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About Xyrom

  • Birthday 05/08/1991

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  1. Here's a tester and yes it's close to being ready to being released, is fun, and like said before the things that need worked on are getting worked on. There's a definite difference in game play but you have to remember that all these use the same engine so you'll obviously see some similarities that will stick. And about servers I believe there's a server list that the server has to get added to to be on the launcher's server list.
  2. nice job once again occult and the war miner is looking great OWA!
  3. Congrats Occult!! and thanks for all you help the past couple of weeks!
  4. i have a thought about yuri maybe you could switch between yuri and the mind controlled then the controlled unit would be more useful than just a bot. if you could switch you could still manage yuri to keep him out of trouble but still make good use of the unit captured. though it could just be a pain to do....
  5. looking good guys =) remember this is an indie not a mod
  6. actually i think it didn't get on because of it being on the top 5 last year and can't be on it twice in a row without having a large update (Basically haven't released gamma). so unfortunately since gamma didn't come before the awards no top 5 : (
  7. testing yay it would be nice if i could get into it
  8. allied barracks is awesome i can view RA3 in its full glory but tanks will travel 0.0000001 mph the Apocalypse Tank 0.0000000000000000000000000000001 mph
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