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Showing most liked content on 11/17/2011 in all areas

  1. If it is meaningless, then there is no content to this blog and I stand corrected. We might as well be reading comics in the newspaper here, for all it counts for. But the opposition, refusal to cooperate with reasonable debate, and word bending I've been witnessing here either speaks volumes about the immutable hubris at work here within the leadership I've witnessed, or that this change is important/intended/planned to be introduce as is regardless of community opinion just as seriously as any other of the changes in this blog. Especially judging by such conditions I would bet that debate once actual effort has gone into the design and implementation would be infinitely more futile than what I attempt here and now. All I have said on the matter ends here. If Wally wishes to reply with reason (of which the motivations of his design still remain unsaid) then so be it, but there's nothing more for me to argue. Reason, respect, and empathy fall upon deaf ears here, where things seem to be more about a battle of will and assertion of authority, which I honestly care little for or I would have instead applied directly to the team rather than remain a simple part of the community. There's some strange irrational fear of discussion, as though it were a sign of weakness, here.
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  2. Why don't we just call it a "Blaster" or "Photon" or "Plasma Burst/Charge" projectile or something like that? The fact of the matter is that it's a glowing blast of light coming from Umagon's rifle that isn't an instant hit-scan. What it is called really shouldn't matter at this point in time... it's how it is intended to act in game. Let the guy shape the gameplay and create elements before you start nitpicking them...
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  3. Umagon will now get an upgrade to "Ion Ammo" ...now do I get 6 more pages of pointless bitching? Tune in next week to see this pointless name crap continues.
  4. So you have a problem with her getting an ammo that burns on contact is what your saying? Your either mad about the name or your mad about the function. We tell you that the name means dick and then you switch your argument to the function. Look, we have absolutely no problem with her getting burning ammo. It's a good upgrade. It's awesome. However, what we do have a problem with is your persistent intention to depict it as "laser ammo" (despite incendiary ammo being the logically obvious choice) and, therefore, go completely against the laws of physics, C&C lore, and common sense. Look, I am trying really hard to contain my nitpickiness, but this just makes no sense at all to me. Why name/portray it as a laser? Why give it a beam effect to make it look like a laser? Why not just call it 'incendiary ammo', or at least give it an effect to make it look like incendiary ammo (Ex. APB's DB shot)? I really don't want to give you a hard time about this, but I'm having serious difficulty trying to understand your reasoning here.
  5. I still call the auto marksman a sniper because that's what it is. Essentially all man-portable laser or railgun weaponry doesn't make sense, but does that mean no video game should have them? No, because video games are not supposed to entirely make sense.
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