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Custom Shaped Script Zones


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Author: moonsense715

Skill level: 2



This tutorial will show you how to create a custom shaped script zone because inside LevelEdit you can only create box shaped ones.

In Reborn, this technique is used to define underwater zones and areas where Sub-APCs and Devils Tongue vehicles can not dig/surface.



1. Create the zone model


Launch GMax-RenX or 3ds Max.

Create a model that will be the shape of your script zone. It must be a convex shape. The faces can look inwards or outwards it does not matter. Here's mine:


Tick Physical at Collision Options (Utilities tab -> W3D Tools).


If your custom shaped zone is map specific, you must position it perfectly in 3d space to where it should be on your map. For example, I made an underwater zone and positioned it at the lake:



Now export this single zone model (hide/delete everything else in the scene) as W3D format, Terrain type.



2. Add the zone in LevelEdit


In LE, browse down to Object -> Script Zone, and Temp that or any other zone you prefer to copy initial settings from.

Name it then switch to the Settings tab.

Browse your script zone's model at ModelName and point it to the zone w3d file you just exported:



The rest of the settings is up to you, along with the scripts tab if you wish to add extra script effects. Note that if CheckStarsOnly is enabled, the zone will only affect players and not bots. Up to you to tick it or not.


Hit OK to finish creating/modding the script zone.



3. Placing the script zone


Place the script zone by clicking Make.

Set its position to the origin of the map by double clicking on the zone, going to the Position tab and changing the x, y, and z positions to 0. Then click OK.

You don't need to change its rotation or size, the shape that appears when you hit Make will be replaced by the custom shape you created earlier.


Have fun with your new custom shaped zone :) 





Note: from engine version 5.0 onwards, custom shaped script zones can be moved away from the origin (0,0,0) world location. This means they can be proxied by buildings and are not restricted to be exported individually on every map when buildings want to use them.

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