Being Form Maneuvers are special moves that grant you extra bonuses for attack or defense during your turns, but also provide a special bonus in case you roll a critical hit, or yield other bonuses. Form Maneuvers are related to seven Forms of Lightsaber combat, each providing a set of Maneuver respectively for strength, dexterity, and constitution. You can advance to next Form to learn new sets of Maneuvers, but only if you win the Duel (so get to it!). For example, a tier 1 Maneuver for a Strenght is "##Disarming Slash" adds extra +1 damage to the Attack formula and also provides a bonus for Critical Hit (when 10 is rolled) to disarm the opponent and gain extra attack turn for the user. During the Duel, you can use each of the learned Force Combat actions ONCE. Unlike the Stance moves and Form Maneuvers, they don't cost stamina but just like Force Night Actions (don't confuse them), they cost Force Points. Although the Combat ones are much cheaper (ten times cheaper for each tier respectively), so you don't have to worry if you run low on Force Points before attending a Duel. However, your timing has to good, since you only get one chance to use each of the Force actions. You can only use one Force combat action per turn. Duel Special Rules: The Duel is an elimination phase where one of the Duelists is declared a winner and one looser. The loser is eliminated from the Game. A winner is determined by the Duel outcome: Last person alive, or in case of unfinished Duel, the player who dealt most damage (not remaining HP). Any Player can surrender at any time (##surrender should do it). Note that by ##surrendering you are dramatically decreasing the chances of your affiliated party to win this game. If neither of the players inflicts any damage to each other (doesn't matter if on purpose or not), they are both disqualified and both eliminated from the Game. For each turn, a player has a maximum of 8 hours to respond (take turn). After that period, GM can pass the turn to another player. Everyone else who is not participating in the Duel is not allowed to post (except for Tutorial of course). If you try to help anyone, you'll get penalized. I reserve the right to change the Duel mechanics in order to balance some issues that might turn up (but not during a live duel). In case one of the Duelist is not available for the whole period of the phase (a total of 48 hours if we count the Night/Rest Phase too), the Duel can be extended by extra 24 hours. I'll only extend it if the said player was excused in advance. In rare occasions, I can allow one of the eliminated players to take place for an occupied player if that player agrees to it in advance. In case you have questions or see a mistake, PM me asap, later changes won't be accepted.
  8. It seems it will take me some time to write all this down and prepare the tracker so I'll need an hour or two, or few even.
  9. TBH Retal always autocorrects Retail, so it's not even a joke at this point
  10. Basically, no one is immune to be voted as Sith in Jedi Council, not even the Champion. However you can't vote same Champion to fight twice in row in the Duel.
  11. You are still stronk with the Death Note my young DeathNoteawan.
  12. I can only shorten the Council Day (but not more than 24 hours) if necessary since I need to be present for the Duel when it starts, and that's usually best during phase breaks.
  13. [Vote Counted] Nodlied voted Voe to be the Champion in the Duel! [Callenge] Voe challenged Retaliation in the Duel! [Callenge Accepted] Retaliation accepts Voe's challenge in the Duel! These votes that are posted after Challenge Accept are meaningless: Final Day 0 CVC: Voe and Retaliation will meet in the Duel ~5 hours!
  14. Voting phase is over, let me summarize.
  15. I am very curious if you will be as brave during Day 1 when lifes will be at stake
  16. Voe wasn't marked as Sith and wasn't challenged so we might have our first Duel. Note that entering a duel means that at least one of those players will be eliminated from the game permanently, so next Council meetings won't yield as much challenges (unless players feel very very confident :p)
  17. [Challenge] Jeod challenged Category 5 in the Duel!
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