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Showing most liked content on 03/05/2013 in all areas

  1. Hey, I wish English was more phonetically-spelt too, but unless a major reform happens (which sadly won't happen since English is so widespread now), then I shall continue to insist on proper spelling. Pərsənəlee, if ii cʊd tshaanj thu speling uv Inglish, it wʊd probublee lʊk sumthing liik this.
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  2. Seriously? So now the testers aren't allowed to debate balancing with the outside community because some of the older blogs got heated? Nothing here was discussed that wasn't already mentioned in the blog, dude, and there wasn't even the slightest hint at shit-slinging. Sorry buddy, but if you wanted to avoid conflict this was the last post you could have made- care to rephrase that in a way that doesn't indicate a grudge against how some of the older blogs were handled? Testers should really be talking about the game balance of the test builds in the testing forum. It's fairly logical right? Seeing as the current test build's balance isn't representative of what the release build's balance will be; if someone says "X unit is broken and will kill Y unit when Z happens", it can unintentionally stir up worries over whether the final build will be balanced or not. Saying that, "sometimes debates and discussions in here turn into pointless shit slinging" is quite a bold statement to make, but the the key word you're looking for here is sometimes.
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