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Showing most liked content on 10/31/2012 in all areas

  1. Intro Welcome to the Halloween update! (Although there's nothing really scary or Halloween-related about it). We've been hard at work on AR this month, getting lots of new art assets ready to get in-game and forging ahead with the project as best we can. Our new team members have fitted right in so far and we're all having fun making this game into something that you guys will really enjoy playing when the time comes. OWA has been working on finding a job and may have something exciting coming up. dtrngd release Beta 2 to the testers and it's going down really well! (New tester signups will be happening after we have a staff meeting with the other BHP teams). ChAoS has been rigging weapons (with a little help from Eggman891) for first and third person views. These look great so far, but more on those next month. Byamarro has been working on a few different things; textures, odd bits of artwork and a video with FelipeCZ. Bogdan has done some more work on destroying civilian structures. Check out the new bridges further down! Dawnblaze is modelling lots of nice structures and weapons. (His latest project is rather Grand). Teamwolf managed to get Isle of War ready for Beta 2, so we have a new map to play with now! Catalyst is a pony and he knows it. That's just about all of the team news for now, let's get to the meaty bits of news! New Staff Another comrade has joined our cause to bring this game to the fans faster: let's give a warm welcome to Romanov! He is here to create nice models and slap some great paintwork onto them as well, which means he is a 3D/2D artist! New G.I. Romanov jumped into work right away and with a few design instructions and help from One Winged Angel, he has produced us a new GI. Those of you may have seen the other model by Fango two years ago, but unfortunately he has gotten busy and we never got the chance to get the model. Nevertheless, the new model is here, and is going to be textured fairly soon. Updated AR Intro Byamarro and FelipeCZ has been working together to create a new game logo intro for us. It's still not complete, but here's a preview of it: <iframe width="640" height="480" src=" http://www.youtube.com/embed/P2WtbwyHVKk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> Portable Flak Cannon Dawnblaze has produced a fresh new Portable Flak Cannon model for the Soviet Flak Trooper. It's the portable version of the regular Soviet Flak Cannon defense, nigthmare of all those Harriers, Nighthawks, Rocketeers and anything else that is an airborne threat to the Motherland! A Bridge Too Near (The Road) Now that our first urban type map, Isle of War is getting into the beta test builds, we were in need of the bridges and roads from Red Alert 2; but with better art than we had before. First, Ric has created the roads: They are very easy to place next to each other and match perfectly, so mappers will have some fun putting these around their cities. Just like those Lego road tiles you can get. Second, BogdanV is currently working on the bridges and their destroyed variants. Here's a glance of what they will look like after shooting them to "death": Note that this is still a WIP image of the bridges, the models and textures aren't 100% complete yet. Random RA2 Corner What if Yuri's army was part of the RA2 Allied and Soviet storylines? What if the Allied forces were to run into Yuri's psychic defenses when rushing the Kremlin in the final mission? The answer is below! Also, some Nintendo themed videos this time! <iframe width="640" height="480" src=" http://www.youtube.com/embed/sAzzbrFgcUw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> <iframe width="853" height="480" src=" http://www.youtube.com/embed/sAtWQ_xn0kI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> End Thanks for reading this update! There had to be something Halloween related in all of this, so here is the Monster Mash. <iframe width="640" height="480" src=" http://www.youtube.com/embed/AxcM3nCsglA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
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