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Author: General Havoc

Skill level: 1



Getting Started


This tutorial will guide you through making a working teleport on a map. After you have completed this tutorial you should have enough information to add a teleport zone to any map. I will guide you through each step of making a teleport zone. You may wish to skip some steps if you know what your doing. The teleport works using a custom script written by Dante that needs to be setup correctly for it to work.



1) Setting Up The Map


Before we can begin to implement the teleport script we need to set up some objects to teleport to, these will be used in the script but not necessarily be seen in the game. First thing is to load up your terrain into the Level Editor.



After you have loaded up your terrain into Level Edit we can start to add the objects required for the script to work. The fist thing you will probably want to do is add an object to indicate where the teleport zone is. You can either use a preset (e.g. a pedestal) or make your own model in gmax and import it into Level Edit or you can just leave it and use a feature of the map to indicate where the zone is (e.g. a doorway into something). This object has no function, it`s just to tell the player where the teleport is because the script zones are invisible in the game. Add your object to the map.



The next step is to add a script zone that will indicate to the script the zone that any object goes within will be teleported. You will find the script zone under Object > Script Zone > Script_Zone_All. Make this object so it appears on the map, move the zone so that it covers the area you wish the object to be teleported in. You can size the zone using the back dots in the corners, holding shift will allow you to drag the zone upwards. it doesn`t have to completely cover the object or area, an it doesn`t need to be as tall as the object your teleporting. The next step is to set the destination for where you want to teleport to. This is the point where you choose what method to use. Dante`s teleport script has two parameters, only one of them should be used. The one tells the script to teleport the object to an XYZ location and the other one tells it to teleport the object to another object (using the objects ID). Each method is as effective as each other.



This is the first method, this uses XYZ coordinates to teleport an object. The object that enters the script zone we made will be teleported to specific coordinates we pick. if your teleporting infantry you can use any object to get the coordinates, but if you want to be accurate then it`s best to use a model from the presets such as a spawner found under Object > Spawner > Startup Spawners > Renegade Spawner. Place the spawner somewhere on your map and it`s best to make sure its aligned with the ground when you move it (Ctrl + D) then after you have it in the correct place where you want your teleported object to go to double click the spawner on the map. A box will appear, click the position tab and note down the X, Y and Z coordinates for later use. After you have got the coordinates, delete the object.



This is the second method, this uses an object`s ID to teleport an object. The object that enters the script zone we made will be teleported to this object that we add to the map. This allows use to see where we are teleporting to on the map but is no different in game to the first method. You may find that the different methods are useful for something. Place an object on the map, Daves arrows are probably the best thing to use as they don`t show up in game. There found under Object > Simple > Daves Arrows. Place the arrow on the map where you want to teleport to, make sure there is enough room for the object spawned to fit, you may have to adjust the object`s position later if you find that your being teleported into the ground. Once the object is placed double click the object and then note down the objects ID found in the box. Do not delete the object after you have it`s ID number.



2) Setting Up The Script


The last stages are to setup the actual script so that it is linked to everything we have made so far. go back to the script zone we made earlier and double click it. Then got to the scripts tab and click "add" this will bring up a box similar to the one in the picture below. from the "type" list you should see a list of different scripts, if you don`t see them then you have not installed the scripts into your mod folder correctly, follow the process at the start and check to see if you did everything correctly. From the list of scripts scroll down until you find "TDA_Teleport_Zone" select that then you should see the same as below.



You should see a section with the title "parameters", this is where you select the parameter according to how you set up the map. You must only use one of the parameters of the script or it may have undesired effects in the game. Select the "Location" parameter if you are using the XYZ to teleport to and the "Object_ID" parameter if your using another object to teleport to.



If your using the "location" parameter fill in the X, Y and Z coordinates you noted down earlier in the three boxes on the window. After that click "ok" then it`s finished.



If your using the "Object_ID" parameter then you have to fill in the object ID that you noted down earlier in this box. Remember you only use one parameter.



3) Testing


Congratulations, you have successfully added a teleport to your map. You can now save it and test it in renegade. You may need to adjust it if it is not working as it should. Follow each step carefully again if you think you may have messed something up. Good Luck!



4) Credits


This tutorial was written by General Havoc (Robert Hunt)


I`d like to thank Dante for getting this script working and originally writing the script and may others. Also John Wilson for working on the scripts.dll.


Also many thanks to the many people who help on the Westwood Mod Forums.


Finally of course Westwood Studios for the excellent series of C&C Games.


Let Westwood Live on!

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