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A game mechanic

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Not only do I provide object and unit concepts, I also like conjuring up gameplay mechanics!


A concept I've been working on for a while involves intelligence and tracking. I confess that I have been working this idea in regards to Shnappz's Pax Europa but I think it could work in any of the w3d games, or really any team-based FPS. If you're reading this Shnappz, I think this suggestion would go well with your game, and to everyone else, if you think it would go well with yours then go ahead! I believe it would be suited to a slower paced game then TSR or AR however.


There are three components to this system, the first would be an annotated gameplay map that each team has access to. A regular map showing all your teams units would be present in your radar-type building while each player receives a version only showing terrain, it would show the map and break it into sections; sector 1, 2, 3, building 1, bridge 5 etc. This map would replace the 'radar' mini map so that individual units cannot see each other on the map.


The second element would be a dynamic voice report system. This would be the most difficult part I believe. Instead of the generic "enemy sighted" voice commands, a player would have the option to choose from tasks like "report current location", "confirm", "request report of current location", "report enemy sighted", "request backup", "report unit down" etc. They could do this in a similar method to as is now used, holding alt and then pressing a number key. Once chosen a message will be played to the team mates over their radios. Here's an example; the player chooses to report an enemy sighted at their location. The following message is played to the team; "This is Unit 005, report hostile sighted in sector A-2". The message is created by the game from a series of samples;

  1. Radio intro sample
  2. "This is Unit"
  3. "0"
  4. "0"
  5. "5"
  6. "report hostile sighted in"
  7. "sector"
  8. "A"
  9. "2"
  10. Radio outro sound

To mask the 'rough edges' that would result, static and radio effects can be employed.


Finally the third and most interesting part; I suggest setting it up so that teams have the ability to intercept each others messages. Each team could have a 'spy' type unit or vehicle, that can receive enemy transmissions from their radios. This would create interesting scenarios with ambushes and traps as well as the possibility to provide misinformation etc.



There are quite a few problems, I'll admit it. Maybe they can be worked around or out, or maybe not. Here are the ones I see:

  • Players use skype or teamspeak, meaning there would be no point in using a slower, in-game method of team communication. (unless perhaps there's some reward to using the in game methods?)
  • People spamming voice messages
  • No method to 'reply' to a message (at least not without some sort of UI which would slow things down), causing confusion
  • Makes for a slow game (not really a problem if that's what you're going for)
  • Without getting very complex the information you would be sending can't really go beyond simple unit movements


I agree it seems like a lot of work for questionable gain, but with some discussion maybe we can come up with something better :)

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Hey Squid,


I really like the concept, i think instead of an all out slug fest it would make for a more tactical game. It's bridges the gap between an FPS & RTS in a way.


I like the idea a lot. I don't know enough about the W3D engine at this stage to be sure if it's possible. I'm sure one of the guys here would be able to say if it is or not.


Gotta admit though, it would add a really interesting dynaic into gameplay.


If W3D can do it, i'll try and implement it.

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All the w3d games really need a simple marking system, just like Q or Tab work in different team based games. It basically goes down to marking them which will then be distributed to other team players either via map/gui/sound or all three if possible.


The absence of marking enemies is sometimes driving me nuts, especially when you're trying to find your enemies from a longer distance.

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Hey Squid,


I really like the concept, i think instead of an all out slug fest it would make for a more tactical game. It's bridges the gap between an FPS & RTS in a way.


I like the idea a lot. I don't know enough about the W3D engine at this stage to be sure if it's possible. I'm sure one of the guys here would be able to say if it is or not.


Gotta admit though, it would add a really interesting dynaic into gameplay.


If W3D can do it, i'll try and implement it.


Yeah I'm not sure how w3d works so I have no clue if it's even possible... any famous n̶e̶r̶d̶s̶ experts around to have a look at it?


All the w3d games really need a simple marking system, just like Q or Tab work in different team based games. It basically goes down to marking them which will then be distributed to other team players either via map/gui/sound or all three if possible.


The absence of marking enemies is sometimes driving me nuts, especially when you're trying to find your enemies from a longer distance.


Good idea... again I wonder if w3d can manage that, it's a native function I'm sure and would require a lot of work probably, but I agree it would be great to have it.


I went ahead and made a concept sample 'conversation' using a bunch of phrases I recorded. I added some heavy distortion to get a vocoder feeling, because I guess that could be used to explain how all the players have the same voice >.>


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w3d has Get_Target or Reticle fuction (or however it was called) i didnt code for a while but it exists. this function has neen already used in the earlyer days to desplay the distance of the target on the reticle. so it would be easy to display a 2D texture on the target gameobject. keyhooks are also included so no problem :D


so battlefields Q key is possible

Edited by rackz
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w3d has Get_Target or Reticle fuction (or however it was called) i didnt code for a while but it exists. this function has neen already used in the earlyer days to desplay the distance of the target on the reticle. so it would be easy to display a 2D texture on the target gameobject. keyhooks are also included so no problem :D


so battlefields Q key is possible


That sounds awesome! I wonder why no one has tried it yet?

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